Increased risks if someone less than fully knowledgeable about the weirdness in this house does any electrical work. I don't know how this works in the UK, but in the US, a service disconnect and meter removal can often be imposed at no additional cost to you for non-payment of bills, so you might want to investigate (not experiment with, in case it works very differently there) what would happen if you just stopped paying the supplier of that meter. If your reason for changing companies is to avoid a smart meter installation, it is prudent to get a written agreement with the company that a smart meter will not be installed at your home/business. We need to save the American Butternut tree! Read and inspect your meters every two years (at least) to take a reading Inspect all meters at least every two years to check they that are in good working order. Click on the image to read the letter: Details that could identify the people concerned have been removed. . It doesnt require manual reading - instead, it records your energy consumption in half-hour intervals and then sends the data to your, - Smart meters can communicate with your retailer using . These are also known as check meters. Please note that although the customers who supplied the letter rang the electric company as annotated on the letter and stated that a smart meter was not wanted, the electricity company twice sent technicians to try to replace the meter anyway. Rest in peace Black4Truck..B4T.Bob. Rates billed to tenants by the landlord must be the same as the rates billed to the landlord. What could cause a thermostat to distribute electricity to only one heater out of two? We have one large property with one power meter and have recently split this property into two. Nepia also complained to the tribunal that she spent 38 weeks trying to get keys from the property manager "so that she could secure her house." We're responsible for the governance and regulation of NewZealand's electricity industry. two has had internal walls constructed and has been prewired for lights and power points. This is the most common type of meter in New Did the drapes in old theatres actually say "ASBESTOS" on them? A property manager must repay more than a year's electricity charges after a landlord only provided one power meter at a two-flat property, making it impossible for tenants to work out how much each of them owed. You have two meter points so you'll get two bills. With thousands of tradies across NZ, Builderscrack has your job covered. Is the wiring very old, or inadequate? "Builderscrack" and "BC" are a registered trademarks of myQuote Limited. Legal Disclaimer: The content appearing on our website is for general information purposes only. Check out these other great, options for measuring electricity consumption. We set strict requirements to make sure meters remain accurate and granular data from smart meters remains confidential. electricity meter 2C:Cons: Probably costs more per month to have two services. Hi, Im looking in to converting a basement/garage in to a flat. You can also contact Utilities Disputes about smart meters, if you are unsatisfied with the response you get from your retailer. Interpreting non-statistically significant results: Do we have "no evidence" or "insufficient evidence" to reject the null? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Heres the issue the quote from UKPower for doing this is nearly 700! What are the fixed costs of each electric bill, i.e., what would the bill be if you used no electricity for a month? Before making any decision or accepting any legal advice, you should have a proper legal consultation with a licensed attorney with whom you have an attorney-client privilege. Thanks Trina B. @EdBeal does that only apply to new construction, or does it mean that a duplex being converted into a single home would need potentially extensive rewiring to route everything to a single feed? For further information regarding landlord and tenant rights and responsibilities, you can visit our website at While all information on this site has been fact checked carefully, assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions. Although I hadn't been particularly unhappy with my current power provider, when I purchased an EV I wanted to make sure I was not paying more for my power than necessary. WebIn a multi-family dwelling like an apartment building or a mobile home park, the landlord will receive a master meter electric bill. Once your data reaches this point, its then relayed to your retailer. What differentiates living as mere roommates from living in a marriage-like relationship? Meter Your data is always encrypted and undecipherable when its in transit on both the cell phone and radio networks. Your power company is bound by the Privacy Act 1993. The maximum exposure has been measured at one five hundredth of the allowed limit for New Zealand. It is not a substitute for professional legal assistance. ), However, reports received by indicate that electricity companies may not always send letters, and at least one company has installed smart meters without notifying the bill payer or the property owner. What are the rates from each provider? Im merging my two adjacent properties therefore decided to merge the electricity supply coming into the property and only have one bill (currently different suppliers). Industry participants can find technical information and guidance here. to separate utilities between tenants??? Need help Property no. This post was edited and submitted for review 6 months ago and failed to reopen the post: Original close reason(s) were not resolved. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress,,,, Government and Electricity Industry Positions, Correction to wrong link to Professor Dariusz Leszczynskis public lecture in Hawkes Bay on Sunday 24 November, Highlights of Stop Smart Meters NZs first newsletter for 2019, New blog covers wireless technology and health issues. Single phase digital electricity meters are $75-$100. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. This is a template letter that you may choose to personalise and send to your electricity retailer to inform the company that you refuse consent for the installation of a smart meter. (Some examples of signs/notices are below.) Many electricity companies have online features that will tell you if you have a smart meter at your property. Site users are encouraged to do further reading on the issue of smart meters rather than relying on this site as a sole source of information and to consult with someone who has relevant technical and/or medical expertise if they are concerned that their health is being adversely affected by exposure to electromagnetic radiation. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. The tenant has a right to read his/her meter. These are known as related MPANs. Easy to follow. I was confused trying to work out the advantages of changing suppliers until I spoke to him. So, based on this answer, it seems unlikely there's any benefit from keeping this arrangement and some considerable risks. A tenant is only responsible for paying for outgoings such as power and water that they use themselves. What to do with extra hot wire found in switch? Has anyone been diagnosed with PTSD and been able to get a first class medical? Of 12 years on local zoning board in my town I have seen things like that happen many a time. We educate, monitor and enforce compliance with electricity industry regulations and the Code. It's time to update your Google Chrome again. Is my hunch about the two halves of the house likely to be correct? WebMy property. SCE If you seperate the two I don't see why the poco would have a problem. Even they helped me getting the better deal (which the vendor was offering on their website). You're on the right first step. 2 buildings fed from 1 service/meter Your data is bounced from meter to meter, and then to an aggregation point, which is usually mounted on a power pole. Call us and provide the address: 0330 303 5063. Radio mesh - Smart meters can also communicate with your retailer by using the radio mesh network. Ask an Expert: Power calculations - Landlords If there's already a separate meter in the Granny Flat, then surely @Crolly just needs an OVO account with two electricity meters billed on it. When a property has two meters, it is easiest to think of it as two totally separate properties put together on the same bill. What if your property is zoned for both commercial and residential use? To actually solve 1, you might need rewiring so that one meter feeds both entrance points, otherwise you might be paying for two services to the same provider. Electric Meters Episode about a group who book passage on a space ship controlled by an AI, who turns out to be a human who can't leave his ship? An example of a letter that a retired nurse used to successfully prevent the installation of a smart meter at her home may be read at this link: The landlord uses this master bill to charge tenants for each units electricity use. I'm learning and will appreciate any help, Two MacBook Pro with same model number (A1286) but different year, Generating points along line with specifying the origin of point generation in QGIS. This needs to be finished to include a fuse box. Some households have two MPANs; this could be because the property is supplied by two electricity meters, or one meter that is supplied by two MPANs. If you follow the feeds from the meters do they go off to different poles (or conduits) and from there to different substations (this will be harder to ascertain if they go underground) ? Is it really all that complicated or will the PUD bill 2 separate meters on my property one for shop one for house on same bill? - Smart meters can also communicate with your retailer by using the radio mesh network. WebJob description. WebA supply point is how suppliers provide and charge for electricity. I'm so confused. Find out how electricity gets to your home, what makes up your power bill and how to save energy. Quick response! We're responsible for regulating the standards, installation, testing, accuracy, reading and data security requirements for meters. Are these quarters notes or just eighth notes? Just for bragging rights :). On top of these costs my supplier has to come and remove the meter in the Annexe (another cost of course). Home Improvement Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for contractors and serious DIYers. The null/zero bedroom column is the one to the left of 1. The power co. will let you know. Cabling for outdoor wireless access point. Sign up today to get cracking. It sends this network to send your meter readings throughout the day, as well as at the end of the day, to your power retailer. Should I ask the two tenants to split the bills down the middle?? The Two-Meter Problem - Madison, WI | Solar Panel Energy Grounding requirements for multipanel, multiservice installation, Wiring advice - two circuits wired to a single GFCI outlet, Help diagnose potential open neutral (80v and 150v!). Two electric meters, one house Check out these other great options for measuring electricity consumption. (NB: Even if you have an agreement with your electricity that they will not install a smart meter it is a good idea to lock your meter box and put a sign on it in case of any communication problems between the electricity company and the metering contractor. Electricity Meters Come join the discussion about trade knowledge, tools, certifications, wiring, builds, scales, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! The supplier is Opus energy who apparently don't supply direct so I've got to get another supplier to take over. Smart or advanced meters are not compulsory in New Zealand, even though some representatives of and/or contractors to electricity companies have been apparently telling customers that it is compulsory to have a smartmeter. It doesnt require manual reading - instead, it records your energy consumption in half-hour intervals and then sends the data to your power company each day. Smart meters offer several benefits: Smart meters are a tool that supports the electricity industry in NewZealand's transition to a cleaner, more flexible energy system. I'm gonna talk to southern California Edison about this later today but I just wanted to get your guys thoughts on the matter. WebYes, you can have 2 electrical energy meters in a single house, for your convenience, distribute the load equally on the 2 meters, and you will get a less amount of Electricity It requires a meter reader to visit your house to record how much electricity youve used since the last reading. NB: It is prudent to keep all copies of correspondence with your electricity company in a safe place in case you need it later. That keeps the wires live but stops the standing charge. Changing out two ceiling fans with two switches (one for lights, one for fans) for two lights with one switch. Otherwise, you can call them directly to find out. ', referring to the nuclear power plant in Ignalina, mean? This may cause some confusion at one address (when somebody tries to switch supplier they might switch the 'wrong' MPAN), but I don't think there's anything fundamentally wrong. rev2023.5.1.43405. my property or electricity meter has more than one NB: Keep the notice in place even if your electricity company has agreed not to install a smart meter in case of communications problem that means the your home/business has not been removed from the installation list.). You'd have to choose a utility to keep and contact both (or all three if you can and do choose a third one) to work out the details. I won't know for a while whether the switch was the best one, or even a good one, until I start to work with the new provider. So I do have the ability to live here & run my business out back in my shop viragocafe Feb 13, 2018 at 7:11 1 Most of the time, the person who pays the bill for a house or business will receive a letter from their electricity company advising them that the electricity will be upgraded to a smart or advanced meter. The type of electricity meter you have though will impact the way you retailer charges you for power. ", Asked if she knew it was illegal to use such a written agreement, she said: "In this particular case, there was an agreement with the tenants.". The Electricity Industry Participation Code 2010 requires that your power company keeps your consumption data secure. Many said it couldn't be done, but you proved them wrong. We need a reliable electrician who can first quote, then do the work. You'd have to check. This often involves a Meter Reader visiting your property every other month to take a reading. E.g. The power co. will let you know. NZ-Smart-Meter-non-consent-form updated January 2015, AN EXAMPLE OF A LETTER THAT WAS SENT BY AN ELECTRICITY COMPANY ADVISING THAT A TECHNICIAN WOULD BE REPLACING THE ANALOGUE METER. So, if there is a problem with the service line you are responsible for its This would not be a wise course of action. We're working with the sector on NewZealand's renewable energy and lowemissions transition. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. "Thanks Jon. You may also want to send a letter by registered mail to your electricity supplier stating that you refuse permission to have a smart meter installed. They will know more about their own metering replacement programme, their reasoning behind why you need your meter replaced, and what your specific contractual obligations are with them. What's the cheapest way to buy out a sibling's share of our parents house if I have no cash and want to pay less than the appraised value? It's not a legal requirement to have a smart meter in NewZealand. (Personal communications), NB: If you are a landlord, you may not be notified that the meter(s) in your house/building may be changed; even though this may affect the return on your investment as discerning tenants may not want to rent a property with a smart meter. I found Kurt very easy to talk to. The tenants can get together and do that, if they agree, or the landlord can go over every month and do it. You will be redirected once the validation is complete. If you are being bullied by your electricity company, please email through the Contact From at this link: If you are using two meter with different perspective and treat them differently then you will not get any issue. Eris Electrical is a Level 2 electrician and can assist you with all your metering requirements. It sends this network to send your meter readings throughout the day, as well as at the end of the day, to your power retailer. If you stop paying bills you get sued, and then eventually disconnected, and then you get sued for the cost of disconnection. Excellent communication. It uses signals to send this information to your power retailer, so they can also see how much power youve been using. (Personal communications.). Do we have a right to request a sub- meter so that we know exactly how much power we are using and can pay our fair share? If we wanted to, how much work would it be to get to something simpler? The people providing legal help and who respond are volunteers who may not be lawyers, legal professionals or have any legal training or experience. That sounds mostly like a question about rates and tariffs, which is out of our bailiwick here. The answer would be yes. One is a key meter and one is a "normal" multi rate meter. the Allied commanders were appalled to learn that 300 glider troops had drowned at sea. Only the electric water heater can be connected to that meter. Who's name would the utilities be under? Can I use the spell Immovable Object to create a castle which floats above the clouds? The #1 non-financial reason to keep em split is to allow future subdivision, e.g. There both sharing the same address. NB: Many more resources, including some Te Reo and English resources are on our Resources page at this link. These standards are set by the Ministry of Health in the Interagency Ministerial report on radio frequency fields. Can we get two electricity meters in one home in the same name Copyright 2011 vBulletin Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. We now need to individualise each property's power source so there are two Don't bother with the check meter, it can be a headache trying to apportion electricity usage and obtain money from the tenants. A property manager was pinged for not having two power meters at a two-flat property. "The acknowledgment is meaningless in law," the tribunal said because no clause like that overrode the act. JavaScript is disabled. 2023 myQuote Ltd, All Rights Electricity meters measure a propertys electricity consumption and are used by energy companies to calculate what to charge on your power bill. Hey all, I have 2 customers here in California who want to add a second meter pedestal to a property with two homes on it. Adding second meter for same property | Electrician Talk ), 1) Putting a lock on the meter box. Customer service was quick to reply and very attentive. Home Improvement Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for contractors and serious DIYers. Cheers Glen, I'm actually looking in to doing it with a building consent etc. NB: An example of a letter that was sent out to a customer advising that the analogue meter was going to be replaced with a [smart meter] may be viewed here. If you don't have a smart meter and would like one, contact your power company to see if you can get one installed and if there is a cost involved. Which was the first Sci-Fi story to predict obnoxious "robo calls"? Ben asks: (updated on Thursday, October 13th 2016). Please see the. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Shutting of "the power" in an emergency is not one place, but two. I'm voting to close as opinion-based and cost-related. Ms Nepia should not have been required for pay for electricity as there was no meter accurately recording her usage," the tribunal decided. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. This drives our power bill through the roof, especially over winter. WebThe landlord must make sure the property has a way to heat water and cook food. electrical Are there any advantages/disadvantages to this sort of arrangement? Canadian of Polish descent travel to Poland with Canadian passport. Smart meters are usually installed in the same location as the old analogue meter - typically on an exterior wall of your property. Note the 3 x service fuses at the top left of the board. two has had internal walls constructed and has been prewired for lights and power points. The law is also subject to change from time to time and legal statutes and regulations vary between states. Is there such a thing as "right to be heard" by the authorities? This process is automatic. They don't like trailers etc on your property . Do you have a healthy Butternut tree near you? Your data is bounced from meter to meter, and then to an aggregation point, which is usually mounted on a power pole. Is "I didn't think it was serious" usually a good defence against "duty to rescue"? BELOW ARE SOME EXAMPLES OF LOCKED METER BOXES: PLEASE SIGN UP TO THE FREE EMAIL LIST ON WWW.STOPSMARTMETERS.ORG.NZ TO KEEP UP WITH NZ NEWS ON THE SMART METER ISSUE. Is "I didn't think it was serious" usually a good defence against "duty to rescue"? * NB: If the electricity meter is indoors, you and your family (or tenants or staff) may need to refuse entry if a technician comes to replace the meter. For purposes of New York and New Jersey State ethics rules, please take notice that this website and its case reviews may constitute attorney advertising. At the moment we pay 50% of the power bill each month but in the house we share power with NB: The letter below is addressed to Delta, the company that installs smart meters in Dunedin; however, the letter is in Word format so you can personalise it for your city or area. What are some computer interfacing electric energy meters on the market? @crip659 @ Ecnerwal - Based on my understanding of the UK electrical system, I think it's unlikely that the two meters are fed by physically isolated distribution.
two electric meters, one property nz