Your "Tactical Tampon" is Useless for Life-Threatening Hemorrhage Pressure dressings like the Olaes from Tactical Medical Solutions are packaged for field-like environments. Severe Bleeding First Aid Misconceptions: Tampons Or, would you want me to just let you bleed. Not all BY THEMSELVES! [] material is very absorbent, thats not what you need if you want the blood to coagulate. Antiseptic cotton rolls were used to stop bleeding from bullet wounds. London's Science Museum displayed a medicated tampon made of cotton wool that was used in the mid-1900s, but the practice of using tampons as contraceptives dates back to ancient Egypt.. He lost me when you said they werent sterile. Thanks Hippocrates, in 500 BC, writes about absorbent material wrapped around sticks to carry medicine into the vaginal cavity. Of course, they werent called tampons in Ancient Egypt, which was where the first similarly-constructed device was recorded. Anyway, again, thanks for the article, and the great discussion fodder! Dei [], You say You can buy two Olaes bandages for under $15, and two Israeli bandages for under $10. Depending on the size, location and severity of the wound, your best best is direct pressure,tourniquets,chest sealsor packing the wound withgauzeif the injury is capable of being packed and in junctional area suitable for the delivery of wound packing. According to a study published in the International Journal of Surgery, The use of tampons to treat gunshot wounds has resulted in improved outcomes and decreased mortality rates among injured soldiers.. The Napoleonic Wars saw many medical innovations, including: Yes, doctors literally plugged the hole by inserting a dressing that resembled a tampon into musket wounds. 4. Once inserted correctly, a tampon is held in place by the vagina and expands as it soaks up menstrual blood. Tampons are clean. Lets remember, the goal of controlling bleeding is not toabsorbblood, but tokeep it in circulation. Do Metamucil Gummies Work as Well as Powder. Dont plan to improvise but instead plan ahead by packing the most suitable material available. Deryck-PDN. You never served in the army and youre just rambling. 20 Ridiculous Survival Myths That May Honestly Get You Killed - MSN The absorbent wads were more commonly used to soak up blood from wounds in World War One, or to administer medicine vaginally. For ages, people have said that Hippocrates, the most famous Greek doctor of all, talked about tampons made of lint wrapped around sticks. The biggest issue with that is the limited sites that it can be used in. If the stone (bullet) enters the water (tissue) with a lot of momentum, however, the surrounding molecules have to act a lot more quickly and violently, resulting in a splash (temporary cavity). The idea of using tampons to treat gunshot wounds was controversial at first. My son said, "Marine X got some really nice smelling lotion and everyone really likes it, so every time he goes to sleep they steal it from him." Yep. This fluid is not pressurized like arterial blood is throughout the body. Fun fact: Military bases in the US and abroad often feel like their own mini cities. Your best bet is to choose a lightweight bra without underwire. Not just disagree, but highly disagree. Check the wound daily for signs of infection listed below. This means bacteria and mold can grow if theyre not stored properly. If you have any further questions, please chat, email, or contact Customer Service at 1-855- . forgot to add that tampons were invented in the days of The Three Musketeers (Louis 14th) as a plug for the holes caused by musket balls. The Tampon The name loosely translates as plug. French physicians began using battlefield dressing based on the design of the article of female hygiene. A Brief History of the Tampon and Who Invented It - ThoughtCo This article explored the history of tampons and their unexpected use in treating gunshot wounds. Like a number of other products that first came to market in the 1920s, Kotex sanitary pads originated as a wartime invention. Regardless of how many times it is refuted, one of the many myths surrounding bleeding control that continues to linger, is using a tampon to treat a gun-shot wound. First of all my opinions of whether to use or pack Tampons and/or maxi pads in my own first aid kit comes from 2 seperate sources which I believe have more than enough knowledge about gun shot wounds and shtf scenes. , Step 4: Apply very firm pressure to the packed wound for 3 minutes. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); As a former nurse LPN I have to agree with a lot of what this article said. Crisis Medicine. Who invented the tampon man or woman? - TimesMojo Sterile technique is not what youre able to provide in a trauma situation at best youre providing aseptic technique which is good enough. Have you ever stuck a tampon in a gun shot wound. My son said, "Mom, the tampons sent by the Marine Moms by mistake saved a Marine's life." Linen would be wrapped around earth from the Nile river, which was mixed with honey and galena, and placed inside the woman. The expiration date on the package is the date in which the company can no longer guarantee a sterile product. Modern-day tampons were developed in the 1930s. Here's a list of items you can just toss out from your bullet-plugging gunshot wound medical kit: Tampon. The swelling of said gauze applies additional direct pressure to the various capillaries, veins, artery, etc. Matter of fact I see many post not only spreading this myth but promoting it by showing tampons for bullet wounds. Yes, in the field and in a clinical setting, we healthcare professionals do on occasion have to improvise a little in order to make things work regarding patient care and treatment. r/todayilearned Join 5 days ago Its not as bad IF you have to give emergency first aid to someone in a major auto accident,but still miles and minutes away from dying? He is saying that using a tampon on an open gunshot wlund is a horrible idea because of the extreme difference between a gunshot wound and a period. So, lets compare a tampon to a trauma dressing. Unlock new opportunities and expand your reach by joining our authors team. If the tampon is at body temperature, it is soft and flexible like the wall of the vagina. AND, miles away from the nearest hospital? I bet some of you must be thinking, "I have inflicted, seen, and/or treated numerous gunshot wounds, and there is no way I could have plugged any of them with a tampon!". The tampon has been in use as a medical device since the 18th century, when antiseptic cotton tampons treated with salicylates were used to stop bleeding from bullet wounds. This wicking away property works against the goal of tightly packing gauze inside the wound, creating pressure, restricting the blood coming out, and hopefully allow the clotting factors in the blood to activate and form in the wound. will pass the info on. Kimberly-Clark, an American . These include: Gun shot wounds are unique because of the injury profile created in the wake of a bullets path, known commonly as cavitation. Required fields are marked *. OR, like the camp cook that was prepping food in the dining and cooks tent! Denver District Attorney Spews Wild Misinformation During - Facebook The Surprising Origins of Kotex Pads - Smithsonian Magazine It is unclear exactly how the idea of using tampons to treat gunshot wounds originated. Sources: They also had a huge range of pessaries on offer for various gynecological problems, soaked in everything from goose fat to opium, but it's now commonly believed that they were a second line of defense, because they probably caused infections. Because thats a different situation where tampons are useful for me . A simple through and through that nicks an artery will find it nearly impossible to have a tampon inserted into it and if it is inserted it will cause more damage because the permanent wound channel is a fraction of the size of the tampon. After all the hemostatic gauze is packed, pack regular gauze on top, the asterisk pattern no longer necessary. This article will explore the history of tampons and how they were used to treat bullet wounds. As nobody's ever written about moss tampons, though, this remains just a theory. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. Gunshot Wounds: More Than Just Plugging Holes - USA Carry It's not clear where this information came from, though, and it may have been scuttlebutt about a particular class of women, like prostitutes. The other type of tampon, the no-applicator kind, was invented by the German gynecologist Dr Judith Esser-Mittag, which is the reason they tend to be referred to in the literature as "o.b. 3. If you hadn't stopped that bleeding he would have bled to death. The Papyrus Ebers, the world's oldest printed medical document, describes the use of papyrus tampons by Egyptian women as early as the 15th century BCE If you sustained one or several gunshot wounds from a small firearm (not a rifle) and was left to save your life by yourself (since in todays world no one would do that for you), would would you do? JavaScript is disabled. Bullets do funny things when they enter the body. As long as there is human history, the innovation is not likely to stop. Its also best to use the lowest absorbency necessary. If you have the choice, use the right tool for the job. The 'tactical tampon' is not a fancy, 'high-speed' product fresh from the minds of trauma device developers. This is why include all of these in ourIndividual First aid System. However, as my military medical career progressed and I gained more education and experience, this is one of several medical interventions that were either modified or removed. It's like how soldiers in WW2 would tell each other that . My own experience has been that gunshot wounds range from poking a tiny hole, tearing a giant gash, and bouncing around internally like a ball in a pinball machine (if the pinball opened like a jagged metal parachute). We are interested in fact, not supposition. But unless you have a raging period each month then you really have no say on tampons & pads. Sometimes a wound cavity would take more than one tampon, and it was always used in addition to serious pressure at and above a wound site. I highly disagree. Learned its many uses a hundred years ago when I was boxing. Corpsman rolled him over and plugged it with a kotex and we put him on an LRV. Just using a tampon alone may not work and may require pressure and additional gauze, however this can be said about almost any piece of medical kit. But thats another article for another time. Your membership is the foundation of our sustainability and resilience. He said when my husband and I sent the last care package Marine X came over to his cot picked up the box, started fishing through it, and said, "What'd we get this time?". You can send Cache Valley Prepper a message at editor [at], Correct. And if you were to quickly spray the tampon with a broad spectrum antibiotic before packing it into a bullet wound, would this not help mitigate at least some of the potential infection that might accompany the use of a non-sterile wound dressing? Tampon - The Ask an Expert section is currently for members of our online community. Home | About | Contact | Copyright | Report Content | Privacy | Cookie Policy | Terms & Conditions | Sitemap. Using a tampon and stuffing gauze in the wound, to me, is exactly the same less the more sterilized gauze (preferable, but tampons are lightweight, take up less space, and the application for insertion to the wound is much easier). A solid bunch of material in a tampon simply does not pack well. These sound distractingly ineffective, so they apparently needed to be changed up to 12 times a day. Direct pressure doesnt always work, but its usually the first thing you try. The corpsmen spread it over burns and wounds equally. SO while I had as much available medical supplies on hand as I could possibly pack into the backcountry. They come on a stick that seems like it should fit into a bullet wound track, so why wouldn't it be effective in a gun shot wound for hemorrhage control. stands for the German for "no pad," or ohne Binde. Little known fact quick clot will actually burn the exterior muscles of the bullet wound making infection much more probable. We had soldiers that carried tampons in their helmet or in their personal medical packs for gun shot wounds. 5. Before that, however, it usually came in the form of a vaginal plug of some form or another, and it was as much about preventing things from getting in as stopping anything from getting out. What happens if you leave a tampon in for 3 days? Stitches should be removed from the face within 5 days. As we have in the field started packing wounds in recent years (this is a carry over from combat medics, yes I know its been standard for years in the military, but not so for most US based field medicine). As if I would stuff anything not sterile into my vag for absorption during my menses. 0.543 secs. So whats it going to be? A gsw is already a dirty wound and unless you are masked up and donning sterile gloves while using sterile technique you are still introducing bacteria into the wound. You guys dont really understand why using a tampon for bullet treatments actually works. Thanks for the article. It was an effective way to stop bleeding and reduce the risk of infection. These days, pads are still actually the more popular option, but tampons have huge market share: surveys estimate that around 42 percent of women use them, even after the scares about toxic shock syndrome (a rare condition related to tampon use) in the '90s.

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