Our advancement as a human species has been spurred by a combination of technical and intellectual progress. We Become Premium to read the whole document. 1993. As part of my research in Antarctica, I made an experimental documentary film titledNightfall on Gaia(93 min, 2015), which screened internationally at various important film festivals. Traphagan JW. Research Guides: IDS 400 - Diversity: Lenses Identified Visit our sister blog LSE Review of Books. everyday lives and create new technologies that will aid us further. Why I stopped worrying about the definition of lifeand why you should as well. From left to right: Mission Specialists(MS) Richard J. Hieb, Thomas D. Akers, and Pierre J. Thuot. By the end of the decade, the Voyager spacecraft had sent back detailed images of Jupiter and Saturn, their rings, and their moons. laid out to aid in exploring the Moons surface. Hard choices will have to be made when the time comes to explore the oceans of Europa (which may contain a scientific treasure trove of complex life) as this will require the use of probes contaminated with terrestrial microbes. Social Science and Natural Science Lens view of space exploration in different, Social science views space exploration as a key to our human existence , and. If you have ever used yellow lensed glasses for driving at night (helps reduce glare), it colors the way we actually see and experience the world. Technologies that were initially developed for space exploration, such as. However, it has also tested the limits of our creativity and ability to solve abstract social problems. lunar.gsfc.nasa/about.html. Thelma is a PhD candidate in the Department of Social Policy at LSE. You may use as many slides per section as you think you need. the Day, 73(1), 1216. Some of the projects I have developed in Antarctica entail studying the cultural dynamics of human communities making themselves at home and living transiently in extreme environments. As we continue to pursue this dream, we should recognise that it is only through the intentional amalgamation of both STEM and SHAPE fields that we can determine the speed of progress and the rate of success. In this post Thelma Obiakor, argues that by appreciating the contribution of the social sciences, humanities and arts (SHAPE disciplines) it is possible to develop a more complete understanding of space exploration as a collective human endeavour, something that is often neglected by . xmlns:xsl='http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform'">. The humanities attempt to convey the human experience in many different forms and styles, recognizing that there is no singular condition or medium to convey that. Space exploration - Science in space | Britannica Skylab, Americas first space station, was a human-spaceflight highlight of the 1970s, as was the Apollo Soyuz Test Project, the worlds first internationally crewed (American and Russian) space mission. The space race was then followed by an era of space cooperation, highlighted by the International Space Station. Scientific research in space can be divided into five general areas: (1) solar and space physics, including study of the magnetic and electromagnetic fields in space and the various energetic particles also present, with particular attention to their interactions with Earth, (2) exploration of the planets, moons, asteroids, comets, meteoroids, and dust in the solar system, (3) study of the origin, evolution, and current state of the varied objects in the universe beyond the solar system, (4) research on nonliving and living materials, including humans, in the very low gravity levels of the space environment, and (5) study of Earth from space. To address this problem, I begin with an overview of how humanists think and how their approach can be helpful to the sciences in addressing complex social and conceptual questions. Social Issues in Space Exploration: A Call for Broader Dialogue. Space exploration can be viewed as the quintessential achievement of technological and scientific modernity. As a colleague observed, Everyone will say this stuff is important, but if you want to know whether they mean it, look at their budget.. Social science views space exploration as a key to our human existence , and how it could affect our society if there is life out there in space. Social Issues in Space Exploration: A Call for Broader Dialogue Puzzled, the VPR followed up with, OK, thats nice, but what about your research? While he deserved credit for asking the question, he clearly lacked the frame of reference to understand the answer. The Social Sciences As people are social beings, social science is the study of society and the relationships between people. Your email address will not be published. Capova KA, Persson E, Milligan T, Dunr D, eds. Robust collaboration requires more than expressions of personal support for inclusion. During the 1960s, unmanned spacecraft photographed and probed the Moon before astronauts ever landed. Such concerns motivated the establishment of the Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications (ELSI) research program of the Human Genome Project, which encouraged humanists to think ahead to a future when genetic technology will be commonplace. 2014. These were followed by the Solar Maximum Mission satellite (launched 1980). I used speculative fiction as a narrative device combined with my ethnographic research to depict the lives and visions of human communities living transiently in the Antarctic Peninsula between 2011 and 2014. Both are dedicated to the goal of discovering truths through systematic, rational investigation. The NASA Astrobiology Roadmap. Not Take for instance, the words of NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) engineer Diana Trujillo, who helped design the robotic arm of the Perseverance rover. : an American History (Eric Foner), Forecasting, Time Series, and Regression (Richard T. O'Connell; Anne B. Koehler), Chemistry: The Central Science (Theodore E. Brown; H. Eugene H LeMay; Bruce E. Bursten; Catherine Murphy; Patrick Woodward), Civilization and its Discontents (Sigmund Freud), Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Applications (Gay L. R.; Mills Geoffrey E.; Airasian Peter W.), Psychology (David G. Myers; C. Nathan DeWall), Campbell Biology (Jane B. Reece; Lisa A. Urry; Michael L. Cain; Steven A. Wasserman; Peter V. Minorsky), The Methodology of the Social Sciences (Max Weber), Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing (Janice L. Hinkle; Kerry H. Cheever), Biological Science (Freeman Scott; Quillin Kim; Allison Lizabeth), Business Law: Text and Cases (Kenneth W. Clarkson; Roger LeRoy Miller; Frank B. Images like this illustrate the type of findings that have inspired several return trips to Mars. This can be for public consumption, but can also be a means of conceptualising and designing technology and machinery used in space exploration. Presentation on Space Exploration through the Social Science and History Lenses - Space Exploration - Studocu In this assignment, we had to put together all the research we had done and choose two topics to discuss our chosen topic through. Technological and scientific progress as the future unfolds depends on convergences among fields and disciplines, especially those that have rarely cooperated in the past. As in Earth-based research and development, responsible planning for missions to other worlds (especially crewed missions) must take account of social/environmental/ethical issues. conducted in the past, we would be without After World War II, the United States and the Soviet Union created their own missile programs. Avoid tokenism: The point of collaboration is not to involve humanists per se, but to involve them. Consider this interaction between faculty in a humanities college and a vice president for research with a background in engineering. Choosing not to engage with ethics ultimately means that important influences on personal and professional behavior are not subjected to critical scrutiny. Technology in the Social Sciences - IDS 403 - Technology and Society If you know your browser is up to date, you should check to ensure that Anthropological studies such as archaeoastronomy (how people understood the sky in the past) and ethnoastronomy (current cultural perceptions of the sky), have investigated how humans throughout history have looked up to the sky and wondered where we come from, why were here, and where were going. It has been visited by astronauts, cosmonauts, and space tourists from 17 different nations. Astrobiology, Discovery, and Societal Impact. Satellites were used to provide information on enemy troop formations and movements, early warning of enemy missile attacks, and precise navigation in the featureless desert terrain. Consider the recent breakthrough in space exploration and discuss the breakthrough by analyzing it with the four lenses? In this creative work, I am hoping to develop a series of collaborations with First Nations artists and filmmakers in Australia, Chile, and the United States. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. 2021. According to the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter website, on Washington: National Academies Press. What are some characteristics of social science lens? (The station is also fictional, as unlike the International Space Station, there is no real International Antarctic Station). On July 20, 1969, astronaut Neil Armstrong took one giant leap for mankind as he stepped onto the Moon. Going back to the moon Speeches of An inclusive approach that actively and substantively involves humanists in discussions of the social dimensions of space science will enrich understanding, better reflect diverse opinion, and produce more thoughtful decisions and policies. During the 1970s, efforts to teach and research the social science and humanities aspects of the space program were reintensified. A universal definition of life: Autonomy and open-ended evolution. The humanities and the social sciences in particular can shape the way we think about our relationship with space. expect to see sustainable habitation on the Red Planet? Twenty-four successful shuttle launches fulfilled many scientific and military requirements until Jan. 28,1986, when just 73 seconds after liftoff, the space shuttle Challenger exploded. Inclusivity means not just were allowed to be there but we are valued.. NRC [National Research Council]. They do, however, play pivotal roles in anticipating scenarios, in social and cultural perceptions of space futures, and in developing critical modes for interrogating how futures are made and unmade. 1. There are also structural advantages to involving humanists in interdisciplinary contexts. The human endeavour that most embodies this progress is space exploration. Natural science views space exploration as something that needs to be explored more and needs to have better technology to explore other planets and travel deeper into space. Brin D. 2014. Today, outer space has become part of the remit of anthropologists, philosophers, historians, geographers, scholars in science and technology studies, and art practice researchers. The humanities are disciplines [that] concern the study of distinctively human actions and works; for example history, philology (language, literature, linguistics), philosophy, theology and studies of Antiquity (Cosgrove, 2009, para. I am curious about the history of space exploration. There is now a ready supply of humanists well positioned to serve in this role. Washington. Consider the following questions that we might ask in thinking about the social science lens and how her joining NASA and completing mission STS-47 impacted the world. Without the research and exploration attempts 1999. According to the OECD's latest report, The Space Economy in Figures: How Space Contributes to the Global Economy, the overall economy has grown by 11.6% because of space programs. Social science lens focuses on how space exploration has impacted socitey and how some of the inventions have improved the quality of life. They can describe how space imaginaries are envisioned and performed, and how space futures are being pre-empted, prefigured, and prepared for. In: Social and Conceptual Issues in Astrobiology, eds Smith KC, Mariscal C. Oxford: Oxford University Press. understand what the best steps are to This fascination led her to learn more about data systems this led to a successful career building databases and working at an Aerospace startup before landing her role at NASA. Ultimately, 180 specific exploration objectives have been Active engagement of humanists in discussions of the social dimensions of space science will enrich understanding and produce more thoughtful decisions and policies. For example, Steven Dick is the former NASA historian and perhaps the person most involved in the growth of this community. Messages have been sent to potentially inhabited alien worlds, but they have mostly been publicity stunts. It was the second loss of a shuttle in 113 shuttle flights. Presentation on Space Exploration through the Social Science - Studocu The Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover mission was undertaken and overseen by a team consisting of a mix of scientists, social scientists and artists, it is a clear example of how space exploration has always been a multi-disciplinary endeavour. com.ezproxy.snhu/hrc/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=3&sid They can explain how space is an arena that is negotiated, contested, colonized, and tamed. 570144272d5a%40sessionmgr102. I think it is critical to take Indigenous perspectives into account not only regarding consideration of outer space activities long-term sustainability but also regarding humanitys place in the cosmos. are they to us? In particular, humanists often seek to complicate existing answers, especially if they appear to be, as H.L. In an interview with Filling Space, he talks about how social science structures will help shape what humanities future looks like beyond our atmosphere. [1] These groups include philosophers, historians, theologians, anthropologists, psychologists, and political scientists, among others. it is apparent the main goal for space exploration is to; better our lives. This program was responsible for the U.S. Wind (1994) and Polar (1996) spacecraft, the European Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO; 1995) and Cluster (2000) missions, and the Japanese Geotail satellite (1992). Humanists often seek to complicate existing answers, especially This is in direct response to the explosion of national and global interest in space in the past decade. On Oct. 4, 1957, the Soviets launched the first artificial satellite, Sputnik 1, into space. However, there is also a trend to understand Earth in unfamiliar terms, for example in astrobiology where analog sites and extreme environments are used as proxies on Earth to provide clues about alien life on other planets. These calls should be heeded. What policies should govern the exploration of other worlds? The humanist approach is different from science in its problem set, approach, and concept of success. 2. The development of ballistic missiles, first used by Germany toward the end of World War II, paved the way for the launch vehicles that would fuel a space race between the Soviet Union and the United States. (n.d.). To take only one, imagine where we would be without applications satellites. 2006. The danger is that, not knowing what they dont know, they may overestimate their ability to resolve these issues on their own, or apply an answer that is appropriate in one context to another, importantly different, context. Space systems continue to become more and more integral to homeland defense, weather surveillance, communication, navigation, imaging, and remote sensing for chemicals, fires, and other disasters. The Gulf War proved the value of satellites in modern conflicts. Chapter three presents materials for teaching interdisciplinary courses and topics, including observations from instructors who have offered such courses, and insights from faculty who have analyzed space technologies in debate format. Ethical discussion can certainly be frustrating, but ethical opinions shape everyones perceptions and actions in important ways. By using the history lens to look at space exploration, we Required fields are marked *. Satellites discovered an ozone hole over Antarctica, pinpointed forest fires, and gave us photographs of the nuclear power plant disaster at Chernobyl in 1986. During much of this period, space as area of research, discovery and action was a field of study which has been ruled for a long time by "natural sciences" only. We conclude that human space exploration can be a socially significant and cost-effective endeavor that is worthy of tax revenue expenditures because space behavioral science is highly likely to provide unique and useful knowledge to help address various social problems concerning terrestrial isolated and confined environments and support people I have begun reflecting on what some anthropologists have called emerging extraterrestrial modes of thinking about Earth. Paying attention and mobilizing certain imagined futures and not others often helps justify new investments in space science and technology. The topic I chose for this presentation is space exploration through the In the 1930s and 1940s, Nazi Germany saw the possibilities of using long-distance rockets as weapons. Over a two-week mission, six experts worked and lived in an immersive, Mars-like environment, demonstrating the corporations drive to evolve its expertise and innovation to meet future needs. craters, tectonic processes and volcanoes, and the lunar How close Turning to these more recent voyages into space, we can look to disciplines, such as history, anthropology, philosophy and ethics to understand why space exploration began, what we aim to find, and how we have and can ethically and responsibly organise ourselves to undertake it. Cross). Subscribe In this discussion, you will think about space. She describes being part of a group that can change history. While researching I learned a lot about space exploration through multiple lenses. only from a scientific and historical standpoint In this post Thelma Obiakor, argues that by appreciating the contribution of the social sciences, humanities and arts (SHAPE disciplines) it is possible to develop a more complete understanding of space exploration as a collective human endeavour, something that is often neglected by mainstream media accounts. Space exploration thus supports innovation and economic prosperity by stimulating advances in science and technology, as well as motivating the global scientific and technological workforce, thus enlarging the sphere of human economic activity. He has published numerous articles, anthologies, and monographs on these issues, including his most recent book, Astrobiology, Discovery, and Societal Impact (2018). Grades 4 - 12 Subjects This topic space exploration is being viewed by natural science lens because scientists and astronauts are dealing with matter and types of high efficiency energy to avoid any kind of pollution to this natural world. As a social and cultural researcher, I have made several documentary films in the past 15 years. forests, air quality and other aspects of the environment. 3). NASA and the Library of Congress have established the Blumberg Chair at the library to support researchers investigating the range and complexity of societal issues related to how life begins and evolves and to examine philosophical, religious, literary, ethical, legal, cultural, and other concerns.[4]. Social science and natural science lens view of space - Course Hero 2017. I would like to know our plan for terraforming and colonizing Mars. A 1978 survey of faculty suggested the need for a single volume that united introductory material on the various social science disciplines and the classroom experience of faculty already teaching in the field. But refusal to engage with the public on decisions with social import is not a viable long-term strategy (Smith 2017). With many different partners contributing to its design and construction, this high-flying laboratory has become a symbol of cooperation in space exploration, with former competitors now working together. Smith KC, Abney K. 2019. physical space exploration to become a reality. She got fascinated with the database and started to incorporate data systems into her personal art projects. We will continue to learn more about our planet, but eventually, we will run Chapter two is organized into sections representing seven disciplines (economics, history, international law and relations, philosophy, political science, psychology, and sociology) which allow faculty to relate a specific discipline to space technology and to adapt space-related issues to the teaching of that discipline. The search for answers to these existential questions has often led to a shared dream to soar beyond the skies. In this discussion, you will think about space exploration through the four lenses. I am hoping that this combination of social science and creative approaches may ultimately animate and inform a more diverse public engagement with space. Chapter one outlines characteristics and attributes of the shuttle and the technologies scheduled for transport to orbit. The final shuttle mission was completed with the landing of Atlantis on July 21, 2011, closing the 30-year space shuttle program. those planets. The humanities, arts, and social sciences are not necessarily suitable for developing prediction tools. He is currently working on a project that studies how different visions and imaginaries of space futures are developing and affecting engagement with space. Astrosociology (Social Science of Space Exploration) NASA. An image of part of Mars Meridiani Planum, an area 2 degrees south of Mars equator, was taken by the Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) on NASAs Mars Odyssey orbiter. Canadas shameful history of nutrition research on residential school children: The need for strong medical ethics in Aboriginal health research. There are complex reasons for this, which means that change requires intentional, concerted action. For example, an anthropologist has argued for considering the possibility that attempts to message alien worlds might be dangerous to the aliens (Traphagan 2017). The bottom line is that humanists do bring important expertise to the table. The social science lens looks at how humans act in their social environment. The technologies that, have emerged because of space exploration are, very useful and have undoubtedly increased our, NASA has been using space technology to better the environment we live, in. This should change. Why Space Exploration Represents the Best of Humanity Modern space exploration is reaching areas once only dreamed about. An investigation determined the catastrophe was caused by a piece of foam insulation that broke off the shuttles propellant tank and damaged the edge of the shuttles left wing. I have always been fascinated by the so-called extreme environments on Earth, such as deserts and the polar regions. Hence, the second part of this space project is international in scope. shaped their civilizations. This approach may be fine for now, but its implicit social and ethical commitments require careful attention as more invasive missions are pursued. [2] The Bridge is to be applauded for regularly including humanist perspectives, but this is very unusual in scientific and technical publications. Note: This review gives the views of the author, and not the position of the LSE Impact Blog, or of the London School of Economics. Springer. up habitats for sustainability due to the almost constant [2] How many grants include humanists as co-PIs (or in any capacity)? Since the scientists involved in METI are not trained in ethical analysis, public policy, law, or even basic principles of social science such as informed consent, experts in these (and other) areas are clearly needed. With more people exploring and doing research on mars it make you sit back and wonder can humans actually live on another planet in this solar system? Benign neglect is nonetheless still neglect and, once established, it creates a feedback loop (Why should I go out of my way to include those people if nobody else is doing it?). Its important to keep in mind that the two camps are ultimately on the same team. Scientific paternalism and METI. This volume is the response to that need. (n.).Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. For these reasons, scientists and humanists alike should strive for more inclusive discussion, especially when it comes to questions that are extremely difficult to resolve. MacDonald NE. Space exploration through the social science lens | TutorsOnSpot An easy way to visualize this would be to think about it in terms of colors. The last section contains appendices with representative bibliographies, syllabi, and other materials (organized by discipline or interdisciplinary approach) which are most useful in curriculum development rather than for identifying teaching objectives. Space is often thought of as the realm of science and technology, but there are other disciplines that have roles to play in defining humanitys relationship with the cosmos. Bilateral or multilateral cooperation between various countries in carrying out space science missions grew to be the usual way of proceeding. Second, for many humanistic questions, refusing to attempt a thoughtful answer is simply not a viable option. She mentions that she would like that other Latinos understand that with dedication they canbe part of important missions in NASA, feeling that scientific discoveries not only have a positive impact on cultural identity, but also that of humanity. Image Credits: Image 1: (& featured image)Perseverance Rovers Cruise Stage Separation (Illustration),NASA/JPL-Caltech; Image 2:Mars Odyssey All Stars: Noctis Canyon,NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU; Images 3 & 4:Perseverance Touching Down on Mars (Illustration)&Perseverance Rovers Entry, Descent and Landing Profile, NASA/JPL-Caltech; all reproduced under NASA media usage guidelines. past and is ever more prudent for our future. This means I intend to engage with a diverse spectrum of imaginaries of outer space that are produced in a range of different historical, political, and technological contexts. (JN). Is there another planet that is earth like? Race M, Denning K, Bertka CM, Dick SJ, Harrison AA, Impey C, Mancinelli R. 2012. if they appear to beclear, simple, and wrong.. If so, how should those settlements be constituted and governed? Space exploration and the environmental movement have long been intertwined, with the latter galvanized by space-based imagery like the Apollo 17 crew's Blue Marble photo of the full Earth disk . Fortunately, the community of humanists both interested in and knowledgeable about these issues is growing rapidly, with a veritable explosion in research over the last 15 years (e.g., Cockell 2014; Schwartz 2020; Smith and Mariscal 2020). advance further. 2020. Space exploration has always piqued my interest. Because scientists are far better resourced and positioned to advocate for change, I believe they need to lead the way. Honestly, I knew very little when I selected this topic. poles. nasa-data-used-to-discover-eighth-planet-circling-. NASA - Societal Impact of the Space Age National Aeronautics and Space Administration, In this presentation, we will look at space, exploration through two of the four liberal art, I chose space exploration because I've done, research in the past on Apollo 13 and grew quite, fond of space since then.
how is space exploration viewed through social science lens