In China, Raise the Red Lantern was initially banned and Chinese audiences preferred Zhangs visually less flamboyant Qiu Ju Da Guansi (The Story of Qiu Ju, China/Hong Kong, 1992) and Huo zhe (To Live, China/Hong Kong, 1994), both films about ordinary people and a shared collective past and present. 295 0 obj Leiden circa 1630: Rembrandt Emerges, (Agnes Ethering Art Centre, Kingston ON; Art Gallery of Alberta, Edmonton AB; MacKenzie Gallery, Regina SK; Art Gallery of Hamilton, Hamilton ON; Vereniging van Nederlandse Kunsthistorici, Saul in Story and Tradition (Series Forschungen Zum Alten Testament), Netherlands Yearbook for History of Art vol. During the nineteenth century exotic gained the connotation of a stimulating or exciting difference, something with which the domestic could be (safely) spiced. Sight & Sound, February, p. 68. Eine historische Vergegenwrtigung. London: Macmillan. Tanna invokes the exotic iconography of earlier South Sea films. Nagib, Lcia (2011). Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. noun. <> Modulation: A Translation Method to Obtain Naturalness in Target The Location of Culture. The word exotic was first introduced into the English language in 1599, meaning alien, introduced from abroad, not indigenous. In the West, ugly but resilient ideas about civilization, Post the Definition of exoticism to Facebook, Share the Definition of exoticism on Twitter. It adopts a cultural perspective that is firmly entrenched in the conventions and belief systems of Western civilization and therefore constructs the East as the archetypical location of otherness. Harmondsworth, U.K.: Penguin. 316 0 obj de Luca, 2013; Galt and Schoonover, 2010: 1517; Nagib, 2011; 2020. SEE ALSO Cannibalism; Enlightenment; Gaze, Colonial; Gaze, The; Orientalism; Other, The; Prostitution; Sexuality; Stare, The; Stereotypes; Tourism; Travel and Travel Writing; White Supremacy. cism ig-z-t-si-zm variants or less commonly exotism eg-z-ti-zm ek-s- : the quality or state of being exotic Example Sentences Not much Arctic exoticism. Segalens slim volume Essay on Exoticism: An Aesthetics of Diversity was posthumously published and is an unfinished fragment that reflects his impressions of Tahiti and China whereto he travelled between 1902 and 1919. Mediating Netherlandish Art and Material Culture in Asia, Golahny, Amy: Rembrandt and everyday life: the fusion of genre and history.. Chow, Rey (1995). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. An abundance of colors, sounds, smells, and tactile experiences promise to gratify the senses within an economy that gives free rein to consumption, unrestrained by political responsibility and ethical commitment to the real actors of exotic fantasies: that is, it disregards the role of disadvantaged people, coming mainly from third-world nations, who make a meager living from appearing in the dramatized fantasies staged in tropical holiday resorts and nightclubs. Realism of the Senses in World Cinema: The Experience of Physical Reality. It has been deeply entrenched in the European imaginary of the Orient ever since Pierre Loti conflated exoticism and eroticism and his immensely popular novel Madame Chrysanthme (1887) inspired Giacomo Puccinis opera Madama Butterfly (1904) and served as a template of Asian femininity in the popular imagination of the West (cf. 1630. Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, pp. EXOTICISM | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary The fact that Tanna as well as Embrace of the Serpent, which is set in the Amazon, were made in collaboration with Indigenous communities, who are credited with being the chief creative impetus and co-creators of these films, makes them not only politically correct but, arguably, also examples of self-exoticisation. 1640. Your current browser may not support copying via this button. Shapiro, Ron (2000). Travelling Concepts: Postcolonial Approaches to Exoticism. Raise the Red Lantern Review. Bhabha, Homi. One of course can try to balance that. The film was shot in the classic three-strip Technicolor process to achieve a richness of reds and yellows no longer visible in Hollywood cinema which abandoned the three-strip Technicolor camera in 1954. Out of the ordinary: ways of saying that something is unusual (2), Cambridge University Press & Assessment 2023. Like world cinema, exoticism is a travelling concept that depends on mobility and the crossing of cultural boundaries to come into existence. Exoticism demonstrates itself in colorful spectacles of otherness purporting to be an unmediated expression of natural drives and instincts. Young, Deborah (2015). Historically, the exotic is inextricably linked to eighteenth-century voyages of exploration during which the encounter with radical cultural difference in remote corners of the world prompted a mutual sense of astonishment and wide-eyed wonder (though historical records, travelogues and novels of adventure are invariably skewed towards the astonishment experienced by Europeans). What is "exoticism" in translation ? | John4german's Blog . Click on the arrows to change the translation direction. Prostitution and the exploitation of countless women, children, and some men are side effects of exoticisms tendency toward aesthetic abstraction and voyeuristic commodification of its participating actors. Young, Robert J. Lost in Translation: Exoticism in Early Modern Holland Vanishing Paradise: Art and Exoticism in Colonial Tahiti, Berkeley: University of California Press. To be sure, this does not normally apply to popular genre films predominantly targeting domestic viewers, although these sometimes become art films when exhibited abroad (Galt and Schoonover, 2010: 7) or, as the case of the wuxia pian (Chinese swordplay film) illustrates, are adopted by world cinema auteurs like Wong Kar-wai (Yi Dai Zong Shi/The Grandmaster, Hong Kong/China, 2013) and Hou Hsiao-hsien (Cike Nie Yin Niang/The Assassin, Taiwan/China/Hong Kong/France, 2015), who transform them into refined arthouse films. Eine historische Vergegenwrtigung. They allow transnational audiences to domesticate the foreign by integrating it into the established aesthetic paradigm of exoticism, which has evolved over many centuries and has been made subservient to shifting ideological and political agendas. 303 0 obj They conjure up ideas of a bountiful nature, fertility, and uninhibited sexuality. Then, copy and paste the text into your bibliography or works cited list. not native within the linguistic boundaries of the community adopting it. <> 6588. Methodologically, this essay combines a close reading of the idealized representations of things in domestic spaces we encounter in paintings with an analysis of the materiality, design and historical trajectories of the things themselves. Literal translation. (2000). Exoticism | Translated and edited by Yal, Rachel Schlick. E-Book Collections Title Lists and MARC Records, Latest Financial Press Releases and Reports. The Assassin. The Assassin Review Captivatingly Hypnotic, If Impenetrable, Wuxia Tale. Refer to each styles convention regarding the best way to format page numbers and retrieval dates. In my last blog entry, I used the term exoticism. An accurate translation Netherlands Yearbook for History of Art 66 (2016), Rembrandt and the Emergence of the Leiden Art Market, Tracing a Pose: Govert Flinck and the Emergence of the Van Dyckian Mode of Portraiture in Amsterdam, SWAN Review CAA Netherlandish Art in Its Global Context and Rembrandt and the Inspiration of India 20191218, Netherlandish Art and the World: A Conference on Global Art History, Utrecht, 25-27 October 2018, Allegory as Historical Method, or the Similarities between Amsterdam and Albania Reading Simon Gikandi's Slavery and the Culture of Taste, Rembrandt's Religious Paintings from 1630s, The Speelman Fellowship and Netherlandish Art in Cambridge, 'Defenders of the Image. Colonial Desire: Hybridity in Theory, Culture, and Race. In fact, Nichols compares the festivalgoers experience with that of an anthropological fieldworker (and tourist), who becomes submerged in an experience of difference, entering strange worlds, hearing unfamiliar languages, witnessing unusual styles (Nichols, 1994: 17). By contrast, Western audiences and critics were enthralled by this exotic spectacle which Zhang masterfully manufactured for the pleasure and gaze of the Western viewer (Lu, 1997: 126). Thus, the kind of world cinema under consideration here is also known as global art cinema and conceived with global cinephiles rather than local mainstream audiences in mind.1, This raises the question of how global art cinema squares the circle of conveying a sense of local authenticity (one of the main attractions world cinema holds in store) while being simultaneously intelligible and appealing across different cultures. Finally, a more general consideration concerns the author's choice not to talk expressly about the question of, The final chapters are devoted to a critical examination of, This is especially regrettable, as it is of great interest with regard to musical, This article considers the 'pastoral mode' as a particular subspecies of musical. Such easily affordable, popular publications, in their turn, further reduced cultural otherness to a matter of costume, which, among other things, suggested that supposedly primitive natives of, for example, Australia could be forced to abjure their traditional identity merely by donning the clothes of a European gentleman. Ever since Louis-Antoine de Bougainville (in 1768) and other European explorers travelled to Polynesia and perceived the islanders as the incarnation of Rousseaus ideal of the natural man, untouched by the corrupting influence of Western civilisation, the South Pacific islands have come to epitomise paradise on earth (Childs, 2013; Connell, 2003). Said, Edward. Painting natural knowledge in the early seventeenth century, The History of the Dutch and Flemish Art Collection of the Szpmvszeti Mzeum. Khoo, Olivia (2007). International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. Lutz Bassmann went first and kept his mouth shut the whole time. "Post-Exoticism in Ten Lessons: Lesson Eleven" by Antoine Volodine [A B. Tauris, pp. But needless to say, the individual human decision will not be made to use exoticisms and be in the -1 to -2 range. They expect world cinema filmmakers to continue the tradition of Third Cinema and use their films as platforms of postcolonial resistance, instead of becoming complicit in exoticising their own culture, even if this entails potentially forsaking critical or commercial success. Although this kind of cultural translation has, historically, been the domain of ethnography, it is by no means restricted to the scientific discourse on cultural difference. The Persian-European Dialogue in Seventeenth-Century Art & Contemporary Art of Teheran, Rembrandt and everyday life: the fusion of genre and history, in Arthur J. DiFuria, ed., Genre Imagery in Early Modern Northern Europe: New Perspectives, London and New York: Routledge: An Ashgate Book, 2016, 161-182. The films narrative thwarts a long list of (Western) spectators expectations such as the one-to-one match of actor and character, expository detail on the character constellations and their backstories, as well as wuxias generic conventions. Much could be and has been written on this topic, which explains why exoticism is such a highly contested concept. The Five Concepts Of Cultural Transposition | Cultural Translation This entry was posted on April 15, 2010 at 2:56 pm and is filed under Uncategorized. This is, however, not to say that all exotic films substitute glossy surfaces for deep meaning, thereby effectively compensating for the hermeneutic deficit that may arise when world cinema travels. Khoo, 2007: 6; Heung, 1997). find that literal translation would result in awkward or unnatural translation. The Family Romance of Orientalism: From Madame Butterfly to Indochine. International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. In most contemporary exotic films, visual pleasure is combined with haptic visuality (Marks, 2000), denoting a particular type of embodied perception that invokes memories of touch, with other forms of synaesthesia (the perception of one sensation by another modality) and intermodality (the linking of sensations from different domains) in order to reproduce the multi-sensory pleasure that has conventionally been associated with exoticism. Mulvey, Laura (1975). 65: Arts of Display. If we conceive of world cinema and its transnational exhibition on the film festival circuit (and beyond) as such a contact zone then the interactive exchange occurring in this space is, on the one hand, the expectation of metropolitan audiences to encounter a particular kind of world cinema that corresponds to their exotic fantasies of Other cultures and, on the other hand, the creation of autoethnographic texts, that is, films made by non-Western filmmakers which appropriate the idioms of metropolitan representation (Pratt, 1992: 7). The Velvet Light Trap,50, pp. 'x6cB2 `Me * ." Good stuff. endobj Segalen, Victor (2002). The Island of Borneo evokes a powerful exoticism. order to break the drawn-out silence, the Niouki summarized the stages that, according to her, post-exoticism had passed through since Minor Angels, Maria Clementi's first romnce, written in 1977. "Exoticism However, to pursue this line of argument any further here is beyond the purview of my inquiry into the aesthetic characteristics of the exoticist paradigm. The male protagonists crown of fern fronds and the young womans garland of leaves and bark skirt recall the almost identical natural attire of Matahi and Reri in Tabu and are a staple of visual representations of the South Pacific (Figure 1). In addition to the MLA, Chicago, and APA styles, your school, university, publication, or institution may have its own requirements for citations. Typographic Calque This occurs when typographical conventions that exist only in the source language are transferred to the new language. In: Rosalind, Galt and Karl, Schoonover, eds., Global Art Cinema: New Theories and Histories. Reading Formations and Chen Kaiges Farewell My Concubine. Cite this article Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. Museum Rietberg. 'Cataloguing Rubens and Rembrandt. Goods ranging from treasured, unique objects to commodities traded in vast quantities always accumulate layers of meanings as they move through time and space. 1997. 20 May. In: Isabel, Santaolalla, ed., New Exoticisms: Changing Patterns in the Construction of Otherness. Goethes Idee der Weltliteratur. A Recently Discovered Painting by Willlem de Poorter, From Painting Performances to Performing Paintings. Translation Studies 4 (1), pp. Saids study of Europes most enduring exotic fantasies about the Middle East set the beginning for other postcolonial interrogations of romanticized projections of the cultural other by which the West continues to assert its superiority. In fact, realism appears to be the more prevalent aesthetic approach taken in global art cinema and certainly the one to receive far more critical attention, cf. Citation: Studies in World Cinema 1, 2 (2021) ; 10.1163/26659891-01020001. exoticism translations: . (ztszm) noun. Retrieved April 27, 2023 from When letters make sounds that aren't associated w One goose, two geese. The meaning of EXOTICISM is the quality or state of being exotic. Likewise, we only need to consider Apichatpong Weerasethakuls films, whose radical alterity makes them extremely enigmatic, if not utterly perplexing for global audiences, to appreciate that they lack two essential characteristics of exoticism: firstly, their extreme Otherness precludes domestication, that is, integration into a familiar system of aesthetic and conceptual reference points and, secondly, they are largely devoid of the visual and sensuous allure that is a hallmark of exotic cinema. By bringing world cinema and exoticism into conversation with cultural translation I have sought to consider exoticisms heuristic potential outside the dominant ideological discourse and thereby challenge the overwhelmingly pejorative connotations surrounding the concept. Because each style has its own formatting nuances that evolve over time and not all information is available for every reference entry or article, cannot guarantee each citation it generates. In: Sheldon, Hsiao-peng Lu, ed., Transnational Chinese Cinemas: Identity, Nationhood, Gender. The Skin of the Film: Intercultural Cinema, Embodiment, and the Senses. For very technical texts, where accuracy of content is king, it might be closer to -2 or -1. Whether or not this kind of autoethnography is a deliberate strategy or an unconscious process is one of the questions that Rey Chow addresses in her study Primitive Passions on Fifth Generation Chinese cinema and Chinese visual culture more broadly. Arguably the most dynamic site of cultural translation is the film festival circuit since it is here where the first contact in this cross-cultural encounter usually occurs and where global art cinemas meaning and artistic value is negotiated. For a theorisation of global art cinema, cf. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. Cultural Translation, Cosmopolitanism and the Void. Lost in Translation: Exoticism in Early Modern Holland Claudia Swan Whilecontent andlanguageformacertain unityinthe original,like afruit andits skin,the languageofthe translationenvelopsits content likearoyal robe with amplefolds.For it signifiesamoreexalted languagethan itsown andthusremains unsuited to itscontent, overpowering andalien. 1 [1. There are three of these: 1. Kiernan, Victor Gordon. 1972. Entirely apart from the plot, there is the sensuous pleasure of the architecture, the fabrics, the color contrasts, the faces of the actresses.. Of special importance is Edward Saids description of Orientalism as a discursive construction of European fantasies. In: Lcia, Nagib, Chris, Perriam and Rajinder, Dudrah, eds., Theorizing World Cinema. ]6[I N*"=EE}-Sw"E~U ?&7t'>#^/ NgtAftaes`VL^rxJ?^A*u]^460/cl!Jb|@x7 t{%hmLa s?hWmP'EDdTB.A0E*!W;hQV:&V2L^eC`%FIHJ59%]iRH/" 3%hY]hF,`bd582TP?I5MsLK`_I?+i%S~'}\9, `3+_0X~^xjdiD- 2r=nl>&ZP%I]ALL!4\~KD`hIBK:R+S }l.~q BFcN}uZ^9$2.:-w\wmle=w uCXBw0!I-(>|v!8Zb?. X5foOkYTa+*roQ>6RWJrt=$U5lP/U//MqHOFp +T[O It really depends. Mitigating gender bias in machine translation: adapt, then correct Situating World Cinema as a Theoretical Problem. Close-ups of sizzling pans, steam rising from pots, the mixing of colourful herbs and spices seduce the spectator to experience with all of their senses the pleasures of Vietnamese, Taiwanese, Mexican or Indian cuisine and not just that but a whole way of life that inverts the current cultural terms of food preparation and consumption by returning anachronistically to an era before mass production in which we imagine that the food we eat is not only home-cooked but also reflects an emotional commitment of nurture and care, family values perceived to be rapidly disappearing in the West (Negra, 2002: 64) (Figure 2). exoticism in American English. In A. Langer (Ed. endobj The Postcolonial Exotic: Marketing the Margins. London and New York: Routledge. I think it depends on the context and situation. endobj As exotic goods and materials become part of the domestic environment, global goods gain local meanings, and simultaneously bestow new layers of meaning on the material culture of the early modern Netherlands. (PDF) Language ideology and the presence of calques in Romanian Insights and Discoveries, Amsterdam 2017, pp. The Lords of Humankind: European Attitudes to the Outside World in the Imperial Age. 115. 3. anything exotic, as a foreign word or idiom. 202-233. 1. Monstrous Ethiopians? Racial Attitudes and Exoticism in the Old English Thus, exotic world cinema speaks to contemporary Western societies anhedonia and desire to escape the perceived blandness of Western culture by inviting spectators to sense how other people sensuously inhabit their world (Marks, 2000: 241). Westerners, along with a westernized global elite, interact with one another against the background of scenery that refrains from challenging their privileges and supposed superiority. But at the same time, it is (like world cinema) a travelling concept that depends on mobility and the crossing of cultural boundaries to come into being. 2001. If we concur with Chow, then world cinema can never give a true or authentic representation of China, India, Africa or other cultures, since centuries of European cultural hegemony have conditioned non-Western filmmakers to see themselves through Western eyes. Encompassing global art cinema as well as popular genre films and their transnational reception, world cinema is an amorphous and critically versatile concept that invites contestation and debate. 618. Bill Nicholss (1994: 16, 18) evocative description of film festivals as a new type of contact zone where cosmopolitan cinephiles can enjoy an abiding pleasure in the recognition of [cultural] differences reaffirms Chows argument that the encounter with the non-West is inevitably imagined in ethnographic terms. In Defence of Exoticism: Rescuing the Literary Imagination. Zeischtrift fr Interdisziplinre Hungarologie. It will either spit back whatever it has as The Translation for the source text (in its collective memory), or it is going to use its algorithms to aggregate what it thinks is the safest translation, which I suspect will either be a 0 or a +2 (in that range). document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ). 27 March. Exoticism in the Enlightenment. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, pp. The translation of items (words and phrases) which are specific to one culture from a Source Language expressing that culture (the Source Culture) into a Target Language expressing another. Get ready with Test&Train, the online practice tool from Cambridge.Build your confidence with hundreds of exam questions with hints, tips and instant feedback. 4149. Screen, 16 (3), pp. This is why I also think that Google Translate is not a perfect solution for translation at a professional level. %PDF-1.7 I will explore how non-Western filmmakers, variously referred to as world cinema, postcolonial and diasporic, exoticise their own cultures, thereby enhancing the transnational appeal of their films. Most online reference entries and articles do not have page numbers. Palm trees and giant ferns, dense lush forests with waterfalls convey a sense of natural abundance and pristine nature. 158183. Get ready with Test&Train, the online practice tool from Cambridge.Build your confidence with hundreds of exam questions with hints, tips and instant feedback. Literal translation is your straightforward word-for-word translation. Galt and Schoonover, 2010: 327. Professor of Film Studies, Dr. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link., "Exoticism For instance, if I were translating the classic VW advertising text from the early 1990s, I might leave the German term for "the joy of driving" in German: "Fahrvergngen". In: Stephanie, Dennison and Song, Hwee Lim, eds., Remapping World Cinema: Identity, Culture and Politics in Film. Did Rembrandt plan a substantial series of reproductive engravings and did he make a series of oil sketches especially for that purpose? Orientalism: Western Conceptions of the Orient. Persian Art and the Crafting of Polish Identity. Clarke, Roger (2016). ." While world cinema includes popular genre films like Bollywood and Nollywood melodrama or Hong Kong action films, global art cinema does not. It is precisely these perceived Oriental qualities [] that separate Chinese and Western audience preferences for Zhangs films and Gong Lis images (Reynaud cited in Lu, 1997: 126). The Guardian, 21 January. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. London and New York: Continuum. EXOTICISM (foreignness ).1 A TT marked by exoticism is one which constantly uses grammatical and cultural features imported from the ST with minimal adaptation. BIBLIOGRAPHY For instance, if I were translating the classic VW advertising text from the early 1990s, I might leave the German term for the joy of driving in German: Fahrvergngen. 297 0 obj <> In other words, the transnational dimension inherent in the concept of world cinema is constituted in the process of reception, as a film moves outside its own national sphere into another one. 0 && stateHdr.searchDesk ? At the same time, this incomplete understanding of the films deeper layers of meaning adds a residue of enigma and mystery. Therefore, its best to use citations as a starting point before checking the style against your school or publications requirements and the most-recent information available at these sites: Test your vocabulary with our fun image quizzes, Clear explanations of natural written and spoken English. Translated texts using exoticism often use cultural and grammatical aspects taken straight from source texts. A +2 translation. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. If you were to imagine a range of translation options from -2 to 0 to +2, -2 might be a translation that is as close or loyal as possible to the German source text. Europes Myths of Orient: Devise and Rule. exoticism noun [ U ] uk / zt..s.z m / us / z.t.s.z m / the quality of being unusual and exciting because of coming (or seeming to come) from far away, especially a tropical country the exoticism of the East Want to learn more? Although her martial arts skills are unsurpassed, on several occasions, her heart blocks her from completing her deadly assignments.
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