Most pistols made in the early 1900s had no firing pin block and prone to discharge if cocked and dropped. Once we explain the ins-and-outs of de-cockers to students, we often field two sarcastic questions:Who came up with this? Plenty of competition shooters use a CZ or 1911 based design and they are great. Many different factors go into discharging a Pistol. Its called capitalism. I always carry hammer-down when concealed carrying. Its my favorite 9, above even my S&W 659, and Im a S&W guy. (Defense wise you are not precision shooting, pull the trigger not press it). The Truth About Pistol De-Cockers It's pretty simple but requires that you perform these steps assiduously and carefully. In truth, anyone who can operate a 1911 can operate a DA/SA with a safety. Yes, you can decock by lowering the hammer with one hand and gently squeezing the trigger with the other. WTF is this talking about? etc. Agreed. I dont think my CZs suck, and I did not find them that difficult to master. certified instructor prior to handling any firearm and be sure to read your owners manual. Thumb under hammer. With no rationale to back up your claim that they suck, I can simply claim that they do not suck. To help you out more, follow these steps to help you clear and store a pistol more carefully: To do this, release the magazine and slide the chamber back to pop the bullet out from the ejection port. The manual safety version of the SP-01, while not as safe as the decocking version, has an advantage over some other pistols with manual safeties. Always keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction. Yet if I wrote about how semi automatics are crappy because they dont work for me it would be kind of silly, no? It depends on the design. To each his own. If its hammer was as easy to thumb as my Python, it would have been perfect. Or, you can just put the safety on, keep your finger off the trigger, and put it in your holster. So an average IQ person can evidently steer a car, shift into the next gear, drink a soda, and talk on their phone ALL AT THE SAME TIME, but this same person will have training issues with a simple gun decocking mechanism. views and opinions of Springfield Armory. I need to get a .357 caliber swap kit at some point in the future- 9mm, .22 and .357 SIG seem like good calibers to have around. Basically, striker fired plastic fantastics are cocked and locked as well. After confirming no threat, conscious action to set pistol back to safe. I dont listen to bombastic phonies. As every police department in the nation, the vast majority of our students and now the US military have figured out, de-cocker style operating systems suck. Sign up for a membership now! Can operate is not the same as can operate WELL. I agree with you 100%, have p89, p90 and p94. i spazzed the first time i threw the safety off of a pa63- the hammer fell and i thought it was broken. Other systems like Sig and H&K retard the hammers travel and dont fully drop it onto the firing pin. So how could all these 19th century and early 20th century people carry guns with a round in the chamber or a round under the hammer in the case of a revolver and not have all sorts of accidental discharges? With practice, savvy lever gun runners can also load the magazine tube through the loading gate while the rifle is on the shoulder. Same here- My P226R has yet to fail me at all, and the .22 caliber Xchange kit is good to go. Browning was working on the Hi Power for FN (Fabrique Nationale) in the early 20s. Nearly all older guns were not what we now call drop safe. I dont get the hate for decockers Do people really not understand the point behind it? A hammer-fired gun with a deckocker offers an excellent safety feature for reholstering a gun pointed at ones femoral. Personally, this is not my preferred method of keeping the gun ready as I've found condition 2 to be the most fumble prone. Be sure to remain people up-to-date similar to this. If all you want is a heavier trigger pull to make negligent discharges less likely, get a Glock and install a NY-1 or NY-2 connector, and youre good to go. my Beretta 8045 the decocker has been worked till it is as easy as a normal manual safety. Then the user must manually return the lever to its starting position, to re-enable the firing mechanism. Yes, I have to train to push another lever before I holster my gun. Everything you wrote above also applies to Glocks and S&W M&P models. The safety added a small measure of safety. Manually decocking semi auto pistols. : r/guns - Reddit Is Glock leg different from 1911 leg? If you are an amateur who hasn't gotten around to learning the ins and outs of pistol usage, we strongly encourage you to take the time to learn how to use a pistol safely. A decocked p226, holstered with thumb on hammer seems safer than a glock. If you cant handle them thats your problem. All is says it PT24/7 including the Pro. Guns are like everything else. There are some good DA/SA handguns out there and people that can use them despite what Cooper had to say. Decocker-equipped pistols are found worldwide in police and security service. You want them safe you have to pull the mag and eject the round. The writer of this article is a complete moron. Thanks for reading the article, Chris and Camsdaddy- I feel very strongly that you must understand the equipment and its features. Yup. To decock a pistol safely and easily, [ you should: KEEP THE HANDGUN POINTED IN A SAFE DIRECTION; Enable the safety if available; Use the decocking lever if available; Place non-dominant hand thumb between hammer and firing pin. ] Only in SEA did we load with six. It would allow the gun to be used DA/SA. Yup. The designer, a guy named John Browning, did not intend that. Changing to a striker fired cocked and unlocked design like the glock, isnt going to magically improve your aim and abilities. Retired military members and members of Reserve Components, not on active duty, may use military titles in connection with commercial enterprises, provided they clearly indicate their retired or inactive Reserve status.. I like my 1911, but my P228 is my go-to gun. This step-by-step guide will help you understand how to load, discharge, and clear a pistol safely. is a thing for a very good reason. The US Air Force Air Police and Security Police, the essential ground combat arm and law enforcement agency of the USAF, used this method daily for the S&W K-15 .38 cal revolver for decades. Both the 1911 and Hi Power use the single action/double action, cocked and locked style mechanism. It has long since become a very easy thing to do. Weegy: To decock a pistol safely and easily, [ you should: KEEP THE HANDGUN POINTED IN A SAFE DIRECTION; Enable the safety if available; Use the decocking lever if available; Place non-dominant hand thumb between hammer and firing pin. ] So its a ViS not Vis, but ViS (a play on the Latin word for strength (?) A little more complicated doesnt necessary equate to sucking as you stated above. Consistently, my objection to them is the heavy trigger pull in DA mode. Seems like a moot issue. Describe follow through and why is it important. I go to the range 2 times a month and have easily mastered the trigger starting with hammer down. A repetitive passage here: I would tend to agree in that having a bad primer is going to be pretty much non-existent. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. i do not ever want a longer initial pull. But you say the Beretta Safety lever is a De-Cocker? Still have it to this day & will Love it to my grave. How to Load, Discharge, and Clear a Pistol Safely, Do not attempt to load, fire, or clear a pistol if you are unfamiliar with it, While loading a pistol, add one round at a time into the magazine and ensure they are correctly seated, Lock the magazine by sliding it upwards till you hear a clicking sound, Disengage the safety latch to unlock the firearm, While discharging your pistol, hold it in your dominant hand and point it in a safe direction, Clear the firing chamber of any unused rounds by racking the slide backward, Loading a pistol can be more complicated than it looks for a new gun owner. Now, despite the decock, Im lightening quick on putting 3 4 rounds in a target and at no point in the draw, aim and fire sequence on the first round have I hit anything but the target, anyway. Safety with any firearm resides between the ears, not due to any safety system or the lack thereof. He wrote that all the negligent/accidental discharges he was aware of had taken place with the Glocks. Its a very safe system for police duty and concealed carry, because they offer a safeguard against negligent discharges without the ergonomic and training hamperings of a manual safety. Thank you. arrow pointing to de-cocker: Click to expand. Weve got the appeal to authority fallacy. Glock leg. Fast forward my Nephew said I should try the SIG as that is what he used in the service! Fact: heavier trigger pull makes negligent discharges less likely. If youre already superb with a DA/SA.wait, never mind. When I finished, I gave the seat a good slam, forgetting that all seats are not created equal. I have both a 1911 and a Hi Power and neither are double action. De-cocker equipped pistols (generally) have an exposed hammer. By entering your phone number and submitting this form, Think of it along the lines of S & W). Great gun! However, because the trigger is not staged, it makes it less likely that a finger slip will cause the weapon to discharge. neat! Every single Navy Seal toting a P226 will take exception to your totally useless opinion. The current standard issue and substitute standard pistols of the U.S. armed forces are double-actions with decockers, and they have long been popular with civilian users as well. A decocker removes that risk. He received a patent for the Hi Power in 1923. . She loves her gun, says she shoots it better than her 9 mm compact pistol. I am a novice with pistols. In fact, it is actually advantageous when there is a struggle over the gun. This was my first handgun purchase and my only handgun for years. Chambered aand ready to fire, no safety on, DA trigger pull on first shot, SA trigger pull on subsequent. Shooters hand must crawl out of firing position so that thumb can operate decocking safety. Since Im left handed, I always used my right (support) hand to dexxxx. In competition, particularly production, some guns that do not have decockers but are DA/SA are decocked by dropping the hammer slowly all the time before a stage. A plastic fantastic glock or other polymer striker fired pistol can do: In the end, the de-cockers history is academic. (This is exactly what you said to me above). this is why I keep the P90 in the baja bug. The striker-fired pistols were usually worse. The thumb safety was put on the at the behest of the US Cavalry so that the weapon could be made safe one handed after an engagement. Theyre only tough to master if you have excluded your gun use to plastic wunders. Why have light trigger pulls at all then for guns that are meant for self defense? It was also common practice to carry only 5 rounds and align the cylinder so the hammer would fall on the empty chamber if accidentally discharged. After active duty my State Patrol job had me using a Glock 22, it was at that time that I put tge 1911s away , too much incompatibility to go back and forth on for back up and off duty carry; spoit seconds count. The Decocker gives you more options. To decock a pistol safely and easily you should: A. Except many of them, Glocks etc, are carried cocked and unlocked, since there is no safety. How To Carry a DA/SA Pistol - Concealed Carry Setup Advantages Ill admit the first time I dropped the hammer on a live round in my Beretta was spooky for a former 1911 guy! If your training is insufficient such that cannot consistently draw without simultaneously violating two of the four rules, youre liable to perforate yourself. and now, two days later ive had a cz vz52 follow me home. Unload all the guns before storing them away and load them when preparing for. or an instructor who has seen the various problems with effective use of these pistols in actual use. Striker monkeys. I have two open carry holsters and I carry with the hammer cocked and locked because I have a strap over the firing pin to ensure it doesnt go off on the off chance of a mechanical failure. Is the 1911 Dangerous to Carry? - The Armory Life This writer submits that both should be used. . No problem with it. Nam risus ante, icsque dapibus efficitur laoreet. In training with such pistols, the realities imposed by the decocker must be recognized and accommodated. You are a colossal tool and a Glock fanboy with zero credibility. HM. I also practice swiping the safety off during draws and it is just part of my motion. You can change cop for terrorist, etc. I have had decocker semis, but always decocked them manually, making the whole idea moot. Carrying a concealed pistol in this method allows you to un-holster the weapon and fire unimpeded by a safety. K.I.S.S. Condition Three is hammer down on an empty chamber, with the magazine loaded and inserted. They all have their pros and cons. Earlier this year, added a decocker kit to my M9 to convert the manual safety to a 92G springloaded decocker. OK, but there is a tool for every purpose, and for our limited exposure to pistols, it is a fine design. Since it is a general safety precaution, this is the first and foremost crucial weapon safety regulation. Were still waiting for official confirmation that a Glock will replace the SIGs currently in-use by the SEAL teams (A rumor to that effect popped up last year). Place your index finger on the trigger and squeeze it gently to fire a round. And I dont recall the part of the safety rules that says Dont point it at anything you dont want to destroy, unless its a DA/SA, then its totes cool to do so. (such as promotion codes and cart reminders) from AMD at the number provided, The last two are de-cocker models that I can bring into battery just as quickly as a tupperware gun, but it is more accurate, has less perceived recoil, and is less ammo sensitive than most striker fired pistols. Unless youre joking. Yes, by treating it as an SA gun with the hammer down. Find me a couple of highly-rated professional carry instructors that insist the best way to carry a SA auto (or a DA/SA auto with a cocked-and-locked option) is with the hammer cocked and the safety off (cocked and unlocked) and Ill happily give you that point. Just like you have to train to make damn sure your Glocks chamber is empty before you try to strip it. This is also the case with the well-regarded Smith & Wesson third-generation family of pistols. Whether you own one or not, whether you find de-cockers a PITA or a boon to your ballistics, a true operator will possess the necessary skills to run the gun. Get everything included in Premium plus exclusive Gold Membership benefits. And I can use my nasty decocker to make my trigger pull safe when I want it to be. Shoot what you want. 3 methods for decocking a CZ / Tanfoglio pistol with a manual safety In fact, they create needless safety and training issues.. Embrace it. I just do not understand the issue. He was against it because condition 1 carry was with the hammer back and the public perception was that the pistol was cocked and dangerous. The Ruger P-series guns use a different shaped lever to help distinguish the two systems more readily. Its truly not that hard, just learn to lock your firing grip and pull the trigger without disturbing the sight alignment- something you should be doing anyway with any pistol platform. Another thing showing that the author doesnt know what he talks about. If you carry cocked and unlocked (I.e. A glock doesnt allow you to have a heavier trigger pull. If you have any questions about the right way to handle or care for your firearms, our knowledgeable staff are here to help. Manufacturers needed something marketable that resembled the Hi-Powers operating system, yet didnt invite lawsuits. For some people its a great idea and a DA/SA gives them that option. Ha-ha! The photo of the wz. The hammer and the trigger move forward at the same time, and the same function that prevents the gun from discharging if the hammer is struck keeps the hammer from hitting the firing pin. [URL= keyloggers [/URL It is definitely not without its dangers and temptations. Depends on the model, but not all decocker equipped pistols require extra steps or anything to get wrong during a DGU. I think the authors theory that de-cockers were developed to get around patents is absurd. Fire. But glocks are cocked and unlocked. CZs..the only pistols I shoot. The guy always had strong opinions and spread misinformation that in the pre-internet age could not be easily challenged such as his claim that the 1911 was designed to be carried cock and locked. Crossbow Shooting Frequently Asked Questions - BowScanner Hello? These It was never intended to be carried that way at all times. Both the 1911 and Hi Power are single action not double action. Who ever wrote this doesnt know guns or hasnt used them except at ranges. but it was close to it and its been my best. Plus, don't make the mistake of leaving your firearm lying around unsecured. Tags: decocker 101, double-action, pdn, personal defense, personal defense network, semi-automatic, striker-fired. Not to mention these designs have firing pin blocks that block the pin from moving toward the primer if somehow the de-cocker system failed. The latest content straight to your inbox plus an automatic entry to each of our monthly giveaways! Single Stage de-cockers work by depressing a lever or button. Calling it a Radom is like calling a Buick a Detroit. Mostly it depends on the Person learning. Personally I ended up not really caring for the safety on my own Jericho. When the gun is completely ready to fire, it will not go off without a finger on the trigger. No different than a DA/SA pistol with the hammer locked back and the safety off. Sigs at least (dunno about others) also is like a revolver in that the gun will not fire unless the trigger is all the way to the rear. And from there, you only have to remember to Draw & fire. Use the palm of your non-firing hand to pull the slide back and release it to chamber a round. But I like the option to engage the safety when re-holstering (and then flicking it off after safely holstered). Im not sure if thats great long term without a flag or dummy round in place. Check the USPSA/IDPA results, see how many DA/SA pistols (again, fired in that manner, not a CZ starting from cocked-and-locked) finish at/near the top of the competitions where they run head-to-head with striker guns and other competing designs. HK (top) and SIG Sauer pistols with frame-mounted decocking levers. TDA guns are designed to be safer carry guns. Ill stick with my feature full DA/SA pistol operated in the way I see fit. To decock a pistol safely and easily you should - Weegy Sig P226) And again, IMO, the glock is simplier than a hammer fired gun with bells and whistles like decockers. And yet thats EXACTLY how Glocks are designed to be carried, and ARE carried by the thousands of police and private owners. interesting, cheap pistol, but the penis remover is dumb unless it doubles as a manual safety. This post was originally published at Fortress Defense Consultants. If youre ever having this discussion with someone and they say smugly, It doesnt matter, cause Ill never drop my gun, try not to laugh in their face. For a short answer, you need to unload the gun, empty the chamber, and pull the trigger. This article is featured in Its all about training and practice. If youre already great with the DA/SA, youll be superb with the striker pistol. But after youve worked a long shift, youre tired, youre in a minor stupor after a long drive home after dark, your mind is dwelling on a problem at work, and then suddenly youre snapped back into the here-and-now by the sight of a person quickly approaching your blocked-in car at the stoplight; well, thats really not the best time to start trying to remember Which mode am I carrying in today?. A tap/rack drill does not change the shooting grip, and it gets rid of a potential dud round (far more likely than a hard primer). Only people who have a rudimentary understanding call it a Radom. To be honest, it's not that hard to master the correct loading technique. The author is a nit-wit and whatever editor let him get published needs to find new work. But you want be able to, as most folks (pro or not) know better than to try and draw a parallel between a cocked and unlocked SA or DA/SA auto, and a Safe-action Glock, which was designed to be carried in that manner. Between the DA trigger pull and having proper holsters that cover the trigger and trigger guard, the safety becomes an unnecessary redundancy. I heard about it, but AFAIK, mine was not on the list. Either something needs shooting or it doesnt. On my wifes second lesson with the instructor, the de-cocking safety came into play, as she was mishandling the weapon during a review of the lesson. Just a bit too short I suppose. In fact, they create needless safety and training issues. To help you out more, follow these steps to help you clear and store a pistol more carefully: After reading this write-up, you should have a good understanding of how to load, discharge, and clear your pistol safely. And they dont have two different trigger pull weights and travel distances to deal with in stressful situations, or a very long-and-heavy first-shot pull which makes hitting very difficult, comparatively. The theme of this article is absolute bull$hit and written by another expert. I started shooting pistol competitions in the early 80s with a 1911 and later carried double/single autos in the late 80s until today with 5 years as a cop. Not that the level of training, personnel and mission of the SEALs has much to do with our discussion of individual carry of a handgun for personal defense by civilians.
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