Points will be awarded if an applicant's medical circumstances are made worse by their current housing circumstances and would be improved by a move to more suitable, alternative accommodation, Applicants and tenants will be entitled to either a general award of 50 points or 150 points for a severe medical need. Share on Facebook (external link opens in a new window / tab), Share on Twitter (external link opens in a new window / tab), Share by email (external link opens in a new window / tab), Which problem did you find on this page? If an applicant and his/her spouse/partner are awarded housing need points for needing sheltered housing, points will not be deducted unless their gross assets, income or savings would enable them to purchase a suitable sheltered property. The residence of children in another authority from that of their parents cannot be taken to be residence of their own choice and therefore does not constitute a local connection. 50% of the overcrowding and / or gender overcrowding points will be awarded. It's worth noting that positions can change on a daily basis as new applications are assessed and / or people are housed or their applications cancelled. You can get points if you do not have enough bedrooms for everyone in your household. 1.32 Under the ADAPT scheme, the Council will identify properties that are wheelchair accessible, or have received high level adaptations. Fundraising is a vital way of supporting our work to tackle housing problems and homelessness. You will be awarded housing need points depending on your circumstances - which can include factors such as overcrowding and medical circumstances. > Applying for housing > Points system. 2.1 Free and confidential advice will be made available for people who may have difficulty making an application. The property is in a clean condition and satisfactory state of decoration, The property shows no signs of damage caused by the tenant, members of their household or visitors to their home, Any garden is reasonably cultivated and free from rubbish and/or overgrowth, Disabled or vulnerable tenants who live alone, Current tenants who have been awarded points for high or medium social or welfare circumstances under section 4D, The Council will have the discretion to waive the transfer standard, A single person (16 or over) will be registered for a studio flat or a one bedroom flat, A couple will be registered for a one bedroom flat. Council housing: Apply for a council home - GOV.UK 2.5 The Council is keen to maximise choice for applicants and tenants applying for housing or transfer. The points system When you apply for housing, your position on the waiting list is determined by the points you are awarded. However, people can be excluded from the list if because of their previous antisocial behaviour, immigration status or have some criminal convictions. If the applicant is the tenant or owner occupier they will not qualify under this section. 3.0 The Council can not allocate housing to anyone (or jointly with someone) who is not an eligible person. 5.14 The Council will decide, after taking into account the household size, age, composition and circumstances, the size and type of accommodation that the applicant or tenant will be registered for. 2.19 Applicants subject to Multi Agency Public Protection Panel arrangements or witness protection programmes may be exempt from a no local connection points reduction. Beyond this date work will continue to improve both council housing and council housing estates. The local authority partners with five housing associations and all affordable social rented accommodation is advertised and and allocated through the Homesearch scheme. The council said it aims to provide properties to applicants who need accommodation of that size and may be able to offer a property thats bigger than you need, but in areas with few vacancies or very high demand it wont be possible. The Objectives of the Policy are: 1.2. A swap - also known as a mutual exchange or housing exchange - can help you move quickly, and gives you control in deciding where you stay. The social housing stock is allocated through housing associations using the Torfaen Homeseeker portal. Such a transfer would be subject to the provisions in 5.10 and 5.11. The points system . You can choose as many areas of the city as you want, but you should bear in mind that the council has very few properties in some areas, and they may not become available very often. If you need help with your application, council-run libraries in Monmouthshire have free internet access and resources to help you complete your social housing application. 5.3 Applicants and tenants will receive a maximum of 3 'reasonable' offers of accommodation from either the Local Authority or via a Housing Association as part of the nominations scheme. 4.0 Applicants and Tenants will be awarded housing need points where they are able to demonstrate that they meet the appropriate criteria in either their permanent or temporary home. You can get 10 points for every bedroom you are missing. 5.16 All families with children aged below 16 years who live with them for at least 50% of the time will, where there is confirmation, be registered for houses or flats. An offer of suitable accommodation to discharge homelessness duty. Net Zero 2030 - Swansea The points system. 5.13 Tenants who are in line for an allocation but who do not meet the transfer standard will be contacted by the Council and an opportunity to address any issues will be provided, depending on the circumstances. 3.4 In some cases where an applicant has accrued former tenant arrears from a previous tenancy with any social landlord, this may be considered as unacceptable behaviour by the Council. the condition of your home for example, your home is in a bad state, your health and wellbeing for example, you have mobility issues such as trouble using the stairs, social needs for example, you need to move to be closer to family for support, You can review the four categories of points in more detail below. Therefore we are currently looking to. Points are awarded under four categories according to your housing need, as detailed below. Certain areas have a low number of council properties, again resulting in longer waiting times. The Welsh Housing Quality Standard (WHQS) states that all homes should reach the standard by 2021. If you have a question about a government service or policy, you should contact the relevant government organisation directly. You can get points if you share a home with other people who will not be moving with you. Increase your points | Housing Rights - Housing Advice NI 6.2 Any appeal must be made within 28 days of the date of the decision or assessment. Each landlord has a different system for applying for and deciding who gets a home. How Swansea Council's Housing Rents Management Service is Delivered. There is also a handy Housing Solutions Guide on the council's website which allows you to explore other options that might be available to you including shared ownership and sheltered housing, based on your circumstances. For queries or advice about employment rights, contact the Labour Relations Agency. It is satisfied that the applicant (or a member of his/her household) is guilty of unacceptable behaviour serious enough to make them unsuitable to be a tenant; and that the applicant's circumstances and behaviour at the time of their application have not changed and improved since the unacceptable behaviour occurred. Points under 4A and 4B will be reduced to a maximum of 50. Our housing allocation. This is often called the housing selection scheme. The council is continuing its roll-out of Swansea Standard homes, which generate a portion of the energy they use. How the Council prioritises applicants for rehousing ensuring that reasonable preference is given to certain people. 1.29 ADAPT aims to simplify the process for accessing adapted accommodation and to ensure that existing adapted accommodation across the City and County of Swansea is put to best use. 1.5 The policy seeks to ensure that reasonable preference is given to those tenants and applicants in the greatest housing need and to help applicants and tenants to be housed or rehoused in an area of their choice, as far as is reasonably possible. When you apply for housing, your position on the waiting list is determined by the points you are awarded. Those who are homeless and in priority need may be offered suitable accommodation outside of their preferred area. 1 talking about this. 5.32 Retiring employees in tied accommodation who have been in post pre 6th November 1992 will be offered accommodation in line with their existing accommodation. How the Council will prioritise tenant transfers. 2.12 The Council will provide households with confirmation of housing need points awarded. 6.5 Applicants will be informed in writing of the decision on review and the grounds for that decision. Generally there is a shortage of available properties and a large demand for accommodation. If the property has had major adaptations (see Appendix 1) during the last 2 years, points will be reduced to 0 unless there has been a considerable change in circumstances which makes their current home unsuitable. We are so happy you found the information you need! 2.21 The Council will make arrangements for decisions and assessments to be explained in person on request, or where it is apparent that the applicant or tenant may have difficulty in understanding the reasoning behind or implications of any decision made by the Council in relation to this policy. Depending on where people want to live, they need to apply to one, two, three or all four landlords, completing up to four applications and making follow-up enquiries with . They also run a service called HomeSwapper, an online tool that allows you to swap your council or housing association property if you need to up/downsize or move to a different area. Swansea Council is committed to ensuring the safety and protection of all children and young people and will take action to safeguard their wellbeing. 1.26 The Move-On Strategy is a partnership between the City and County of Swansea, local Housing Associations and various statutory and voluntary agencies in the City. The point of the whole house retrofit project is to demonstrate how and why existing housing stock should be decarbonised in Swansea, across Wales and beyond. Find out about support agencies, grants and getting help from Landlord Advice. with the City & County of Swansea? Waiting time is used to decide your position in the band. 2.0 Subject to the details of this Policy, anyone who is aged 16 or above and who is an eligible person (as defined in Section 3) can apply for housing. Homeless or threatened with homelessness, in priority need and not intentionally homeless, Non-priority homeless or in non-permanent accommodation and not intentionally homeless, Residents in long stay hospitals, Council care or a Nursing Home, Licensee required to leave (entitled to points under Section 4b), Licensee (entitled to points under Section 4b), Intentionally homeless ( priority and non priority), OVERCROWDED , UNSATISFACTORY HOUSING CONDITIONS. Applicants or tenants who own property will be expected to sign a statement to the effect that they will occupy the Council property as their sole residence, that they will not derive any income from the property they own and will inform the Council should the property be sold or otherwise disposed of. You'll receive your points total in writing. Finding a suitable place to live will be one of your main concerns upon your arrival in Wales. 2.14 The Council reserves the right to refuse or cancel any application, which it considers to be based on false or misleading information. Cardiff Council decides who can join its housing waiting list via the The Cardiff Housing Allocation Scheme. Where an applicant has no local connection with the City and County of Swansea. Being aware of some common problems can help you to avoid matters getting out of hand. Your first step is to register with Homeseeker online, or speak to the housing team directly on 01495 742 409. 2.2 All applications will be assessed to determine whether the applicant or tenant is eligible for an allocation in accordance with Section 3 of this policy. Listen for the options on the phone message and choose the right one for you. 5.8 A community connection is defined as an area in which the applicant their parents or children, have lived for longer than 12 months within the last 5 years. If you wish to report a problem with a road or street you can do so online in this section. 1.8 All applicants for housing will be asked to complete the Council's 'About You' form. 5.1 Overview As one of the largest social housing providers in Wales,. Applicants can choose to be registered for any of these 89 areas and there is no limit on the areas an applicant can choose to register for. This will be achieved in a variety of ways, including posters at Offices, articles in "Open House", and information on tenant transfer application forms. Once complete and submitted, your application will be reviewed by a council officer to validate the information provided. To apply to be on the register, you will need to be interviewed either in person or over the phone. So, to try and make it easier, we've taken a look at different local authorities in Wales and what people need to do to apply for a council house. 1.25 Housing Associations offer accommodation to the Council on an ongoing basis. The council hopes the changes . False, misleading or non disclosure of information. The first step is completing an application to join Swansea Council'shousing register. Find out what documents you must give new tenants and how to set up a tenancy. The more points you have, the higher you are on the waiting list to get a home from the Housing Executive or a housing association. Our advisers can help explain which points you can get and why. You will be contacted by the appropriate area housing office if they are able to offer you permanent accommodation. It is called the Bridgend Common Housing Register. If you are accepted onto the waiting list, the council will look at your housing needs, and whether you have a "local connection" to Cardiff, to decide which band you will join. Our advisers may also be able to help find ways to get more points. Know your rights and responsibilities if you rent from a private landlord. To find out if you are eligible for housing you need to call the council on 01554 899 389. For queries or advice about rates, email LPSCustomerTeam@lpsni.gov.uk. You can get points if you do not have enough bedrooms for everyone in your household. Erin can get 20 points for the extra rooms. Understand who is responsible for repairs in your home and get help with getting repairs done. We use cookies on this site to enhance the user experience. paper, compact disk, e-mail messages, and reports. 1.22 The Council works closely with several local Housing Associations to develop affordable housing for rent and shared ownership. 2.23 Safety and confidentiality are paramount. If you want to speak to our advisers about points, be ready to talk about all parts of your situation and your needs. The Council will advise such households to re-apply for rehousing when their circumstances change. Should this happen, points will be reduced in accordance with this policy. Applicants will be withdrawn from the housing register for up to 12 months following one reasonable offer of accommodation being refused without good reason. Where an individual has overnight contact or custody of a child/children for 3 nights per week (but less than 50% of the week). An applicant and his/her spouse/partner will only be treated as having income large enough to secure a mortgage if they have income that would enable them to secure a mortgage on a average priced property on a 3 x total income basis. 1.27 The Strategy aims to assist people who are ready to move-on to their own accommodation, from temporary or supported accommodation by finding appropriate accommodation and support. zxoeg.engineerjob.us 2.8 Tenants awarded points for high or medium social or welfare circumstances under section 4D will be registered for a reasonable selection of areas as determined by the Council. If the council requires more information, you will receive a message when you log into your account advising you what you are required to do. 1.7 We are committed to providing equality of opportunity and all applicants and tenants will be treated equally and without discrimination. 4.3 The Council may also need to conduct a home visit in order to check circumstances and housing conditions. (NB The award of these points is subject to guidance notes developed to support this policy, which details those properties which are deemed beneficial having particular regard to the Council's Housing Strategy). Officials said it also focuses on people's choices rather than points and to apply for homes in the specific area they wish to live by opening up more choices. For example, Erin has three children, but they are adults and living in their own homes. This policy is the framework for the assessment of applications for council housing including tenant transfers, the allocation of council property, and nominations to a tenancy held by a housing association. You can then track your application, make changes to your circumstances and check you banding in your online account at any time. New Town Corporation, Urban Development Corporation. Housing associations are responsible for shortlisting and allocating advertised properties. 2.25 The tenancy will automatically become a secure tenancy when the applicant reaches the age of 18, providing the person does not become ineligible for an allocation in the interim. 5.28 Where an eligible applicant or tenant accepts an offer of accommodation, an offer of an unconditional secure tenancy will be made except in the instances listed below: 5.29 Where the Council is able to demonstrate that an allocation to the highest pointed household would have a detrimental effect on the area where the vacancy exists, the property may be allocated to the next highest pointed household on the waiting list. Associated schemes, initiatives and agreements. For queries or advice about historical, social or cultural records relating to Northern Ireland, use the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI) enquiry service. Allocation policy | North Lanarkshire Council The University recently learned of the passing of these Cornellians. Depending on your circumstances, you may be required to include two areas where social housing is more readily available in your choices this will help to ensure that you have the best chance of being rehoused. You can also apply byphone with one of our Housing Options advisors. You should therefore also consider renting in the private sectionas an option. You need to consider all of this when applying and selecting your areas, the council added. Before you contact our advisers: check the breakdown of your points - look through the points list and check where your points match the items on the list, you can also call the Housing Executive (03448 920 900) to get a breakdown of your points Housing Rights is registered with The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland - NIC105735Housing Rights is a company limited by Guarantee in Northern Ireland. 1.16 The duty of confidentiality may be waived in circumstances where the disclosure is considered to be in the wider public interest e.g. UK100 | Knowledge Hub | Swansea Retrofit Project | UK100 5.31 A summary of the current minimum lettings standard is available from the Council, Retiring Employees of the City and County of Swansea. Your position on the waiting list is based on the points you get under four main categories: Points awarded under any of these categories will decide your total points level and your position on the waiting list. Emailcustomerservice.unit@communities-ni.gov.uk, Call 0800 587 0912Email dcs.incomingpostteamdhc2@nissa.gsi.gov.uk, Contact your local Jobs & Benefits office. Only in exceptional circumstances would the residence of relatives other than those listed above be taken to establish a local connection. Your story can help us show other people how we can help. Where the need is less urgent - eg it is are overcrowded where they live now - they join band B. Bands C & D are for people who have a housing need, but who do not have a local connection to Cardiff. Details of the policy are available at any Council office or at www.swansea.gov.uk, Appendix 1-Adaptations for the chronically sick or disabled. The council, perhaps stating the blindingly obvious here, said that people should consider renting in the private sector as an option. Domestic abuse often has consequences for the housing situation of those affected and the Council will ensure that all staff adopt a common approach to giving advice, guidance and assistance to customers experiencing domestic abuse. The more our advisers know, the better they can help. Households awarded points under 4A will not be entitled to points under the following sections, Section 4B (except where stated) Section 4D - High and Medium. You can contact your housing officer to check roughly how many points you need for homes in your area. The Council's policy on applicant choice and preference. The authority may ask you to send supporting information or other evidence and may need to visit your accommodation to confirm your circumstances. Find out more on our Information about Cookies page. The arrangements are different depending on where you live, Get the latest property stories from Wales straight to your inbox. There are four main reasons you can get points, for: You can review the four categories of points in more detail below. The offer will be regarded as reasonable if it meets the needs of the applicant in terms of size and type of accommodation and is in the applicants preferred area of choice. swansea council housing waiting list - vente-pneu-merignac.fr Following 3 refusals, applications will be cancelled and households will need to reapply. 1.28 The Council will award housing needs points to applicants accepted onto the Move-On Strategy in accordance with this policy. Swansea is among 11 out of 22 authorities in Wales which still owns its council houses and has until December 31 this year to bring them up to the Welsh Quality Housing Standard (WQHS). He or she is employed there (i.e. 1.17 Anyone can request 'recorded information' from the Council in any format, e.g. Once your points have been awarded you can contact an adviser at Housing Options who will give further advice on area choices and likely waiting times. There people are able to view and "bid" on homes - although the bidding it doesn't involve any money. Housing is a devolved issue which means that the Welsh Government is responsible for this issue in Wales. To count as a bedroom, the room must be a certain size. All decisions will be subject to the provisions outlined in Section 6 of this Policy, Appeals, Reviews and Complaints.
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