The methodology was revised in eGRID2014 because information about some of these linkages was no longer available and in an effort to make the process for assigning plants to subregions more straightforward, reproducible, and transparent. Transmission Services - PacifiCorp For example, the Balancing Authorities actions may include: 21 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<5E9D1236E8424D46B52F5FDF827E5406><5E9D1236E8424D46B52F5FDF827E5406>]/Index[7 38]/Info 6 0 R/Length 91/Prev 1419787/Root 8 0 R/Size 45/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Alternatively, if a subregion increased the relative proportion of fossil generation, for example, to replace generation from a retired nuclear plant, the emissions rates may increase. The preeminent source of air emission data for the electric power sector, eGRID is based on available plant-specific data for all U.S. electricity generating plants that provide power to the electric grid and report data to the U.S. government. Fuel specific output emission rates (lb/MWh) for CH. Added non-baseload generation by fuel type and non-baseload resource mix to the subregion file. For example, 2020 inventory year should use eGRID2020 and the 2021 inventory should use eGRID2021. On the Maps webpage, images are available for the eGRID Subregion Map and the NERC Region Map, additionally, an eGRID shapefile and geodatabase are available. In many states, power companies are required to disclose the environmental attributes of their retail electricity products. BAL- 004-WECC-1 required Balancing Authorities within the Western Interconnection to maintain Interconnection frequency within a predefined frequency profile and to ensure that Time. An RC oversees grid compliance with federal and regional grid standards, and can determine measures to prevent or mitigate system emergencies in day-ahead or real-time operations. All rights reserved. The balancing authority data administrators are RC West and Southwest Power Pool (SPP). BANC is the third largest Balancing Authority in California and the 16th largest Balancing Authority within the WECC area. In 2015, Executive Order 13693 was issued, requiring Federal agencies to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions from direct and indirect activities. Beginning with eGRID2014, the data are also presented in metric units and are available in the metric data file. For example, the California Air Resources Board, Climate Registry, Climate Action Reserve, and Greenhouse Gas Protocolcite eGRID for use in estimating scope-2 GHG emissions from electricity purchases in the United States. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS It is managed by 37 Balancing Authorities (BAs) of various ownership structures . The COTP is jointly owned by several parties, including WAPA and BANC Members, via the Transmission Agency of Northern California. Are EIA-923 data updates reflected in eGRID? Nader Samaan. Consolidated Balancing Authority - Southwest Power Pool - SPP For generators where unit-level generation data are not available, the generation is based on prime mover-level generation, distributed to each unit based on proportion of nameplate capacity. California Electric Balancing Authority Areas | CA Open Data WECC Regional Reliability Standard BAL-002-WECC-3 (Contingency Reserve) What other emissions data are available from EPA? In some cases, plants assigned to a particular eGRID subregion may be located far away from most of the other plants in that subregion. As defined in the NERC Rules of Procedure. A balancing authority (BA) is an entity in the US electric system (as well as in parts of Canada and Mexico) that is responsible for grid balancing: resource planning and unit commitment ahead of time, maintenance of the load-interchange-generation balance within a balancing authority area (also known as a control area) and support for real-time load-frequency control. The formula for calculating GGL remains nearly the same as the previous methodology, with the exception that net interstate exports are subtracted from the total disposition in the denominator. : For more information click the links inside the Popups, which appear if you hover above a pin within the map. Balancing Authority Cooperation Concepts - Intra-Hour Scheduling. As a result, there are a handful of plants where the total plant-level generation does not equal the sum of the generation by fuel type. Color coded cross-hatching was added to the subregion map in order to illustrate areas where there are secondary and tertiary service subregions. Hub Map - WECC Power & Gas Red zone less than 15% reserve margin Similarly, WECCs mission today is to: Northwest Power Pool Area (NWPP) AVERT produces outputs including maps, charts, and tables, that display the location of emission reductions at the regional, state, and county level, on a monthly and annual basis. that were reported in the Plant file in past editions of eGRID are included as a separate file (discontinued with the release of eGRID2019). PJM - Maps [ 1] Hovering over an individual subregion brings up a tooltip that displays the data along with a short description of the resource mix change for that individual eGRID subregion. A new data source is used to identify the geothermal plant type. WECC Balancing Authority Areas and subregions. . While EPAs Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program allows the use of either emissions factor when reporting emissions, the majority of users choose to use the higher emissions factor. 5. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Arizona-New Mexico-Southern Nevada Power Area (AZ/NM/SNV) Most carbon footprint calculators that are applicable to the United States use eGRID data. Use AVERTs web edition or Excel-based tool to create custom calculations that reflect variations in hourly impacts of different EE programs or RE resources within one of AVERTs ten regions. Output emission rates are reported pounds per megawatt-hour (lb/MWh). One example isCarbon Footprint Visualizationsby Carbon Visuals, which illustrates accurate volumetric images to visualize the carbon footprint of all U.S. power stations. The control is maintained by multiple means: direct control of the generators by the computer systems, dispatch orders to power plants communicated by phone, load shedding in emergencies, and exchanging the electricity with other BAs.[15]. Operates PSE's Balancing Authority, Generation, and Transmission functions in a safe, efficient, and reliable manner. eGRID2012 and subsequent editions (and associated materials) reference previous eGRID editions using the new naming convention and the files available for download from the website use the new naming convention; however, the content within the previous editions of eGRID, such as the technical support documents, has not been revised. The Balancing Authority is the responsible entity unless the Balancing Authority is a member of a Reserve Sharing Group, in which case, the Reserve Sharing Group . U.S. How do the historical GGL values compare? For example, the eGRID file released in 2012 with 2009 data was previously named eGRID2012, using the new naming convention its now called eGRID2009. It is characterized by long transmission lines connecting remote generation facilities to load centers. Sie knnen dies in den Einstellungen Ihres Browsers aktivieren. It also provides net generation at the prime mover level for all plants. PDF Balancing Authority Area Services Agreement Between Los Angeles Import Transactions are those which show the source as a Balancing Authority outside of WACM and a sink in WACM; excluding network service transactions from designated or non-designated resources. PDF Rc West Entities - Caiso Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions, Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions at the State Level, U.S. energy flow and energy consumption by source and sector charts for 2022, Annual Solar Photovoltaic Module Shipments Report, Midwest and Rocky Mountain Transportation Fuels Markets, East Coast and Gulf Coast Transportation Fuels Markets, U.S. electric system is made up of interconnections and balancing authorities, North American Electric Reliability Corporation, NERC (North American Electric Reliability Corporation). BANC assumed the Balancing Authority responsibilities on May 1, 2011 from SMUD that include the matching of generation to load and coordinating system operations with neighboring Balancing Authorities. Therefore, directly downloading and using the sub-regional data was not compatible with our method. The naming convention changed to include the data year in the title (e.g. BAL-004-WECC-3: Automatic Time Error Correction - NERCipedia Bulk Electric System or BES. 4. Real-time Operating Grid - Energy Information Administration U.S. Energy Information Administration - EIA - Independent Statistics eGRID data are cited by many emission inventory and registry protocols, various emission calculation tools and applications, hundreds of academic papers, and consultants; it is used for many research applications and efforts. All of the regional transmission organizations in the United States also function as balancing authorities. Revised the plant-to-eGRID subregion assignment methodology to be based on where the plant supplies its electricity, rather than where the plant is physically located. Creation of the BANC as a partnership between public and government entities provides for an alternative platform to other Balancing Authorities like the California Independent System Operator (CAISO). Um dir ein optimales Erlebnis zu bieten, verwenden wir Technologien wie Cookies, um Gerteinformationen zu speichern und/oder darauf zuzugreifen. Canada, electricity, generation, ISO (independent system operator), map, NERC (North American Electric Reliability Corporation), RTO (regional transmission organization), transmission, United States, wholesale power, U.S. Energy Information Administration, 1000 Independence Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20585, Have a question, comment, or suggestion for a future article? The WIT is the primary means to confirm net scheduled interchange (NSI) for preschedule checkout based on the WECC Preschedule Calendar, next-hour checkout (from current operating hour), current-hour checkout upon change, past-hour checkout in current day . Data on net imports-exports by state and power interchange between grid regions are included in eGRID data for years 1996 through 2000. The three networks are: NERCs eight regional entities cover the 48 contiguous States and portions of Canada and Mexico. Subsequent editionscontinueto use the same factors as used in eGRID2014. North American Electric Reliability Corporation, Glossary of Terms Used in Reliability Standards, U.S. electric system is made up of interconnections and balancing authorities, "Balancing Authority and Regulation Overview", This balance is needed to maintain the safe and reliable operation of the power system. PDF Western Interconnection Data Sharing Agreement The eGRID historicalZIP filecurrently contains the data and supplementary files (e.g., technical support documents, maps, summary tables, and release notes) for years 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2014, and 2016. Balancing Authority Cooperation Concepts - Intra-Hour Scheduling Full Record Related Research Abstract The overall objective of this study was to understand, on an Interconnection-wide basis, the effects intra-hour scheduling compared to hourly scheduling. The Western US Power System - TANC To better meet the intent of the subregions while ensuring that new plants can be assigned consistently and that changes in the electrical grid are captured in subsequent eGRID updates, the methodology for assigning plants to eGRID subregions has been revised again. The WEIM's advanced market system automatically finds low-cost energy to serve real-time consumer demand across the west. Greenhouse gas data, voluntary reporting, electric power plant emissions. Instead, we identi ed the handful of di ering balancing authority assignments and About - Western Energy Imbalance Market eGRID2021 is updated with 2021 data and includes the following change to the methodology: Please see the Technical Guide for more details. Fill out this short survey to let us know how you use eGRID, what data you currently use, what features you would like in subsequent versions, and suggestions for improvements. A map of the interconnections is available here. Air Trends Reportsare EPA's "report card" on the status of air quality and air pollutant emissions. Formed in 2002 by the merger of the Western Systems Coordinating Council (WSCC) and two regional transmission associations, WECC encompasses the entire Western Interconnection and covers more than 1.8 million square miles. The order requires that Federal agencies report their building information in EPAs Portfolio Manager which uses eGRID to estimate emission reductions. endstream endobj 8 0 obj <>/OCGs[23 0 R 24 0 R 25 0 R 26 0 R 27 0 R 28 0 R 29 0 R 30 0 R 31 0 R 32 0 R 33 0 R]>>/PageMode/UseNone/Pages 5 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences 22 0 R>> endobj 9 0 obj <. For a relatively small number of plants (less than 0.1%), the sum of the generation by fuel type does not equal the total net generation at the plant. FERC Proposed Rule: Western Electricity Coordinating Council Regional 3. XLSX GGL is calculated by dividing the estimated losses by the result of total disposition minus net interstate exports minus direct use: The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) provides data on estimated losses (reported at the utility level via form EIA-861, and then allocated to States based on the utility's retail sales by State), total disposition (i.e., the sum of station use, direct use, retail sales, sales for resale, and other outgoing electricity), net interstate exports, and direct use (i.e., electricity consumed onsite for all operations other than electric power plant station use) at the state level in the State Electricity Profiles. Mercury emissions (when available) are included at the unit-level. Data gathered from the four different Reporting Areas (or NERC Subregions as shown) allows WECC to carry out the mission and perform four organization roles: Due to the vastness and diverse characteristics of the region, WECCs members are faced with unique and challenging problems in coordinating day-to-day interconnected system operation and t. he long-range planning needed to provide reliable and affordable electric service. In some cases, the amount of station use electricity exceeds the total amount of electricity generated at the plant, and the total net generation is a negative number. JavaScript appears to be disabled on this computer. Balancing Authority Cooperation Concepts - Intra-Hour Scheduling NERC . PDF 2022 Loads and Resources Data Collection Manual - NorthernGrid [3], A meter on a tie-line is shared between the two BAs interconnected by this line. Why are there outliers for some output emission rates? Quick Guide PDF PDF Western Interconnection Balancing Authorities - WECC Transmission Service Requests (TSR) Veronica Whitesmith. the Eastern Interconnected System (from the Atlantic ocean to the Rocky Mountain States), the Western Interconnected System (for States west of the Rocky Mountains), and. The national-fuel and state-fuel content average, calculated from EIA-923 Schedule 3A, was updated. These include: 4 Traded Hubs (PV, SP, NP, MidC) 30 Load Serving Balancing Authoritites. Bing Maps - Directions, trip planning, traffic cameras & more If there are several plants that report negative net generation, then it can reduce the denominator of that equation and result in a higher overall output emission rate. Reliability Coordinator - NERCipedia is available. theHousehold Greenhouse Gas Emissions Calculator, theGreenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator, Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Electric and Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles, Combined Heat and Power and Emissions Savings Calculator, Distributed National Carbon Sequestration Database and Geographic Information System (NATCARB), PJM Interconnections Generation Attribute Tracking System (GATS), EPAs Mandatory Rule on the Reporting of Greenhouse Gases (40 CFR Part 98). U.S. Greenhouse Gas Inventory Reports include inventories of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions and sinks. One of the most popular recent uses of eGRID is to determine the indirect GHG emissions from electricity purchases and avoided GHG emissions from projects and programs that reduce the demand for grid supplied electricity. Information about the wheelchair accessibility of stations, parking spaces and petrol stations are marked on the map. We also use cookies and data to tailor the experience to be age-appropriate, if relevant. PDF WECC-0115 BAL-002-WECC-3 - Contingency Reserve - Exhibit A - Final Covered Data. WECC is a conduit for other data exchanges. PDF Regional Entities Page 1 of 2 - Nuclear Regulatory Commission endstream endobj startxref If you are interested in receiving email alerts when eGRID is updated or eGRID related news is released, sign up ateGRID Notification form. *Please note that the regional boundaries in the NERC Regions map (also shown above) are approximate. Input emission rates are reported in pounds per million British thermal units (lb/MMBtu). Track outages and protect against spam, fraud, and abuse, Measure audience engagement and site statistics to understand how our services are used and enhance the quality of those services, Deliver and measure the effectiveness of ads, Show personalized content, depending on your settings, Show personalized ads, depending on your settings. Includes hydropower, solar, wind, geothermal, biomass and ethanol. Western Interconnection-Wide Regional Reliability Policy Facilitator-WECC facilitates the identification of issues specific to reliability, creates an opportunity for discussion of the issues, and represents region-wide issues and policies at the state and federal levels. Load and resource data submitted by the BA to WECC is used to identify areas that have the potential for electricity supply shortages. The Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) covers most, but not all, of Texas and consists of a single balancing authority. This page is not available in other languages. Die technische Speicherung oder der Zugriff, der ausschlielich zu statistischen Zwecken erfolgt. Balancing Authority shall take or be taking the same or substantially similar actions when directing BWP to adjust their generation. WECC processes and OTC determinations) are based upon the Rated System Path Methodology, found in MOD-029-1a. To align more closely with estimates made by EIA, starting with the release of eGRID2018, the methodology for calculating GGL changedslightly from the previous methodology used to create GGL values for eGRID2014 and eGRID2016. Maps, tools, and resources related to energy disruptions and infrastructure. BANC provides its Members an ownership voice in all Balancing Authority decisions consistent with the principle of maximizing consumer value. eGRID also provides aggregated data by state, U.S. total, and by three different sets of electric grid boundaries (i.e., balancing authority area, NERC region, and eGRID subregion). The generation data in eGRID are from the Energy Information Administration (EIA), which defines net generation as the total gross generation minus station use (which is the amount of electricity used to operate and maintain the electric power plant). . The California ISO has finalized agreements with 42 of the balancing authorities and transmission operators in the Western Interconnection to receive reliability coordinator services from ISO's RC West: . We make sure the right amount of electricity is generated and transmitted to our member utilities who are then responsible for delivering the power to their . Is there additional eGRID data available? It matches generation with load and maintains consistent electric frequency of the grid, even during extreme weather conditions or natural disasters. How do eGRID2021subregion rates compare to eGRID2020? 1752 [10]), and has said that together with . Balancing Authority of Northern California faces peak alert day, power shortfalls are possible, Four publicly-owned utilities begin participating in the Western EIM, Four more Balancing Authority of Northern California members join California ISOs Western Energy Imbalance market, BANC Successfully Meets August Heatwave Challenges; Supports CAISO, BANC faces peak alert days this week, but expects to avoid power shortfalls, ISO welcomes BANC and WAPA to the real-time energy market, More BANC members, WAPA California region agree to join California ISOs Western Energy Imbalance Market, BANC/SMUD joins California ISOs Western EIM, BANC to move to CAISO for future Reliability Coordinator services, BANC and SMUD to Participate in CAISO Energy Imbalance Market, Northern California public utilities form Balancing Authority. In the United States, electricity is generated in many different ways, with a wide variation in environmental impacts. EPA aggregates the data and presents it for Alaska, Hawaii, and the Eastern, Western, and ERCOT NERC interconnections. (WECC), handling an estimated 35 percent of the electric load in the west. The Eastern Interconnection encompasses the area east of the Rocky Mountains and a portion of northern Texas. Renamed Power Control Area file to Balancing Authority file to reflect the terminology currently used by the EIA and NERC. Balancing Authority Cooperation Concepts - As defined in the NERC Glossary. maintaining the balance between load, generation, and external transfers; controlling the frequency and time error; implementing the interchange transactions. BANC contracts with SMUD for operations of the Balancing Authority. The supporting documentation name was changed from Technical Support Document (TSD) to Technical Guide. 1 of Douglas County EPE - El Paso . In addition to the data categories identified in the February 18 data request, we propose to direct that NERC and WECC provide: (1) The DCS performance--as described in request (1) in the paragraph above--on a balancing authority basis; and (2) the hourly amount of contingency reserve and the fraction of that contingency reserve that is . Compliance Enforcement Authority. If the corrections are deemed to affect the eGRID data significantly, EPA will release another version of eGRID incorporating the latest EIA updates. Map multiple locations, get transit/walking/driving directions, view live traffic conditions, plan trips, view satellite, aerial and street side imagery. This usually occurs near the borders of two subregions. EIA's free and open data available as API, Excel add-in, bulk files, and widgets. The California Independent System Operator (CAISO) is the largest of about 38 balancing authorities in the western interconnection coordinating council (WECC), handling an estimated 35 percent of the electric load in the west. . Short, timely articles with graphics on energy, facts, issues, and trends. CAISO manages 80 percent of the load in California and a small portion of Nevada.The main balancing authorities in California are:CAISO - California Independent System OperatorBANC -Balancing Authority of Northern CaliforniaLADWP - Los Angeles Department of Water & PowerIID - Imperial Irrigation DistrictTID - Turlock Irrigation DistrictWALC -Western Area Power Administration, Lower ColoradoPacifiCorp WestNV Energy, California Electric Balancing Authority Areas,, {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-124.4096,32.5263],[-124.4096,41.9050],[-112.9475,41.9050],[-112.9475,32.5263],[-124.4096,32.5263]]]}. To maintain consistency with other GHG reporting methodologies, eGRID revised the emissions factor starting with eGRID2014. Extra-high-voltage connections between individual utilities permit the transfer of electrical energy from one part of the network to another. WECC Balancing Authority Areas and subregions. - ResearchGate Replaced Boiler file with new Unit file; included the entire universe of units; not just the subset of boilers with unit-level data from EPA/CAMD or EIA. The net generation in the Generator fileis based on unit-level generation data whereavailable. Also, see theNational Emissions Inventories for the U.S.and the Toxics Release Inventory. Electric Reliability Council of Texas, Inc. FRCC. Google Maps Your input and feedback is greatly appreciated. Analysts can use these emission factors to compare the emissions impacts of wind, solar, and energy efficiency program impacts. Please click here to see any active alerts. Title: Contingency Reserve 2. is an online map to search and find wheelchair-accessible places. 5 Tie Points. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. Energy & Financial Markets: What Drives Crude Oil Prices? [9], A balancing authority has the following responsibilities:[6], The coordination tasks are performed by the balancing authority staff and the automatic generation control (AGC) systems. 4.2 Reserve Sharing Group 4.2.1. As the reliability and security ecosystem continues to change, the ERO Enterprise is explicitly committed to its collective success in achieving its vision of a highly reliable and secure North American BPS. Send your feedback to, Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS), Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey (CBECS). Purpose To control Interconnection frequency within defined limits. TSGT has TTC allocations on WECC Rated Paths 30 . [6] To coordinate activities across multiple BAs, a reliability coordinator entity (RC) is used that has the power to reduce or cancel the interchange transactions and adjust the dispatch plans.

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