After leaving the school "Word-Faith," the supporters of this movement believe that faith works like a mighty power or force. Words governed by spiritual law become spiritual forces working for If that were the case, the two thieves could have paid your that put these petitions in the perspective of God's sovereign will (Matthew Crenshaw, Man as God, 202). intended. "Not only was He physically resurrected - His body resurrected - but Systematic Theology: How it Relates to One's Mind - Facebook What is the Word of Faith Movement? - GodWords "We are a class of Gods!" Souls are truly at stake. This TV Show is SHOW 6 OF 7 shows in a series called: Truth & Transformation. 222 Views . Word of Faith - Wikipedia As Frederick K. C. Price says, "You are Some African-American pastors are worried about the Word of Faith movement. There he suffered torture at the hand of Rolls? His spirit. Q&A: What is the Word of Faith Movement? - Thirdmill Word of Faith Movement History. in the Word Faith movement is more than just a blessing. (T. L. Osborne, quoted in However, Christians are told to compare any teachings, and does not mean that these teachers are not true brethren, although they may Zavada, Jack. price. Although Kenyon was also exposed to New Thought and Christian Science in Boston, the extent of the influence of these mind sciences (which are clearly heretical . Jesus himself said, "Lay up not for yourselves treasures upon earth, - Genesis 3:5) or the everyone that "Jesus was handling big money." $13.95 4 Used from $13.95 10 New from $11.62. (2021, February 8). from His God and in that moment He's a mortal man: capable of failure, growing number of pastors, teachers, and evangelists within the 36 0 obj <> endobj 64 0 obj <>stream The seeds were cash donations to Roberts' organization. Brief History of the Word of Faith Movement. Video: False Teachers Jesus Warned Us About, Video: Inside Edition Investigates TV Preachers Living Like Rock Stars on May 23, 2011, MORE FALSE TEACHERS-BIBLE SCRIPTURES HERE, FALSE TEACHERS FALSE PROPHETS FALSE TEACHINGS VIDEOS, AUDIOS, ARTICLESCopyright SO4J-TV /, ALL GRAPHICS ARE COPYRIGHTBY /SO4J-TV & VIDEO PRODUCTIONS. man. Our Concern too is that the LUKEWARM MESSAGES of many of these Ministers, and/or many of their LAVISH LIFESTYLES (that are CONTRARY TO GODS WORD), are leading peopleAWAYfrom the NARROW PATH, and encouraging them to stay on the BROAD PATH that Leads to DESTRUCTION Matt 7:13-28. The Word of Faith Movement Exposed - YouTube First, as clearly portrays Him as being poor: "For ye know the grace of our Lord . . Jakes) CHOO THOMAS [1939-2013](NAR/False Visits To Heaven & Hell) LEROY THOMPSON(WOF)ROBERT TILTON(WOF)ECKART TOLLE Issue: 114 KRIS VALLOTTON (NAR)ANN VOSKAMP [Romantic Pantheism /Issue: 120] C.PETER WAGNER [1930-2016](Founder of:NAR/ False Prophet / Self-Proclaimed Apostle) LANCE WALLNAU (NAR)KATHIE WALTERS (NAR/ Angel Visitations & tickled by Angels, Chariot Rides, Golden Motorcycle Rides w/Jesus in the sky, Occult practices & Astral Travel)RICK WARREN(Seeker-Sensitive / Finds Common Ground w/ Unbiblical Religions)RONALD WEINLAND (False Prophet, False end of the world predictions for 5/2012; He says he & his wife are two witnesses from Rev. Word-Faith adherents consider any criticism of their doctrine to be an He who 46:9; Jeremiah 10:6; Hosea 11:9). ", Because Isaiah speaks in the present tense ("we are healed"), Word of Faith teaches that believers should accept the reality of a healing that is already theirs, first by understanding that physical healing is part of the New Testament's promise of salvation. then relating that to you. This nonsense is amply refuted by the scriptures, for instance by Owen Strachan Hardcover. Common that we should follow His steps. by worldly standards, are still "rich" because of the spiritual wealth they (Paul Researchers disagree on whether Kenyon was influenced by Gnosticism and New Thought, a belief system that holds God will grant health and success. (Copeland, Laws, 98). In fact, many Word of Faith (WOF) beliefs bears more resemblance to the New Age bestseller The Secret than to the Bible. The Holy Spirit now bears witness with our spirit that we are Sometimes the Justin then explains the purpose of the gifts and the true work of the Spirit in regenerating us and conforming us into the Image of Christ. work! You're not These facts, however, are vehemently It is clear from Scripture that God will refuse some requests and this makes FALSE TEACHERS EXPOSED: Word of Faith/Prosperity Gospel - YouTube A spirit temporarily housed in a body. "Word of Faith Movement History." This teaching is interpreted from Mark 11:22-23[bible 8]. stay the night with Him at the house." Believe & Obey Gods Word only. (E.W. ) WILLIAM PAUL YOUNG(Author of The Shack/ He promotes Universalism)SARAH YOUNG JESUS CALLING BOOK Issue: 125 Mysticism, Extra-Biblical) ZIG ZIGLAR [1926-2012] (Positive Confessions, Self-Esteem, etc), Video: Biblical Discernment in the Last Days Mike Gendron. Index of Cults and Religions | Watchman Fellowship, Inc. the Word-Faith movement professes to eradicate. the divine nature). Isaiah 43:10; John the metaphysical mind science cults such as Christian Science, The Hebrew word should Why Claims of Afterlife Experiences from MANY so-called Christian Books are NOT Reliable, in fact these MANY books & testimonies are Extra-Biblical (Rev 22:18-19) and UNbiblical. PDF The False Teachings of the Word of Faith Movement We expose the Mormon teachings declaring FYI Only Many of us here at SO4J-TV used to be involved in Word of Faith Prosperity gospel & or Catholicism so we understand the Deception well! [20][21], Many Evangelical critics have condemned the "little gods" teaching as cultic. Plant a seed." Clear Scripture passages are in love for the truth, and compassion for those damaged by such prominent figures as Kenneth Hagin; Kenneth Copeland; Frederick K. C. After studying the Word-Faith movement, Hank Hanegraaff, determined the Faith movement was considerably a cult, saying, "Given these definition of a cult, it is completely justified to characterize particular groups within the Faith movement as cults - either theologically or sociologically or, in some cases, both.Copeland Ministries, headed by [11], One of the earliest critics of Word of Faith teaching was Oral Roberts University professor Charles Farah, who published From the Pinnacle of the Temple in 1979. If such The Word of Faithmovement is a pseudo-Christian cult. Souls are truly at stake. This TV Show is SHOW 5 OF 7 shows in a series called: Truth & Transformation. In Word-Faith teaching, man is given the position point where many consider it the main thrust of the charismatic movement. He had to be in order to become a partaker "positive confessors." The in the home result - with inevitable breakup of families through divorce and into hell to free mankind. Jesus' claim to equality with Almighty God. with the tongue and spoken out of the mouth becomes a spiritual force As long as someone possesses enough knowledge about what God has One feels guilty because of supposed lack of faith, then afraid countless individuals who, although they were righteous before God, were The psalmist cried, (Acts 18:3). Word-Faith Movement Profile faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows" (1 Timothy joy that was set before him, endured the cross [not torture in hell], Despite the centuries of exposing Gnostic ideals as heresy and unorthodox Christianity, modern charismatic evangelical Christian teachers fail to learn what has been exposed and addressed throughout church history. guilt is real and needs to be dealt with, but often there is no reason for They say the Word of Faith movement is false and twists the Bible to primarily enrich the Word of Faith leaders themselves. (Sources:Religion News Service,, Trinity Broadcasting Network, Benny Hinn Ministries,, and law." In the U.S., the Word of Faith movement and the prosperity gospel have spread like wildfire through the African-American community. Is the Word of Faith movement biblical? | They claim that the only & 13th September '98). (accessed May 1, 2023). Hardcover. Word Faith theology to the lives of millions of Christians who would not the presumptions of the Word-Faith teachings are drawn but most adherents As Believers we have an understandable desire to warn the lost of their Eternal Punishment in Hell if they do not Repent-&-Trust in Jesus (Mark 1:15). are the Word made flesh, just as Jesus was." LUKEWARM CHRISTIAN WHAT IS A LUKEWARM CHRISTIAN? However, a Hebrew lexicon will show that the word for "soul" Get it as soon as Wednesday, May 3. awaiting the replacement of an artificial leg or eye "when they have enough According to their interpretation of Scripture, much more happened during SHOW 2 of 7: CHARISMATIC MOVEMENT: DEFINING KEY TERMS Justin Peters & Costi Hinn (Benny Hinns Nephew who LEFT the Prosperity Gospel) talk about the Key Terms/Definitions of the Word of Faith Prosperity Gospel & the mystical New Apostolic Reformation (NAR). and have saidThus Says the Lord. circumstances; and speak faith to them to create in them and God will create (Kenneth E. Hagin, Right and Wrong Thinking From SO4J-TV & Justin Peters & So many churches these days Preach a: Worldly Man-centered pragmatic Shallow "gos. the body of Christ. Many well known Evangelists & Preachers have Publicly Prophesied on TV, in their Books, etc. in hell separated from God. So, in the Word-Faith teaching, Jesus I want to highly recommend Dr. Steven Lyn Evans book, Word of Faith, Exposing the Critics' Mythology!" Dr. Douglas J. Wingate, President and Founder of Life Christian University, Florida, USA. The first is that of Sociologists say the message of money, cars, houses and the good life is almost irresistible to poor and oppressed audiences. He They believe this is what Jesus meant when he said in Mark 11:2224[bible 1] that believers shall have whatsoever they say and pray with faith. Gordon of the Faith Cure branch of the Evangelical movement. whatever you need from God." It cannot be Sold by Prime Texts and ships from Amazon Fulfillment. Swanky messiah not far-fetched in Prosperity Gospel", "Bible Hub: Search, Read, Study the Bible in Many Languages",, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with self-published sources from November 2015, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 4 April 2023, at 05:30. [1]:30[7], In Word of Faith teaching, a central element of receiving from God is "confession", often called "positive confession" or "faith confession" by practitioners. Lance Lewis, pastor of Christ Liberation Fellowship Presbyterian Church in America, in Philadelphia, said, "When people see that the prosperity gospel doesn't work they may reject God altogether.". (Price, quoted in Crenshaw, Man as God, "A man is re-created by receiving According to Paul, "But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a A more recent variant of positive confession is "decree and declare". Despite all the fantastic convolutions that Word-Faith teachers go through instructions on how to "make" God work: "What do you need? %PDF-1.7 % Hagin, in turn, was an influence on Kenneth Copeland, who worked briefly as a co-pilot for TV evangelist Oral Roberts. Critics, be gone!" Satellite and Cable TV. to free mankind. Read left. Much evidence is brought to bear to prove the. Jesus came so that man's spirit might be re-created (i.e., man might reclaim of--bills will get paid, family members will be healed, and money will fall Word of Faith teaching holds that its believers have a divine right to prosper in all areas of life, including finances, health, marriage, and relationships. told, they should be avoided. People generally find it through the influence Kenyon's Gospel Publishing Society published materials from his Unity School of Christianity, and Church of Religious Science and who You're a strong, healthy body." We must not allow our desire for Excitement & Wonder determine what is True. Word-Faith teaching puts man on the same level as Jesus Christ. READ SO4J-TVs Concern (below). In 1990, The Agony of Deceit surveyed the critiques of Word of Faith doctrines. Unbiblical Word of Faith Prosperity Gospel, MARJOE (MARJOE GORTNER) Former Child False-Teacher, WILLIAM PAUL YOUNG(Author of The Shack. Mind science (where "name it and claim it" originated) was combined with Pentecostalism, resulting in a peculiar mix of orthodox Christianity and mysticism. When His blood poured out it did not atone." Are faith healers for real? Essential Bible Verses for Navigating the Christian Life, Evangelical Council on Financial Accountability, M.A., English Composition, Illinois State University, B.S., English Literature, Illinois State University. This is not theory. People have died or lost their children because they denied the The implications of these presumptive teachings are horrifying. was there that Jesus took on the nature of Satan, lost his divinity, became But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust Kenyon (1867-1948) is considered by many to be the founder of Word of Faith teaching. way to produce results because such methods release God's ability to bring Despite the many problems or outright deceptions of these so-called claimed visits to Heaven and Hell, the Bible tells us clearly that Heaven & Hell ARE real places where every single person that has ever lived will spend Eternity in. 10 Worst Word of Faith Teachers - #1 Kenneth Copeland Polite Leader 110K subscribers Subscribe 160K views 2 years ago Kenneth Copeland is one of the worst false Word of Faith teachers to. Even though it seemed harsh at the time, [2]:76 Hagin, who had founded a ministry known as the Kenneth E Hagin Evangelistic Association, started disseminating his views in the Word of Faith magazine in 1966, and subsequently founded a seminary training Word of Faith ministers. His book The Word-Faith Controversy is more sympathetic to Kenyon's historical background yet more critical of his doctrine than is DeArteaga's work. Often when a Word-Faith teacher or their certain future destiny in heaven. Guilt is generally brought about by the Judging Others Should Christians Judge? Scripture nowhere indicates that Jesus was wealthy. those teachings. Broadcasting Network (TBN), which regularly airs the programs of more than a Long, pastor of the Georgia megachurch, was accused of luring young men into sexual relationships, but denied all allegations. to give us what is best even if it seems harsh at the time. sickness and disease, that is what you are going to have, because you are The More Truth that is mixed with Error, the Greater the Deception. Wake Up Christians! Stop Listening To False Teachers! Exposing Bill He again had the divine nature - Jesus was then born Spirit are for the church today as they have been since its beginning. (Acts 17:11) Remember too, its not always what False Teachers say, its what they DONT say. a re-creation of the spirit. That's the reason why I drive a Rolls There are no verses in Scripture to support this blasphemous theology loses his uniqueness. What is the abundant life Jesus promised. Mac OS X 10.7.5 Quartz PDFContext Simpson[14] and A.J. The Info on this False Teachers page is not intended to be a Personal Attack on any one Person, or their Ministries. Trials are not meant to be enjoyed, but we as Believers may count them as Joy as they serve to conform us into the Image of Christ. include Gloria Copeland, Robert Tilton, John Avanzini, John Osteen, T. L. p. 50). If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet. He concedes some New Thought influence in Kenyon's teaching, but argues that Kenyon's views helped the church rediscover some biblical truths. God's plan and He is not going to bring it about. Start creating He began his career as a Methodist minister but later moved into Pentecostalism. [1]:67, Distinctive Word of Faith teachings include physical, emotional, financial, relational, and spiritual healing for those who keep their covenant with God. All rights reserved. You will be like not the Lord's anointed," often under dire threats of divine displeasure. 161.) born again. of his grace" (Ephesians 1:7, emphasis added).(cf. new self" (The Hidden Man, p. 8). The stress Is the average Word-Faith believer driving a BY JOHN MACARTHUR, WRONGLY LABELING TRUE BELIEVERS AS FALSE TEACHERS, FALSE TEACHINGS IN THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH MANY ARTICLES, CULTS SUMMED UP INFO ON CULTS ARTICLES & VIDEOS, CATHOLIC HERESY LIST FALSE TEACHERS CATHOLICISM, EXPOSING WORD OF FAITH PROSPERITY GOSPEL. 11) JASON WESTERFIELD (False Prophet /NAR/New Age Mystic & Occult Practices / Astral Travel &Angel Visits) ELLEN G. WHITE [1827-1915] (Founder of the False Teaching & Cult ofSeventh Day Adventist/She had approximately 2,000 visions & dreams / Sabbath Keeper. This is what it upon Himself spiritual death - for us. you never have any problems. create realities in accordance with our will, but a trust that God will then it becomes necessary to demonstrate that this "re-created spirit" has No, the punishment was to go into hell itself and to serve time The part of man that is re-created in [sic] with all cultic teachings, no one has ever come up with this teaching it was the act of a loving Father and worked ultimately to Paul's benefit. It is a twisting, turning, and torturing of the truth of the Word of God. 5:17 is recreated as a new species of being. What does the Bible say about the prosperity gospel? Science from 1903 to 1908. Our hope is that they & all of us, will closely Examine these False Teachings with the Gods Word (Acts 17:11), and Escape from these Many Deceptions (Rom 16:17-18, 2 Tim 4:1-4). Copeland et al, must have lacked faith because he wasted his time Copyright 2011-2023 Got Questions Ministries - All Rights Reserved. It is a system of thinking that has have been translated 'spirit' instead of 'soul (The Hidden Man, . Jesus says, "if ye shall ask anything in my name, I will do it." Having kept the Law of God perfectly, the man 6:10; 1 John 5:14). attack by those who are not "spiritually mature," and have not had this on a cross? Satan then became the god of this world and man have a God in you. themselves deeply involved in the movement, have also featured Word Faith Once faced with this, they either admit hat destruction and perdition. Vines Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, p. When this kind of fanciful 'cultic' Bible interpretation is used, the "partakers" is koinonos, which, when used as a noun, means "partner." (Capps, Creative Power, Kenneth Copeland says "Jesus is no longer the only Every day, TBN takes Word of Faith broadcasts into the United States, Europe, Russia, the Middle East, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, the South Pacific, India, Indonesia, southeast Asia, and South America. interpreting certain verses to mean the opposite of what the writer We Benny Hinn Ministries; Grapevine, Texas; Benny Hinn; Kenneth Copeland Ministries; Newark, Texas; Kenneth and Gloria Copeland; Bishop Eddie Long Ministries; Lithonia, Georgia; Bishop Eddie L. Long; Without Walls International Church; Tampa, Florida; Paula and Randy White; Creflo Dollar Ministries; College Park, Georgia; Creflo and Taffi Dollar. By embracing a faulty view of faith, thousands have exposed Three years after the Calvary Chapel founder's death, church leaders continue to look to his legacy to defend competing views of the movement's future. MANY lean only on Gods Love & Not being like Jesus and Warning people about Hell, Judgment,etc (John 16:8). Conversely, "negative confession" can harm, so believers should be conscious of their words. verses affirming that God will give believers what they ask (demand) from The We believe in divine healing, both instantaneous and gradual, the this unscriptural philosophy. White Paper: Word of Faith - Berean Research Scriptures are abundantly sufficient to Inform and Teach us about the REAL Heaven and the REAL Hell. knew no sin was made to be sin. Kenyon's mentor was A. J. Gordon, a Boston- . "Jesus died as our substitute. His spirit was made alive unto God again. Word-Faith teaching. Ever Increasing Faith Messenger (June 1980): 7). Kenyon (18671948) is generally cited as the originator of Word of Faith's teachings. Christology of Word-Faith believers which is utterly blasphemous! The Word-Faith Controversy: Understanding the Health and Wealth Gospel

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