Thank you Tarrell for this! 409-418. New York: McGraw-Hill Education. 2nd ed. Therefore, social workers need to look at their own underlying assumptions, as well as dominant social narratives, in order to shape their holistic understanding and experience of a given incident. This article aims to demonstrate being reflexive and doing reflexivity through reflection where, within the research, for example, the first author addressed the difference between meanings of research participants perceptions of their experiences and her own interpretations of the meanings. The Learning Centre - UNSW. I recognized what I was good at and pushed myself in that direction. Abingdon: Routledge. Stephen Brookfield, a health educator, says: Critically reflective practitioners constantly research [their] assumptions by seeing practice through four complementary lenses; these lenses are: the lens of their own autobiographies, the lens of learners eyes, the lens of colleagues perceptions and the lens of theoretical, philosophical, and research literature. Knott, C. and Spafford, J. Many interns and student workers across various disciplines find themselves struggling to be heard in their field placements. Applying the Strengths Perspective to Your Self-Reflection a{Yk@p}r5h|yiPV8Gzc 4g@&S*/NNVw1{@F:db{1iQl9b:iA::~tTUkKGR?# !)oSb=\wI/#%tAJ Munro, E. & Rumgay, J., 2000. Critical Thinking and Professional Judgment for Social Work. Fook, J. Often Alice would experience what appeared to be moments of psychosis during which she seemed to be transported back in time to a particularly traumatic event which resulted in repetitive phrases and sentences being used to describe what had happened. Applying the Strengths Perspective to Your Self-Reflection. Planned risk-taking can and should promote a good quality of life, develop new skills and expand life experiences (Barry, 2007). Source: Reflective Writing. Reflective tool Reprinting & reuse, The Field Educator is published by the Simmons University School of Social Work. Boud, D. (1999). Although JK had a lead key-worker at my agency who was a permanent member of staff, I was responsible for the majority of the key working sessions with JK during my time on this placement. Supported housing for adults with psychiatric disabilities: How tenants confront the problem of loneliness. 51-55. All material published on this website Copyright 1994-2023 White Hat Communications. .HLNq 2Avv%%% w T-?(b`n1 Constructive Social Work. This assignment is based on my work with one particular resident who I will refer to using the pseudonym Alice. Group work assignment. The importance of iatrogenic health, the process whereby possibilities and opportunities are acknowledged and explored, is part of a constructive narrative approach founded on a postmodern perspective (Parton & OByrne, 2000). 1st ed. The concept of reflection: is it skill based or values?. Healing Eucharist Mass | Teleradyo (30 April 2023) - Facebook I understand everything you experience is a teaching moment, good or bad. There are critics of the way reflection is promoted in current practice environments, with some bemoaning the cult following that has developed around reflection in the social work sphere (Ixer, 1999: 513). Social Work Education, 35(7), pp. I discussed how I engaged with different models of reflection, experienced power dynamics, and explored different interpretations of mental distress. Tarrell Clark, BSW, is a May 2020 graduate of Stockton University and works with adults with developmental disabilities. i9-i26. Others time? Living in supportive housing for people with serious mental illness: A paradoxical everyday life. 145-154. The physical scars on Alices body as a result of these experiences can be understood from a postmodern perspective as embodied manifestations of power and oppression (Tangenburg & Kemp, 2002). Eventually Alice became homeless, living on the street and addicted to heroin. Here you can choose which regional hub you wish to view, providing you with the most relevant information we have for your specific region. The Behavioural and Brain Sciences, 5(1), pp. Although I will discuss my involvement with JK more broadly,I will focus on one particular key working session that we had, where JK was most descriptive about all his concerns and the issues that were effecting him (session A). hVmO0+^%] !v6-D%R_P6s6tHh{9'JJ"Di"U@T0.90|aI9auxiA8hp:: \Ih%T1*r|5M^-S/;q-?xg!Y^4r;Na#:yJWkrN7|O_b/\?QeN-W<>W\ The Munro Review of Child Protection, Final Report, A child-centerd system, London: The Stationary Office. Web Transparency: Reflective social workers who sense an ethical issue share their concern with supervisors, colleagues, and appropriate administrators. The Case for Keeping COVID Modifications: Community Care: A Field Education-Based Model For Police Social Work in Rural Communities, Gatekeeping in Social Work Field Education, The Conversation: The ASWB Licensing Exam Pass Rates and Bias. Social Work: A Critical Approach to Practice. However, I do not recall being instructed or advised to use the two collaboratively. Fook, J. His four complementary lenses can suggest a number of questions as social work students reflect on a challenging situation in field placement. I learnt that Alice had endured severe and multiple adverse childhood experiences. Example of 'Feelings'. It allows me to access different points of view, positive feedback, and constructive challenge.. No plagiarism, guaranteed! Finally, as reflective practice encourages students to stay in touch with their own responses and personal needs, it is a vital component of self-care and professional development. I am going back to school for Social Work. The importance of recognising multiple perspectives and social contexts in a non-linear, fluid and multifaceted way leads to more bottom up practice that in turn empowers marginalised people by recognising and legitimising their experiences and voice (Fook, 2012; Graham, 2017; Parton & OByrne, 2000). (Eds.) Barry, M., 2007. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan. Yip (2006) aptly notes that models like those described above are most useful when starting out the reflective process, and I quickly adapted and developed a model of reflection that was most appropriate for me. 987-1004. I introduced the placement setting and the case study, and then looked at my experience of reflection within this setting. `pIs3o+& &;`KAarYP/B%,{gZQ"_nt~u\X]Jet{=s(hglWN_. Like this article? 1st ed. We acknowledge the Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the first inhabitants of the nation and acknowledge Traditional Owners of the lands where our staff and students, live, learn and work. He had an allocated community psychiatric nurse (CPN) who would visit occasionally, and at times he also met with a psychiatrist. Alice wishes to live independently and this is the preferred option for the social worker. Opinions expressed on this site are the opinions of the writer and do not necessarily represent the views of the publisher. The Essay Writing ExpertsUK Essay Experts. (1987) The Mentally Ill in Contemporary Society, Oxford: Blackwell. British Journal of Social Work, Volume 47, pp. This aspect of partnership practice was and is very pertinent in the relationship between Alice and her social worker. University of Kentucky, Practice: Social Work in Action, 24(3), pp. Developing a Health Inequalities Approach for Mental Health Social Work. What was successful? The Six Cornered Addictions Rescue System (SCARS) was useful in that it took into account a person who was dealing with an addictions situation holistically, rather than just focusing on the addiction in isolation (McCarthy and Galvani, 2004). We continuously evaluate our impact and benefit to service users. Holmes, G. and Saleeby, D. (1993) Empowerment, the Medical Model and the Politics of Clienthood, Journal of Progressive Human Services, 4(1), 61-78. However, I could have made more of an effort to engage with them, or at least discuss with JK how much consultation he would like me to have with those other workers. Gibbs Model of Reflection (1988) and Atkin and Murphys Model of Reflection (1994) both promote a cyclical approach to reflection, whereby reflection is ongoing and not a linear process. This type of critical reflection should be ongoing for social workers in practice, and to some extent it would be difficult to work in a complex setting like I was without being reflective. The group members develop feelings of mutual interdependence and a sense of belonging. Self-reflection is an important part of figuring it out. Lam, C. M., Wong, H. & Leung, T. T. F., 2007. 5-27. Clement, J., Williams, E. and Waters, C. (1993) The client with substance abuse/mental illness: Mandate for Collaboration Achieves of Psychiatric Nursing, 7(4), 189-196. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. I think that is [an] important [value]. Anti-Oppressive Practice Social Care and the Law. PCF domain 7: Intervention and Skills. It has been noted that the theory base of social work is dominated by euro-centric discourse, meaning that certain paradigms or perspectives may be excluded unintentionally (Trevethick, 2012). However, a judgment will ultimately need to be made as to whether the rights and needs of a vulnerable service user are best served by advocating for Alices wishes or actively encouraging another course of action that is safer for Alice (Kemshall, et al., 2013). What am I still working on? This essay was written by Adrian Bloxham and was the winning social work entry in this years Critical Writing Prize 2019. In the case of Alice there are three primary agencies involved. Social workers are provided with some guidance in practice to support this process. (1985). In 2021-22, Social Work England changed their requirements for social workers CPD (Continuing Professional Development) following a public consultation. Although I noted some areas I could have improved on in my interactions with JK, what was most apparent in my work with him was that my willingness to explore his paradigm and perspectives opened him up to engaging with me on a range of issues, that otherwise may have remained hidden. I noted this in my journal and tried to think, to be self-aware and to question as a first step towards reflecting on practice (Rutter & Brown, 2012, p. 30). Suter et al (2009) have found that a willingness to communicate is a key characteristic needed for effective collaboration, and after the other professionals were not active in engaging with me, I lost this willingness, potentially to the detriment of my work with JK. We're here to answer any questions you have about our services. This aspect is known as the psycho part of the Biospycho-social Spiritual perspective. hWO8WUiU Communication Skills in Health and Social Care. Therefore, I found it important to not just reflect on my work and the working environment, but also the process of reflection itself. Please contact the publisher for permission to reproduce or reprint any materials on this site. y~u <=ZVYIY8[Sr7RtK Source: Reflective Writing. Effective Approaches to Risk Assessment in Social Work: An International Literature Review. These questions can guide the student in reflection before, during or after an interview with a client (Boud, Keough & Walker, 1985; Schon, 1987). Atkins, S. and Murphy, K. (1994) Reflective Practice, Nursing Standard8(39) 49-56. Our agency worked with some of the most marginalised and vulnerable members of society, and engaging in uninformed work with these types of service users is a dangerous undertaking (Collingwood et al, 2008). British Journal of Social Work, 45(1), pp. 146 0 obj <>stream Example of Critical Reflective Log | Values and Reflection In Social Work By deconstructing and resisting this binary thinking the practitioner can then go on to address how change might be achieved and what values and assumptions have been challenged (Fook & Gardner, 2007). How social workers reflect in action However, it soon became clear to me that the fast-paced working environment, where at times paperwork was promoted over practice, meant that reflection could potentially be ignored in favour of bureaucracy and targets (DCruz et al, 2007). My work with Alice has taught me many things, most notably the impact of personal and structural processes of oppression and discrimination. Our regional engagement leads (who are registered social workers), shared their views on peer reflection. Rain: What didnt go well? It has been recognised in literature around theory in practice that overly focusing on theory when working with service users can actually hinder the work being done, as the service user can feel depersonalised (Parker, 2010). This gave me a sense of pride and accomplishment. Critical reflection: how to develop Task: The Assessment Process This is why it is important for social workers to listen to the perspectives of the people with whom they work, and be willing to accept different paradigms than their own or the dominant paradigm (Milner and OByrne, 2002). I observed during my early conversations with Alice that she often seemed subdued and that her mood fluctuated unpredictably. Savaya, R. & Gardner, F., 2012. The number of professions and agencies involved with this single client illustrates the multiple points of contact and potential challenges that operating in this contemporary inter-agency environment presents. Fair Society, Healthy Lives: Strategic Review of Health Inequalities in England post 2010. Schn (1999) introduced the concepts of reflection-in-action and reflection-on-action in his book The Reflective Practitioner. Healing Eucharist Mass | Teleradyo (30 April 2023) - Facebook Reflective Moss, B., 2017. Is there a schizophrenic language?. An effective way to protect clients and practitioners alike is to avoid any suggestion that the ethical issue is People diagnosed with schizophrenia are often stigmatized by a discourse of otherness which portrays people with mental health challenges as a problem who must be controlled by bio-medical, biogenetic models (Beresford & Wilson, 2002). WebBrookfields areas of reflection can be adapted for social workers and implemented in several areas of field education. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() );, data/file/411957/KSS.pdf, As I enter my MSW field placement, this is very important to keep in mind. Healy, K., 2012. fTTF*nw^ulVK`493t75AL1[YMTc!A2{2ILk'MX@M~?6K^aFd%YBA k%;VD)\!Rm/WL}(ajSVCisO(?2GX#9jVF_Yh. Reflective practice is an essential skill for those working in health and social care, but why is it so vital and how can it be learned? Reflection was particularly important when making the transition from university learning to the learning experienced in a placement setting. Furthermore, a social worker uses self-reflection to analyze personal and emotional feelings about a case or situation. He was diagnosed with bi-polar disorder, and dealt with significant anxiety and depression. New Zealand Journal of Psychology, 39(2), pp. I now recognise the ensuing conversation as a critical incident that changed my learning and the way that I thought about the staff and my placement setting. Toseland and Rivas (2008) define group work as a goal directed activity aimed at accomplishing tasks. Maidenhead: Open University Press. This type of difficulty and uncertainty around reflection is common in placement settings and when starting a new role (Knott and Spafford, 2010).
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