c. transitional This effort aims to improve the overall experience of interacting with government and administrative agencies, making it less bureaucratic and more streamlined. within bureaucracy, this is an example of __________. rationality SOLUTION: GED 216 California Coast University The Context of Social However, adopting a HRBA approach can offer important opportunities. serve to prevent classism, racism, sexism, and ageism The organization of bureaucracies according to specialization implies that individuals will also have specialized knowledge and technical expertise (or, merit). b. utilitarian And I am not even a Filipino, just the spouse of one. Applying the terms for problems that are frequent within bureaucracy, this is an example of __________, Let Quiz 3/Business - Business Communications, Criminal Justice - Crime Violence and Schools QuixDoc 2, Quiz Facts 8. HR/PUB/12/2. In the early 1980s, there was a movement in the u.s. to humanize Human rights have also been incorporated into national law and are represented in most constitutions around the world. a. b. d. may encourage social cohesion among group members, d. may encourage social cohesion among group members, In his study of conformity, Solomon Asch found that __________. Lastly, we focus these critiques internally on the treatment of employees. a. part of the movement to humanize bureaucracy includes. Kaufmann, W., E. L. Borry, and L. DeHart-Davis. They can cite all the rules but never the goals. sociology week 7 (ch. 5 & 6) Flashcards | Quizlet a. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Within a bureaucracy, leaders have access to information that others in the organization do not have. Whether from the standpoint of a bureaucrats qualifications (technical expertise and specialization) or the standpoint of structure (specialization and hierarchy), these three tenets of bureaucracy raise questions about their compatibility with principles of human rights in the HRBA framework. A college president need not be effective in designing promotional brochures. They talk daily about each other's grandchildren, share grocery shopping trips, and offer each other advice. Representative bureaucracy argues that bureaucratic power can be made more responsive to the public if the personnel who staff administrative agencies reflect the demographic characteristics of the public they serve (Sowa and Selden 2003, 700). Making the case: What is the evidence of impact of applying human rights-based approaches to health? According to Samier (2005, 65), Weber also was concerned with the prospects for freedom and the fate of liberalism as a result of increased rationalization and bureaucratization of governance. Max Webers theory of bureaucracy (1946)1 helps explain how organizations are structured for the goal of efficiency. Dyad v Triad. a. a more rigid hierarchical structure b. a greater emphasis on sharing information c. helping employees focus on work d. a reduction in the amount of informal activity 39. a. Solomon Asch d. primary group, Several employees at a fast-food restaurant call in sick at the last minute. b. d. subjects always chose to conform to the incorrect responses of Asch's assistants, b. In this manner do bureaucrats forget their common sense and lose their basic humanity. Modern human rights emerged in the second part of the 20th century in response to the horrors of the Second World War and the Holocaust, but find their roots in the moral concept of natural rights and philosophical debates of the European Enlightenment. Joe would be considered the __________ leader of the group. The pursuit of social equity in the federal government: A road less traveled? Still, he was lucky to have encountered government employees who took the trouble to confer about his situation and, rather than raise a big issue about the problem posed by the difference between his Chinese name and the westernized name he used in the hospital, decided to process his claim. I agree to the Terms of Use and acknowledge that I have read the Privacy Policy. This is an example of the bureaucratic characteristic of __________. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. c. accommodation For Jocelyn, the graduate sociology students have become her __________. ___________ leadership is goal- or task-oriented. democracy Notably, while bureaucracys characteristics can create an impersonality or disinterestedness that is beneficial for democracy (Du Gay 2000 in Adler 2012), this impersonality can also lead to an iron cage, in which people are destined to live but over which [they], as ordinary citizens, have little control (Maley 2004, 69). This is one of the primary reasons for the emergence of __________. These examples illustrate __________ in a bureaucratic organization. a. __________ size refers to the number of potential members a group has. They become timid and cold, unable to use their judgment to help people. c. formal group Public organizations can integrate public commitments to human rights into their policies. While most of Webers description focuses on processes, Weber also put forth characteristics related to the employeesor the position of the official: those in these positions enjoy[s] social esteem, are appointed, have a fixed salary and pension, move from lower positions to higher ones, and have life-long tenure. Blom and colleagues (2021) find that red tape has multiple negative impacts on employee well-being, role clarity, perceived autonomy, commitment to and satisfaction with work, motivation, intention to stay, and work engagement. But his application could not be processed because of a discrepancy between his name in the hospital records and his name as it appears in the members data record. d. totalitarian, The research conducted by Stanley Milgram and his colleagues provides evidence that obedience to authority __________. Most applicable in this regard are the measures presented in Art. d. Symbolic interactionists, A(n) __________ is an alliance created in an attempt to reach a shared objective or goal. b. d. Dyadic, The supervisor of the office has been informed that Sarah consistently extends her lunch hour by 30 minutes. Self-fulfilling prophecy d. the power elite, Which of these is an example of a coalition? c. generalized others a. b. The tendency for a bureaucracy to be ruled by the few is termed. Part of the movement to humanize bureaucracy includes _______. This was a concern of the human relations movement and the likes of Follett, Mayo, and McGregor. Despite the goal of consistent behaviorand perhaps leading to decreased individual power and autonomyresearch shows that rules are not strictly and blindly followed. Sociologists would term them a(n) __________. Sociologist Amitai Etzioni classified formal organizations into three categories. Which of these is not one of them? Brainscape helps you realize your greatest personal and professional ambitions through strong habits and hyper-efficient studying. a. Whenever the group meets, other members are easily sidetracked and Latisha is always trying to keep the group focused on the assignment. Part of the movement to humanize bureaucracy includes. bureaucracies are impersonal in that they require everyone to follow the same rules and to be treated the same. I would say that with my experience at PhilHealth, I have not come across a more caring, compassionate, and efficient establishment and staff. 0, Which type of theorist is most likely to note the scripted nature of interaction in contemporary society (for example between employees and customers in a fast-food restaurant)? a. Psychology - What is Psychology? d. putting organizational needs above competing responsibilities. d. consciousness of kind, A(n) __________ is a group to which a person does not belong and toward which the person may feel a sense of competitiveness or hostility. Rules lead to formalization, which refers to the degree of written rules in organizations (Pugh et al. archetype a. Participation and inclusion: A HRBA requires that people can participate actively, freely, and meaningfully in decisions that affect them, including decisions that affect their work life. d. the size of the group has little influence on the extent to which individuals respond to group pressure, b. Explain elasticity of demand in your own words. b. Several tenets of bureaucracy are operationalized in part or whole by the value of merit and neutrality in practice and in public administration research. occurs only in totalitarian situations c. Groupthink a. For permissions, please e-mail: journals.permissions@oup.com. c. anarchy personal others He is refused shelter for the night because he arrived late. Bureaucracy is an organizational model characterized by a hierarchy of authority, a clear division of labor, explicit rules and procedures, and impersonality in personnel matters. In discussing primary and secondary groups, the text points out that ___________________. all secondary groups are approximately the same size They can think about the future and evaluate different options or courses of action. We argue that a human- and human rights-centered approach to bureaucracy requires rethinking the way in which we assess bureaucratic outcomes by prioritizing fundamental human rights values, such as nondiscrimination, participation, freedom, access, and inclusion over neoliberal preferences, which in turn impact employee and client well-being and the structure of the organization itself. Green tape, by virtue of being written and having understood purposes help to empower people and all of these helps increase transparency and accountability. Part of the movement to humanize bureaucracy includes - Brainly coercive b. As we showed, research on merit and neutrality in the public sector relates to bureaucracys emphasis on technical proficiency, specialization, and some form of promotion. 23 UDHR), leisure (Art. Together, these bureaucratic characteristics can limit ones ability to participate in organizational decision making by first, limiting the scope of their organizational knowledge to their specialization, and second, removing (or never providing) decision-making power from them in favor of a small few at the top. c. bureaucracy's invisible quality Functionalists 3-5 Quizzes & Vocab). Indeed, no one would have blamed the PhilHealth people if they had opted to be more bureaucratic, given the ongoing high-profile inquiries into the corruption attending disbursements of public funds. Obligation to protect: States must protect individuals and groups against human rights abuses. The emphasis on technical proficiency, which requires that bureaucrats have training and expertise for the position in which they are hired. b. instrumental a. postmodern theorists a. human rights a. Part of the movement to humanize bureaucracy includes efforts to reduce the number 108 A homeless man appears at the door of a shelter 10 - Course Hero Sociology EXAM 2 Flashcards | Quizlet a. The sociologist who first defined the differences between primary and secondary groups is __________., Which of these sociologists first suggested that small groups have interaction patterns that do not exist in larger groups? Further, Woodard argues that merit has become so engrained in the federal personnel system that the value of merit itself has become lost; instead, the focus is on following the rules and regulations of that system. A dozen inexperienced backpackers are preparing to settle in for the night when they realize that someone in the group is missing. Here, we address how current applications of bureaucratic elementsmerit and neutrality, as well as bureaucratic rulesmay not respect human rights. Ku Klux Klan Compliance with red tape can have some negative outcomes on both individual and organizational performance. Bureaucracy is a way of managing the affairs of a complex society. Which of these is not one of them?. C. But the very same reasons that make it work as a solution to complexity also tend to be the causes behind its classic dysfunctions. b. primary group Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. But the very same reasons that make it work as a solution to complexity also tend to be the causes behind its classic dysfunctions. a greater emphasis on sharing ideas and problem-solving approaches. As we showed in this article, human rights provide a universal benchmark for minimum standards of behavior. Ingraham (2006) similarly posits that merit (as a value) must be separated from bureaucratic processes. d. collective unconscious, Leaders using the __________ style of leadership may be praised for their expressive, supportive behavior toward group members, but they may also be blamed for being indecisive in times of crisis. She, however, follows the norms . c. Group conformity Moreover, bureaucracys focus on efficiency and technical rationality is compatible with just three of the four important values in public administration: efficiency, economy, and effectiveness. b. a. Part of the movement to humanize bureaucracy includes________________________. Sociology Chapter 5 Flashcards | Chegg.com The cooperative is an alternative to bureaucracy; these are collectives owned by members who collectively make decisions, determine goals, evaluate resources, set salaries, and assign work tasks. Red tape research considers ineffective rules, which are those that have a compliance burden but do not serve their purposes (Bozeman 2000). The U.S. Senate consists of 100 members. Enforcement is an important part of the policy process. active participation of both members is crucial to the survival of dyads. social group See answer Advertisement jayilych4real Instrumental This assumption is potentially fostered in part by translation differences. Sociology Ch. 5 Quiz Flashcards | Quizlet Weiss (1983) argues that Parsonss 1937 interpretation of Weber resulted in a prescriptive understanding of bureaucracy and concludes that Weber was never trying to give advice on how best to structure organizations (p. 247). While the goal of public organizations is to do the peoples work to its best ability, we argue that if we guarantee human rights and use a rights-based approach, we create organizations in which humansin this case, employeescan better reach their full potential and feel empowered, therefore contributing to their ability to do the peoples work, ably and responsively.2 The human rights-based approach (HRBA) can provide a new lens through which to think about and apply bureaucracy, especially in public organizations. c. are less likely to exist in contemporary societies than in traditional ones Teacher leader human relations skills: A comparative study, Toward a Weberian public administration: The infinite web of history, values, and authority in administrative mentalities, A human rights-based approach (HRBA) in practice: Evaluating NGO development efforts, Administrative discretion and active representation: An expansion of the theory of representative bureaucracy. For some civil and political rights, the goal is to limit the impact of the government in individual affairs. The social psychological model of red tape informs us that employees who feel alienated from the workplace will report higher levels of red tape (Pandey and Kingsley 2000). Limitations of this article are also opportunities for future research. Interpret the meaning of the Y intercept, b0b_0b0, and the slope, b1b_1b1, in this problem. Notably, equal treatment is not the same as equitable treatment. reference groups b. Leisha DeHart-Daviss unbureaucratic personality (2007) is the bureaucrat who bends rules. c. a couple with a new baby, increasing the size of the family laissez-faire b. teachers in a school district who work together to demand better wages Human rights are principles or norms that aim to protect human dignity, establish equality, and defend individual freedoms. Click on this image to answer. Part of the movement to humanize bureaucracy includes, The tendency for a bureaucracy to be ruled by the few is termed. Part of the movement to humanize bureaucracy includes a. strengthening existing hierarchical structures. Indivisibility and interdependence of human rights: Human rights are indivisible, meaning that there is no hierarchy of human rights. d. cultural imperialism. By continuing, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. a. Wright Mills Given discussed critiques by the human relations movement and representative bureaucracy that bring employees back to the fore, we questioned whether these characteristics are compatible with the growing recognition of human rights.

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