And squatting once per card to set them down. This serves as your interval rest period. Line them up 2-4 inches apart. If there is a workout that can be done solitary in a jail cell, it can easily be done in a living room, garage or backyard. You can make them more difficult by placing weighted objects in your lap. Keep your sternum at the bar. For the seasoned bodybuilder or strength athlete who needs a change in his or her routine, these workouts could add a whole new level of dimension. The workouts change every week. You might set up a system where every half hour, you perform ten push-ups. This circuit consists of 20 sets. When Ryan Ferguson was locked up in a Missouri jail from 2004 to 2013 after being wrongly convicted of murder, he started a routine where he focused on just one exercise a day. Pull yourself up until your sternum is at the bar. And we would all get different results. YHC is scheduled to Q House of Pain this week. Ryan has a unique training style that embraces things like isolating muscles, high volume, time under tension, and using mechanical disadvantages to make muscles work harder. If youre looking for a little guidance, though, here are a few suggestions: This is supposedly a favorite workout routine amongst prisoners because they usually have a deck of cards handy. NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist. I actually learned a lot from that movie. A plyometric version of the squat to build explosiveness. You played a lot of basketball in prison. If you want a killer shoulder workout, look no further than the handstand push-up. And whats interesting is I also had other people do itworkout partners, friends, whoever was into fitness. You can add cards as your strength and endurance increase. Make sure to get a good stretch in your back. Mix and match the exercises to your liking along with a set and rep scheme to create your bodyweight workout. Perform a straight leg raise, but when your feet come to the top positions, brace your abs and rotate your legs to one side as far as you can. If you start doing 10 push-ups a day and add 5 more each day, in a little over a year, you can get up to that level. There are century sets where you're doing sets of 100 reps. And there are rest-pause sets and drop sets. To develop his tree trunks, it is said that Tyson's leg workout during his time behind bars was the following: Start with 10 cards. Advance to the next card. Ryan finds ways to sufficiently stress a muscle with whatever is available. Burpee With Hindu Push-up. Im currently doing this program and love it. This program was my least favorite. Ryan Ferguson, once wrongfully convicted of murder and freed after spending 10 years in prison, spoke with "48 Hours'" Erin Moriarty, who has covered his story from the beginning. If have something left after 10 sets, this is the rest of the workout11th set x1512th set x613th set x1414th set x715th set x1316th set x817th set x1218th set x919th set x1120th set x10. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Full Straight Leg Raise. I could tie this with my own experiences. Gym gurus and bro scientists love saying that doing anything above 10 reps is basically just doing muscle endurance or fat burning and doesnt add any strength at all. Basketball helped me develop a lot of relationships. In the garage program, its all dumbbell, barbell, and bodyweight exercises. Perform a straight leg raise as you normally would, but instead of stopping when your feet rise above your hips, keep going until your toes touch the bar. * Begin by standing over the first card, squat down and pick up the first card. 1. Strength+cardio in a single workout. Along with T-shirt-popping biceps and shoulders that could take out doorjambs, Tyson's thighs filled out his trademark black trunks like never before. You may remember Rocky doing these babies during his epic training montage. It alternates between high and low rep sets, sort of the opposite of a pyramid rep scheme. I wouldn't Q this workout live, but it works as a virtual Q. PAX can modify and take extra time between sets as needed. You can adjust your grip width to focus on different muscle groups. I could see that I was in there by myself. Perform a burpee normally, but when you leap up grab the bar and perform a pull-up. Grab the bar with an overhand grip slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Our prisoner burpee workout is done in Juarez Valley-style with 5-count jumping burpees. In just one exercise, you work your quads, hamstrings, glutes, hips, and inner thighs. A lot of people kept asking how to get into shape. Prison Workout: The Jailhouse Strong Routine - Perform the burpee normally, but after you kick out your feet to a push-up position, go ahead and do a full push-up. If you cant do a straight leg raise, you can modify it by bending your knees and raising them into your chest. Putting It Together: Possible Prisoner Workouts As you can see above, youve got a lot of choices when it comes to exercises to create a bodyweight workout. Pistol Squat. Squat down and place the card you just picked up on top of the second card. Besides a few brief stints of freedom, notorious British criminal and troublemaker Charles Salvador (better known as Charles Bronson) has been serving time since 1974. A Guide for Everyone. Kent Heitholt was found beaten and strangled shortly after 2:00 a.m. on November 1, 2001, in the parking lot of the Columbia Daily . If you want a killer shoulder workout, look no further than the handstand push-up. Repeat. The traditional prisoner bodyweight squat is performed by placing your hands behind your head. One Exercise a Day. Better still, they can be done anywhere theres a place to hang from. bedroom, office, hotel room, or solitary confinement. Putting It Together: Possible Prisoner Workouts, The Importance of Building Your Daily Sleep Pressure, Podcast #888: The Science of a Better Daily Routine, Podcast #885: The Essential Habits for Becoming an Agile, Vital, and Durable Human Being, The Digestive Power of an After-Dinner Walk, How to Get the Stink Out of Synthetic Workout Shirts, A Mans Guide to Black Tie: How To Wear A Tuxedo, A Mans Guide to Fragrance: How to Choose and Wear Cologne, How to Pick the Perfect Mens Wedding Ring, Your No-Nonsense Guide to Choosing the Right Beard Style, How to Grow a Beard: The One and True Guide, Beard Oil FAQs: Answering All Your Pressing Beardly Questions, Beard Grooming 101: The Lowdown on Products and Routine, Skill of the Week: Tie the Half-Windsor Necktie Knot, Podcast #878: The Fitness Supplements That Actually Work, Skill of the Week: Throw a Dynamite Straight Punch, The Insanely Difficult Standards of Historys Hardest P.E. If you cant do more than one stinking pull-up, see our do more than one pull-up workout. Youll hit each body part once a week but you will be destroying it in that one workout with volume. Pull-up Variations Just like the push-up, pull-ups can be modified to work different muscles groups or to make the exercise more difficult. Typewriter Pull-up. Get ready to be sore. To track your progress, keep these benchmarks in mind: Below 24 minutes = good, below 20 minutes = excellent, below 15 minutes = you own the yard and the warden will call you "sir.". Theres a reason football teams, CrossFit practitioners, and elite military forces use the burpee in their workouts. The program was very similar to the full gym program but there was one major difference: the equipment used. Simply grab a pole or some other sturdy object in front of you and lower yourself into a one-legged squat position and use the pole to help pull yourself up. No, he gained such frightening strength that hes been known to bend steel doors with nothing but his bare hands and do up to2,000 push-ups a day. Pull-ups are a highly effective exercise that works a whole host of muscle groups, including the latissimus dorsi (the wing muscles on your back), biceps, traps, pecs, and forearms. A plyometric version of the squat to build explosiveness. And the great thing about it is that the exercise can be easily modified to increase difficultly and work different muscle groups. Thats not an excuse for not exercising. In prison, getting ripped helped save Fergusons life and sanity. Try doing pull-ups with your hands right next to each other or as far apart from each other as you can. Hanging Leg Raise Variations, Straight Leg Raises. But this didnt matter. Dont have time to make it to the gym? Meet Ryan How it works Client . So I decided I was going to write this book. Grab the bar with an overhand grip slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Your hips will now be near your hands. In 30 minutes, youll be done with your exercise for the day. I've just recently released a book about surviving prison and how to create your best body. Your hips will now be near your hands. I dont know many ex-cons, but prisoners seem to be jacked, or maybe I just watch too many movies. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Ryan's . The workouts change every week. So you could have something like: Start drawing cards from the top. Same thing goes for any other exercise. Assuming youre up for 12 hours a day, thats 240 push-ups every day. Locked up for 5-10 years? This program was used by former Spetsnaz (Soviet Special Forces) trainer Pavel Tsatsouline to quickly increase pull-up repetition capabilities. It hasnt changed at all except for the rowing machine. Its only 30 days, so dont expect a big change in your physique fizeek in that time but you can use what you learn from these programs as you continue with your training. Then I did seated rows. Read more: My dumbbell workout plan was developed using Ryans training style and is ideal for anyone training with only dumbbells. When you turn up an ace, do 11 push-ups. Handstand Push-up. Assign one of the above exercises (or one of their variations) to each of the four suits. It was good but I think Ryans training style is more conducive to a body part split. Squat down and place the card you just picked up on top of the second card. Lets say for this example, youre going to do push-ups. Its to grow muscle. With a few simple bodyweight exercises, you can create a full-body workout thats completely free. Use the top of your door. Just think of "Iron" Mike Tyson in the mid-1990s. This workout consists of only three exercises. The chin-up variationpalms facing toward youoffers T-shirt-popping biceps training. From award-winning writing and photography to binge-ready videos to electric live events, GQ meets millions of modern men where they live, creating the moments that create conversations. "Stronger, Faster, Smarter" Author Ryan Ferguson Talks About His New Book Thats it. According to the book Jailhouse Strong, the convicts inside Mexicos Juarez Valley Prison one of the worlds most dangerous prisons use the following rep scheme for their bodyweight workout. Draw the cards and perform the corresponding exercise and reps until all the cards have been drawn. Dont have time to make it to the gym? All rights reserved. Ryan Ferguson on life and "The Amazing Race": "You've got to - CBS News All rights reserved. For the Deck of Pain neophyte, shoot to complete the deck in less than 15 minutes. By simply adjusting the placement of your hands, you can emphasize different muscle groups. I highly recommend each one of them. The Jailhouse Method is a descending order of repetitions. The Jailhouse 20 is a total of 210 repetitions, where set 1 is performed with 20 repetitions, set 2 is 19 repetitions, set 3 is 18 repetitions, set 4 is 17, and so on. This is a core blaster. Mike Tyson devised a squat routine while he was incarcerated. Throw in one set in the morning before work andone set before going to sleep and youll bang out 100 burpees in a single day without breaking much sweat. Ryan then took his findings and developed a new program with the results in mind. Towel Straight Leg Raises. If you need time between the reps, take the time. SpotMeBro.comparticipates in affiliate marketing programs with carefully selected third-party affiliate programs and is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to There are giant sets: four exercises targeting a specific muscle back-to-back and youre doing 20 reps of each. Stronger, Faster, Smarter: A Guide to Your Most Powerful Body by Ryan Great for grip strength. Perhaps the most readily accessible routine for pull-ups is the pyramid program. Ryan Ferguson - Senior Accountant - Cvent | LinkedIn There was no gym in the county jail where you were held during trial. Quite the interesting story in prison, Ferguson devoted himself to fitness, mainly for his own survival. Beware, the workouts are long in this program since youre condensing them into only three workouts a week. A Jailhouse 30 is a total of 465 repetitions. Below Ive highlighted six main bodyweight exercises that work the entire body. Below we highlight bodyweight exercises used by prisoners the world over to get strong and stay strong. I used that time to write. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. When Ryan Ferguson was locked up in a Missouri jail from 2004 to 2013 after being wrongly convicted of murder, he started a routine where he focused on just one exercise a day. The workouts are a 5-day body part split: arms, shoulders, back, chest and abs, and legs. Ryan is a master at finding ways to manipulate angles, rep schemes, grip, isolation, and range of motion to enhance tension on the targeted muscle. He recently participated in the Tri-State N. If youve watched his YouTube channel and done some of the workouts he shares, youll already have an idea of what youre in for. Facebook When hydrated, nutrients are more easily transported to their destination, it aids in fat loss, and more importantly, it keeps your body running at an optimal level. 3 exercises. Squat one time each to pick up the three cards one by one. Theres a ton of volume in this one. If you've ever wondered how prisoners get big and ripped without weights, keep reading to learn about the prison workout. Greasing the Groove Instead of having a set time period where you try to crank out as many reps as you can, with greasing the groove, youre performing reps throughout the day. The three workouts are 1. I was sitting my cell probably about eight months before I got let out. Hindu Push-up. Finish it off with ten burpees for good measure. It also has a text layout with the exercise order, reps and sets, and picture demonstrations. Bring your head down and forward by bending your elbows. Ryans program is built into his website. Theres a misconception that you need to train with heavy weights to look like a beast, but thats not true. How it works Let's reach your fitness goals . Ryan W. Ferguson - Wikipedia My whole goal wasnt to be badassit was to be in the position where I would be too much trouble. You can do the traditional pull-up or switch form at your discretion. Rotate to the other side. Now, move your body toward one hand, taking some of the weight off the opposite hand. Five months later, I had a finished product. Through dedication, innovation, and determination, prisoners are able to make incredible strength gains without access to the latest advances in equipment and nutrition. View the profiles of people named Ryan Ferguson. I've had many clients start a workout but . This is a dynamic full-body movement that will build strength and flexibility in your chest, shoulders, back, hips, and triceps. To learn more, read our disclaimers & disclosure page. Repeat. Instead of just doing a full push-up, make it a Hindu push-up. Squat down again and pick up the top card. This circuit consists of 20 sets. The PPL program has a push day, pull day, and leg day and can be done 3 times a week for 60 days or 6 times a week for 30 days. To revisit this article, visit My Profile, thenView saved stories. Youll have achieved top-dog, alpha-male-prisoner, beast-mode status when you can perform multiple one-handed pull-ups. Hanging Leg Raises This is a core blaster. The perfect pushup works multiple muscle groups including the chest, anterior deltoid, and triceps. A Review of Ryan Humiston's 30-Day Training Program - Fittest Travel Hindu Push-up. Youll have achieved top-dog, alpha-male-prisoner, beast-mode status when you can perform multiple pistol squats. Stay on top of your fitness goals with online personal trainer Ryan Ferguson. Break it out into however many sets that you want. But you show them that you can playblock them out, screen them, shoot jump shotsdo things that other people cant do because theyve never been around that organized environment. When cons don't have access to the iron (as is the case in the California penal system), they train legs by putting a fellow inmate on their shoulders while doing squats. Pull your head to one side of the bar for one rep, and then to the other side of the bar on the next rep. Narrow/Wide Grip. This is How Not to Ruin Your Gains, A Week of CrossFit Workouts for Beginners. Chin-up. Squat Variations Prisoner Squat. Take a standard deck of 52 cards. Descend until your rear knee nearly touches the ground. Read our disclaimers & disclosure page to find out more. You might see the same exercise more than once but youre going to be doing different ones from week to week, for the most part. In 2004, 19-year-old Ryan Ferguson spent his days locked in a Missouri jail doing curls with a five-gallon coffee jug until he couldnt feel his arms. Youll have different courtssome with guys who cant play at all, and then youll have the courts with the guys who can play. A post-workout pump like youve never had before and noticeable muscle growth. Dont have the money for a gym membership or purchasing your own equipment? This hybrid between the pull-up and chin-up has functional applicability to the wrestling body lock and clinch. The three workouts are1. Once you purchase it, youll be able to log in and see the workouts. Its free. Ryan Humiston currently offers five different programs to choose from: The garage gym and full gym programs are both a body part split, meaning youll train one muscle group per day. Do one bodyweight squat. Burpees The burpee is the ultimate full-body exercise. Burpee+Pull-up. And that was it. Squat Jumps. To perform a basic burpee, just follow these instructions: * Begin in a squat position with hands on the floor in front of you. There are lots of bars in there, I hear, though I guess more of the vertical than horizontal variety. Exercise to Failure For hypertrophy and endurance, simply do one set of each exercise for as many reps as you can. Lets say squats, for example. * Leap up as high as possible from the squat position. I dont have any more recreation time than you have. . No problem. In prison, friendship is not "having friends. Youre not going in there to meet new people; youre not there to hang out. Endless, monotonous, countless reps thats how Britains most famous prisoner, Charlie Bronson, got huge. One hand grips the bar overhand and the other underhand. Narrow hand placement works the triceps, while a wider hand placement emphasizes the pecs. That is one rep. One-handed Pull-up. However, with a little tweaking of each exercise, you can create over 50 different exercises from just these six basic movements. If you start doing 10 push-ups a day and add 5 more each day, in a little over a year, you can get up to that level. If you enjoyed the first full gym program, youll love this one too. The Prison Workout: Building Muscle Anywhere - Old School Labs Even for a bodyweight pro, a Tyson pistol squat workout is no walk in the park. The Jaurez Valley Merkin (technically called Push . Pick an exercise. Plus, there are photos of Ryan doing each exercise. Will Not Eating Carbs Before Bedtime Boost Your HGH? This serves as your interval rest period.". Return until hips are extended downward. Continue with Recommended Cookies. If you cant do more than one stinking pull-up, see our do more than one pull-up workout. There are times when you're on business trips and away from the comforts of home. They had two treadmills; in the wintertime that wasnt even close to enough. I am a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu coach and competitor who believes that no matter what your goals are, having a good understanding of fitness as a whole can help improve your quality of life. The Jailhouse 20 is a total of 210 repetitions, where set 1 is performed with 20 repetitions, set 2 is 19 repetitions, set 3 is 18 repetitions, set 4 is 17, and so on. 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Yesterday, for example, after a brief warm-up I did pull-ups and bent over rows. But how do they do it? If you need to go to your knees, go to your knees. Ha, I would make a workout partner out of the horse-sized duck, pets out of the duck-sized horses (so awesome), and I have Kathleen Zellner so there . If you dont have access to that, monkey bars or even a tree limb at a park will work. Updated by the minute, our Dallas Cowboys NFL Tracker: News and views and moves inside The Star and around the league . Sources Convict Conditioningby Paul Wade Jailhouse Strongby Josh Bryant Solitary Fitnessby Charles Bronson. Now repeat, squatting once per card before advancing on. No excuses. Required fields are marked *. I wouldnt Q this workout live, but it works as a virtual Q. PAX can modify and take extra time between sets as needed. Train with Ryan. There are 300 people in the housing unit, you all go out to the ercise yard. It's true that Rome wasn't built in a day, but it would never have been built at all without laying the first foundational brick. I would do five pull-ups then walk back and forth and then another five pull-ups. For hypertrophy and endurance, simply do one set of each exercise for as many reps as you can. When did you first realize that? And they had a volleyball court. Thats it. GQ may earn a portion of sales from products that are purchased through our site as part of our Affiliate Partnerships with retailers. Kids Workout Exercise at home with Ryan!!! A lot them, theyre just talking, telling stories, and out of them who have forty or fifty who really want to get in shape, and they understand that health and fitness can take them somewhere. Squat down until your thighs are below parallel. Push-ups According to the book he wrote in prison, Solitary Fitness, Bronson performs 2,000 push-ups a day. While most of us will thankfully never end up behind bars, I think we can all take a lesson from convicts on how to not let your circumstances be an excuse for your fitness goals. Facebook Twitter Instagram. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. The squat is one of the most basic yet effective athletic movements. You should look like an upside down human vwith your butt being the point of the v and your head pointing down to the ground. Eventually, you can take off these training wheels and do a freestanding one. Over the last few months, he has released a boatload of videos documenting his findings as he ran each muscle group through exercises while hooked up to the EMG machine. The number of pull-up reps Im able to accumulate during the day always surprises me. Holding the first card, take a step forward to the second card. It was a lot more when I was in there, because I was like, "Just do this, do these moves, forget that other stuff.. Finish it off with ten burpees for good measure Juarez Valley Method According to the book Jailhouse Strong, the convicts inside Mexicos Juarez Valley Prison one of the worlds most dangerous prisons use the following rep scheme for their bodyweight workout. With this situation in mind, who better to look to for an example of achieving more workout results with fewer amenities than the jailhouse denizen? I would walk the length of the 50-foot cell and back and do 25 push-ups. At this point, youll have no cards in your hand, and 2 cards will be one on top of the other on the ground below you. The man is not only a convicted criminal, but his violent, loose-cannon behavior has earned him the label of Britains most notorious prisoner.. Bend down and place your hands on the floor while keeping your arms and legs straight. I wanted to get more volume in yesterdaytypically, Id just do five sets. Ferguson was convicted despite no physical evidence against him and sentenced to forty years in maximum-security prison. The rest assume you have access to a full gym. How 'The Amazing Race' Contestant Ryan Ferguson was Wrongfully Imprisoned. When I was done I realized I had three pages, and it was going to be harder to copy three pages. Return to the starting position and repeat. Keeping your knees straight, raise legs by flexing hips until they are completely flexed, or knees are well above hips. Burpee Variations Basic Burpee. Earlier this year, the 30-year-old published Stronger, Faster, Smarter, a book that details the lessons he learned about body and mind during his ten years behind bars. It's a rep scheme you can apply to any exercise. NASM Certified Personal Trainer. The Juarez Valley Merkin Challenge. Chin-up. Return until hips are extended downward. Unlike the Jailhouse Method, the Juarez Valley Method is, well, like a valley. Kids Workout Exercise at home with Ryan!!! - YouTube And out of those people the ones who actually work out the right way and educate themselves and see any gains is so few. If you can do 100 bodyweight squats without a problem, slow down your squat speed to a snails pace and then try repping them out. Return your body to the center and repeat on the opposite side. Ryan Ferguson (@lifeafterten) Instagram photos and videos Anytime I walk by it, I crank out five pull-ups. Bent Knee Leg Raises. If you dont have access to that, monkey bars or even a tree limb at a park will work. How many of us really understand that every moment counts, and that physical strength and confidence enable our . By increasing the tempo and decreasing the rest between sets and exercises, you can turn a bodyweight workout into both a high-intensity cardio session and a strength workout.
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