Any remaining Alternate Delegate positions which cannot be filled by election, shall be filled by appointment by the Precinct Chairman. The Contest and Credentials Committee shall have the final authority on and announce the eligibility of candidates to run for County Party Officers. If a citizen's residence or registration to vote in the Precinct is challenged, he shall vote on a provisional paper ballot which shall be counted, marked and set aside. The Chairman shall approve all requests for disbursements not included in the annual budget. 725 Cool Springs Blvd., Suite 600, Franklin, TN 37067 . Such reorganizations shall be accomplished in the manner set forth in these Rules. A winning team doesnt switch out a coach when they are winning.. The meeting shall then proceed to the election of other Officers of the County Party, including a Vice-Chairman of the opposite sex from the Chairman, a Secretary, a Treasurer, a Vice-Treasurer, and such other Officers as approved in the Countys Bylaws, subject to the Tennessee Republican Party Bylaws and Rules. The determination of the Contest and Credentials Committee may be appealed to the County Convention as a whole in the manner provided elsewhere herein. Williamson County. Between scheduled CEC meetings, action by motion may be taken by electronic voting via email. By show of hands, how many of you here tonight have felt unwelcome pushed to a distance or even just confused by what's going on in the party? Miller asked. Use the power and reach of the county party to register new voters and bring others to the cause. Younger Democrats also remain a reluctant part of Biden's coalition, the AP . If the results of the election are timely contested, or the certification is rejected by the Contest and Credentials Committee, the ballots shall be promptly delivered to the Chairman of that Committee, to be preserved until any possible contest has been finally resolved, or the time for filing any further contest has expired. Brown, who is the first Black woman to lead the Williamson GOP, indicated some of the push to change the local GOP leadership could also stem from outside or transplant influences. Between 2019 and 2020 the population of Williamson County, TN grew from 225,389 to 232,380, a 3.1% increase and its median household income declined from $112,962 to $111,196, a 1.56% decrease. A hard copy or thumbdrive of minutes shall be turned over to the new Secretary upon the end of his term within the first fifteen (15) days of transition. Williamson County elections: Who's on the ballot for state, federal? Timely file all reports as required by law. A Chairman running for public office in a contested Republican Primary shall resign his position within ten (10) days after the filing deadline. Archie Mountbatten, son of Prince Harry, is 4. No Officer may be active in or serve on the Board of any other organization whose mission or efforts are contrary to the purpose of the WCRP as set out in Article I, Section 2 or whose actions otherwise would not be consistent with or would conflict with the WCRP bylaws. The Williamson GOP convention for April 18 at The Factory at Franklin, where the reorganization will take place, is expected to draw about 600 attendees based on pre-registration. The CEC shall as soon as reasonably possible thereafter cause these Bylaws to be expressly amended to conform therewith. More than 400 members of the Williamson County Republican Party gathered on Thursday of last week at the Franklin Marriott Cool Springs to elect board members who will guide the party for the next two years. Bill Lee and Senate Majority Leader Jack Johnson, R-Franklin, call the county home. The district, which formerly encompassed all of urban Nashville along with. Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. Candidates for Delegate who did not receive sufficient votes to be elected Delegate shall become Alternates, in descending order of the number of votes cast for each person. rESTORE CONSTITUTIONALLY CONSERVATIVE PRINCIPLES. Any contests or appeals of rejected certifications or of the results of the Precinct Convention may be dismissed and not appealed to the County Convention as a whole if the dismissal is based on grounds clearly laid out in the above rules. Section 2. Not Authorized by Any Candidate or Candidate's Committee. Unbudgeted expenses exceeding $2,000.00 must be approved by a majority vote of the CEC; Serve as one of three (3) signatories on the bank account and sign as second signatory for all disbursements exceeding $2,000.00. He might be doing himself a favor if he retires this year. No Chairman shall serve more than two (2) full consecutive terms. These Non-Voting Officers shall be appointed by the Chairman subject to the approval of a majority vote of the CEC. Democrats had served on this committee, too, but followed the committee's decision to keep the findings in-house. The purposes of the WCRP include, but are not limited to, the following: Recruit and elect Republican candidates to office on the national, state and local levels; Raise funds for Republican campaigns and in support of Republican causes; Recruit membership and involvement in the WCRP; Assist the Tennessee Republican Party (TRP), the Republican National Committee (RNC) in carrying out their purpose; Promote awareness of the Republican Party Platform on public policy issues and foster good citizenship in general; and. If any contesting Delegate is seated by the Convention, such Delegate shall immediately take his place in the Convention, and shall be entitled to full participation thereafter. The floor shall be opened for nominations for Delegates. The leader of each club is a voting member of the WCRP Executive Committee. We are Southerners here. In my time as chairman, Tracy Miller is going to be my fifth [Williamson County] chairman, so change is constant, so thats part of it, Golden said. Williamson County Republican Party Chairman Cheryl Brown stepped into the party's county leadership role in September nearly one year before the national 2020 election that has already been marred by the ongoing impeachment of President Donald Trump.. Brown, who was born and raised in Birmingham, Ala., came to Tennessee in the late '90s and first became involved in local politics as a . New county Republican Party chairman looks to - Williamson Home Page During the 2019 Williamson County Republican Party reorganization, Brown was elected as first vice chairman. "It's about the control," Brown said on the radio show. Hutto, TX 78634-9998 . Precinct Conventions and Precinct Delegated County Conventions may be held on the same day with approval by the Rules and Bylaws Subcommittee. Section 2. 107 talking about this. ", "The power of the American people, when we rise up and stand for liberty, knows no bounds. Donate. A hyper-charged showdown for Williamson County's Republican leadership is expected in the days ahead. The committee shall maintain a calendar of Republican events, those facilitated by the WCRP, and otherwise, occurring in and around Williamson County, and encourage participation. When other Democrats discovered this, they let it be known they would introduce an expulsion resolution and force a vote. Any bona fide Republican citizen whose loyalty to the Republican Party is questioned may be challenged by any other bona fide Republican citizen present and qualified to participate. Winds W at 10 to 20 mph.. Tennessee's 5th congressional district has a new look due to Republican-led redistricting following the 2020 census. The Membership database shall include names, emails, addresses, phone numbers, occupation, and any other pertinent information; Serve as one (1) of three (3) signatories on the bank account, unless otherwise prohibited; Have full access to all accounting and other systems used by the WCRP and CEC as necessary to complete financial duties; and. Stay Connected! Any individual who has voted in three of the last four Statewide Republican primaries in his county of residence during those primary elections. The names and addresses of Delegates to the County Convention shall be available to the public. The Call for the Reorganizational Meeting. This ceremony can be conducted by any Republican county constitutional officer, by an SEC member representing that Senatorial District, by the State Party Chairman or his designee. Conservative Republican Robby Starbuck, Who Was Barred By The Tennessee GOP From Running In The District 5 Republican Primary For The U.S. House, Has Filed Suit Against GOP Chair Scott Golden, Tennessee Secretary Of State Tre Hargett And State Coordinator Of Elections, Mark Goins. On the date and at the time and place(s) specified, a Precinct Convention shall be held for each Precinct within the County. The CEC shall consist of the following Voting Officers (Officers): Elected by the County Convention (Convention): the County Chairman (Chairman), First Vice-Chairman (opposite sex from Chairman), Second Vice-Chairman, Third Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, & Assistant Treasurer; The Immediate Past County Chairman (Past Chairman); Elected by the SEC District: the State Executive Committeeman and State Executive Committeewoman; Elected by the respective organizations memberships, the President of the Tennessee Federated Republican Womens Club in the County, and the Chairman of the Williamson County Young Republicans (YR). Officers must be and remain current with payment of WCRP Membership Dues (dues) and are required to actively participate in and assist with events hosted by the WCRP, including but not limited to, Reagan Day, Mix and Mingles and Summer Picnic. Paid for by the Williamson County Republican Party and not authorized by any candidate or candidates committee. Actions that shall not be handled by electronic votes include: election of Officers, amendment of the Bylaws, or removal of an Officer. The Standing Committees of the WCRP shall be: The Administrative Committee shall consist of the Chairman, Secretary, other Officers and WCRP members as deemed necessary by the Chairman, up to a total of 15. Chair Stevie Giorno Contact Join Now Paid for by the Tennessee Young Republicans Not Authorized by Any Candidate or Candidate's Committee.

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