posted May 22, 2012 11:50 AM. Good health is one of the themes for this year. Dont spend too much time unnecessarily analyzing data and avoid wasting time on unimportant things. A natal Uranus conjunct ascendant aspect can make you come across as an Aquarius rising, regardless of your actual ascendant sign. Natal Mars is tightly conjunct the SR Ascendant. Being lonely or ostracized is a common experience in childhood. Are you and your love interest meant to be? You will be interested in developing your whole personality, including your physical body and the characteristics of your temperament. In Scorpio, powerful feelings come to the surface. However, it is also possible to establish lasting, stable relationships by expending a little effort. If by nature you are a more rational, practical person, you may enjoy these new attitudes and abilities for this time. venus solar return - Astrology Anonymous These include natal planets and Solar Return planets. We can see the following standout features of this Solar Return chart: The Sun is tightly conjunct the SR Midheaven. During this period you may come in contact with intuitive and sensitive people who will share with you their hunches and visions of things to come. Sun Conjunct Uranus Transit. But if you already are a person of strong character, you should remind yourself of this extra forcefulness you feel and avoid falling into situations where your pride and selfishness can get you into trouble. You will be so involved in your dreams and visions that you will have a hard time operating in the outer world and taking necessary action. This year you will be inclined to express yourself in a more intense and dramatic way. Spark your imagination when thinking about natal, transit, solar return, or progression meanings. However, this overflow is not always easy to deal with. Uranus Conjunct Ascendant: the Path Less Taken - Astrology You should confront these inner emotions and memories during this year as you will find that you have the necessary strength of will to do so. You may not know where it is exactly that you want to go, but a restless feeling is present. You are prone to impulsive action, suddenly starting new projects, but also suddenly ending things. Although you will find them appealing, you could also be annoyed by their emotional approach. Solar Return Ascendant in natal 2nd house. For example, Neptune conjunct the Descendant in a Solar Return chart, taken alone, can very certainly represent the encountering of disillusionments in close relationships. The worst-case scenario with this conjunction is extreme selfishness, abusive tendencies, aggression. If you dont understand why something should be done, you are reluctant to do it. This year does not leave much time for romance, love and adventure. It stays in the same zodiac sign for about 7 years. This will give you much needed relaxation and quiet. You may make some wonderful discoveries about yourself or reality which you can draw on a later time. Sun Conjunct Uranus Celebrities. They also will encourage you to spread your wings and travel. Effectively, it does represent some level of drama. Be careful not to alienate those close to you as you branch out and feel the need to express your individuality. This website doesn't provide any financial, legal, medical, psychological, or any other kind of professional advice. More sensitive than usual, you have your eye on security. On the other hand, there could also be disagreements, arguments, or even separation from certain friends and acquaintances. Most notably, her good friend with whom she maintained a friendship with for a few years, committed suicide and a murder on the same day. on an angle tackle the defender tracks; riverside public utilities rebates 9- You know the upcoming year will be a big one (in a transitional sense) when the Solar Return Sun forms a hard angle with the Solar Return Moon. You will be guided more by your feelings than by reason during this time and therefore your romantic encounters are inclined to be less conventional or less durable. This Sun conjunct Uranus transit interpretation can also be read for a Solar Eclipse and New Moon conjunct Uranus. There may be more involvement with children or especially romantic inclinations. You might enjoy provoking them. This could be something that was started before your birthday and is now completed. Note that you can create your own Solar Return chart with some key interpretations with my Zodiacal Free Chart service. Check the Solar Return data on the lower right hand portion of this page to see that the location and date are correct. And this year you think big! You also could be attracted to games of chance and can expect a certain amount of luck. It brings different circumstances and experiences and changes in your daily routine. This is not the best time to make great financial or professional advances. Avoid red meats and fried or very oily foods that are difficult to digest. This would give you too much time for self-criticism and dissatisfaction. Note that astrologers work with lunar returns and planetary returns as well. Cycles of Destiny: Understanding Return Charts by Ronald C. Davison. However, dont allow yourself to fall into ideological fanaticism. Your contact with children will also be important. In no way will you be unnoticed during this period and you will continually search for the approval of the public. A striking year will be one where a planet is partile or within a degree to one of the angles like Ascendant or Midheaven. If you are in a committed relationship, you might feel a little restless with the restrictions that it places upon you. The Astrology of 2023: This Year in Astrology. You could be plagued by doubt and more than once confronted with the difficult task of choosing between two or more options. Your social life will flourish this year. If by nature you are less than meticulous in your work, you may find it easier to organize your thoughts and your work this year. Uranus was in the house of health and it made me uneasy - what surprises were in . At the time of one's birth, this planet was rising in the horizon at one's location of birth. This year you will be tested. Some level of emotional detachment and stability is likely. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Your attention span may be short, however, and you might have your finger in too many pies. You might attract Cancer-type persons who could be most beneficial to you now as they may offer you understanding, protection, and support in your endeavors. During this year you will be more focused on your ambitions and goals. Uranus here implies that you rebel and carve a path for yourself rather than following conventional ideas. Note that SR Mars and SR Uranus are conjunct in the 3rd house. Of course, we cannot expect something as dramatic as what happened in Anns life to occur as a result of the individual factors found in the Solar Return chart and noted here. Examine them carefully and determine their value. But, on the other hand, dont accept everything you hear without question. Solar Returns (SR) - Astrology Guide Dont let negative emotions like anger, bitterness, jealousy, hate and vengeance control you. If you would like to make a radical change in your life, or just want to assert your individuality more, this is the year to do it. On page 4 of our Solar Returns Feature, interpretations of the Ascendant sign in the Solar Return chart, as well as the natal house brought to the Solar Ascendant. Uranus affecting your chart indicates that a classical life model would bore you to death. There is something aloof about these people. You move fast both physically and intellectually. A strong need for personal self-expression will be characteristic of the year, and emotional ups and downs are likely to occur in this area of life, simply because this is where your heart isthis is the area of life that you have the biggest emotional investment inand you may not be completely rational and in control in this area. This will help you to relax and get a restful nights sleep. Another way of looking at it is that Jupiter is the planet of expansion and excess. If you are not normally stubborn or individualistic, people around you might be surprised by your behavior this year. In any case, this year should bring you the affection you yearn for. If you are not involved with anyone at this time, you should remind yourself that you might not be seeing that new person with true clarity. You may find Pisces natives entering your life this year. You will probably make them public before your next birthday. It would be wise for you to listen to what they say to you if you believe they might be relevant and true for you. Solar Return Sun conjunct Solar Return Ascendant. If you are involved in politics in some way, this will be a good year to get more involved, increasing your influence in this arena. Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology. You may get more interested in service projects which improve the lives of others. Physically, your most sensitive spot will be your feet. Planets in aspect to Uranus and the ascendant add a bit of their own flavor. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. The Solar Return Ascendant sign shows your overall temperament, attitude, and approach to life in the year ahead. You are more likely to attract new circumstances, people, and experiences into your life. Solar Return Ascendant in the Signs - The Dark Pixie Astrology If Saturn and/or Uranus are conjunct an angle, expect a separation, breakup or sorrow". You could find yourself being more realistic and stubborn than usual. Your idealism will also increase, and you will have a strong interest in the fields of religion, philosophy, law, metaphysics, and in advanced science. If you had to choose, you would rather betray others than betray yourself. . However, recuperation time was lengthy, and she suffered from post-concussion syndrome as well as other side effects related to the accident. The degree of your success will depend entirely on your own effort and initiative. You may become more aloof and not have as much time for socializing. So, if both of these charts use your birthday, whats the difference? Your creativity will be notable and it could manifest at all levels. You will also feel impatient with your usual daily routine. Astrology Topics: Interpreting Venus Return Charts You are receptive to everything new, and you might have a great interest in technology, the internet, engineering, science, but also psychology, and astrology. People who live the positive side of this conjunction are free of prejudices, equalitarian, open-minded. The Solar Return Sun and Solar Return Moon form a tight square. You might find yourself looking for pity or inordinate approval from others for the work you are doing, which would not be in your best interest. People with a strong Uranus rarely listen to advice. HOUSE 1: Personality. You will meet worthy people whom you can trust and maybe someone older than you whom you can lean on. Then come to a conclusion and dont turn back again to analyze the topic in question. You can be more open and expressive, and you can be more active and sociable. This aspect can be tricky when it comes to relationships, especially keeping them in the long run. This could be a social year for you where you can go places and do things you have never considered before. Solar Return Chart: Meaning and Interpretations | Sun Conjunct Uranus Synastry denotes a person who is inventive, nonconformist, and progressive. It will be a year of adjustment to your true and basic interests. To avoid tension, you should try not to insist on having your own way with projects and endeavors that you are not directly involved in. This year you will want to start many new projects. You are likely to meet some interesting people who will stimulate your intellect and expose you to new and exciting ideas. If you are in a committed relationship, your partner could be your connection to the real world. If by nature you are not very demonstrative, you may surprise those around you (and yourself) with your emotional outbursts, but if you are, by nature, used to expressing yourself freely, you may find yourself losing control in some emotional situations when you do not wish to. When Uranus crosses the 4th house cusp, and a solar return confirms it, it's one of the surest signs that you'll be moving house. Interpretation Of Planets Conjunct The Ascendant | ElsaElsa In Taurus, domestic issues and finances will be on your mind. It's really not that bad a chart and from my point of view is . It may bring up memories of your relationship with your parents and the effect they had on you, both positive and negative, and the traditions and memories of your childhood that will aid you to grow and mature. In Virgo, focus is on your work, your habits, your health, and your routines. Please note that the Sun may return to its birth position the day before or after your actual date of birth. A solar return is one of astrologys predictive techniques, she says. As Michas says, the actual solar return day can sometimes be a day or two off from your birthday because some years have an extra day, known as leap years.. The solar return chart is calculated based on a number of factors 1) your time of birth 2) your birthday (month and day) 3) the current year 4) and your location as you celebrate your birthday that particular year. The following is the Solar Return chart for the year in question, with the natal chart in the outer ring so that we can easily see which natal planets are brought to the fore in the SR chart: One day after this Solar Return occurred, the native had a freak accident that caused her to break her neck, fracturing her C2 bone. Uranus sextile Ascendant (356) gives an urge to find more freedom in your friendships and partnerships. Note that SR Jupiter squares the natal Mars. The Meaning of Planets Rising, Descending, on the Nadir, or on the In general, the obstacles that seem to come during this period will be due to many unexpected things occurring one after another which will tax your patience greatly. Intellectual connection is a must for you in long-term relationships if you have a natal Uranus conjunct ascendant aspect. When a planet is rising, it is effectively conjunct the Ascendant or Rising Sign. 5- Another area of focus this year can be found by determining which natal house is effectively brought to the Ascendant. The conjunction morphs and blends the energy of two points or planets together. Inertia and resistance to making changes may characterize the period. Natal Mars is tightly conjunct the SR Ascendant. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. You will have faith in yourself and your plans, but there is a risk of making mistakes that you will later regret if you do not plan well and pay attention to necessary details. It is also a good time to put down roots, if this is appropriate and desirable for you. 42 people love it! Physically, you will have a lot more nervous energy that could make you more anxious and restless than usual. In dealing with relatives, neighbors and people in your everyday environment you should use care, for it is possible that they may try to influence you with their ideas which may not always be in your best interest. A solar return chart calculates when the sun returns to its natal position in your birth chart. You will be looking at what has up to now been important to you and want to discard some of it because your interests are changing at this time and you will be drawn to the new and unusual. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. You could also be impatient or impulsive in this area. Any legal or bureaucratic problems can be resolved swiftly and smoothly. We have two different styles, and each report is $4.95. If you are already very detailed and analytical, you should try to take time for some kind of physical activity so that you can remain more balanced between mind and body. With a prominent Uranus in the birth chart, you are in many ways unconventional and you are the cerebral type. On page 6 of our Solar Returns Feature, the importance of the Moon in the Solar Return chart, by sign, house, and aspect. Solar Return Ascendant in natal 1st house. You may concentrate on helping those around you by solving problems, distributing information on health issues, or getting involved in environmental concerns. In either situation, it would be advisable to engage in some physical activity during this year such as walking, gymnastics or sports. If by nature you are a timid person, this year will show a great change in your personality and you will fight, more than usual, to attain the place in life that you think you should have. You could begin a new relationship with a person who is attracted to your new persona. In Gemini, you are outgoing, sociable, and very curious. Then, perhaps, a romantic relationship begins that year. Trust your impressions and perceptions because they will undoubtedly be quite accurate. You are resistant to making big changes, and you are skeptical of new initiatives. Solar Return Sun conjunct Solar Return Uranus. You adapt to changes quickly and easily, what often gives you an edge in life if you use Uranian energy well. In the Zodiac, Uranus is assigned as the ruling planet of Aquarius, previously ruled by Saturn (and in traditional astrology, it is still the planetary ruler). Sun Conjunct Uranus Aspects Natal and Transit | Planetary Positions Calculations/Report. Decision-making is quick this year, and you are likely to be more physically active. They are created by the intersection of your personal space with the universal space. PDF Working with Solar Returns by Brian Clark - Astro*Synthesis Astrology Both are in the foreground, in prominent positions in the SR chart. As you grow older, it usually becomes easier to deal with such a strong Uranus. On the other hand, you could be exposed to certain risks or accidents. You will definitely be energized this year. As Cancers ruler, the Moon holds important clues as to what area of life in which you may encounter instability and change, and why you feel protective of your sense of security as a result. The following interpretations of the sign position of the Ascendant in the Solar Return chart come from the Solar Return Report. A natal Uranus conjunct ascendant suggests that you have a lot of energy. On this second page of our Solar Returns Feature, we offer a second real-life example of a Solar Return. You could be mainly interested in the study of metaphysics and in developing your intuition. When the transiting sun forms a conjunction with your natal Uranus, you will experience a wave of liberation and independence. It is very important to control the use of any addictive substances during this time. is very prominent this year and also shows change, which could be a change the way you think and speak your mind. There is a strong tendency to get caught up in your own world of ideas but have difficulty expressing them to others. You will be more tenacious and persevering in pursuing your dreams. Indeed it was. If you are already in a relationship, you will feel inclined to share many activities with your partner and could work on joint projects together.

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