being bullied by other residents. These resources may help you when dealing with councils: For complaints about the general administrative conduct of councils, councillors and council staff, contact the Office of Local Government. You can also help another person to make a complaint. You can call us to discuss your particular case. The Registrar of Community Housing acknowledges the traditional owners and custodians of the land, and respects Elders past, present and future, Guidelines for managing unreasonable complainant conduct, Breach of the agreement, such as rent arrears, For applicants - most issues related to eligibility to be on waiting lists, priority on those lists and the provision of other services, for example emergency housing. We acknowledge Aboriginal people as the First Nations Peoples of NSW and pay our respects to Elders past, present, and future. Call: 02 9286 1000 Email: Visit: Post: Level 24, 580 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Allegation of misconduct Contact the manager of your DCJ contract manager: Call 1300 652 488 to arrange a translator to speak in the language you need. NSW Ombudsman* Our website uses an automatic service to translate our content into different languages. What can I expect to achieve from making a complaint? If you're an eligible first home buyer, you have the choice to pay an annual property tax instead of stamp duty. seek further evidence from you or the organisation about what has happened. Complaints about community services - NSW Ombudsman Can I appeal more than once? You can also complain to us directly if you dont feel safe making a complaint to the agency. All reports are treated seriously and managed in the strictest confidence. Make sure you have a pen ready to write down the job reference number for your maintenance request. We cannot handle complaints about NDIS providers (registered or unregistered). To enquire about accommodation, please contact Housing NSW on 1800 422 322. There are some services we cannot help you with for example, Centrelink, banks and legal services. We can make inquiries with an agency if we consider there may be maladministration. We acknowledge Aboriginal people as the First Nations Peoples of NSW and pay our respects to Elders past, present, and future. You can submit an appeal using the online appeal form located on the HAC website. Contact us - Communities and Justice You can find the address on our website. Make your complaint online. We usually expect you to contact the agency with your complaint, before you make a complaint to us. Here youll find helpful information on becoming a DCJ Housing tenant and how to maintain your tenancy. You first need to appeal to FACS. Appeals. Specialist staff are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to provide support and advice. Alternatively, you can contact your local DCJ Housing office launch. Antisocial behaviour in public housing - Family & Community Services Having trouble with unlawful development activity? You will be contacted by either the Customer Resolution Coordinator, the manager responsible for the service you complain about, or the managers delegate. If our response to your complaint is likely to be significantly delayed, we will let you know about the delay. private universities for example, Australian Catholic University and University of Notre Dame. Community Housing Innovation Fund (CHIF) Find funding programs to help deliver social and affordable housing across NSW. For a complete list of matters that can be appealed, visit HACs website or contact them at: PO Box 1030, Westfield Burwood NSW 2134 Free call: 1800 629 794 Phone: 02 8741 2555 Facsimile: 02 8741 2566Web: If we can handle your complaint, continue to Step 3. If you're not happy with what the agency or service provider does as a result of our decision, contact us to talk to your case officer. In NSW, government-owned and managed social housing is provided by the Department of Family and Community Services (FACS), including the Aboriginal Housing Office (AHO). Tenants have a right to the peaceful enjoyment of their home and an obligation to abide by the conditions of their tenancy agreement. We value your feedback on how we have handled complaints and communicated the outcomes to you. Select a department Select an agency. It takes about 15 minutes. If you have a complaint that is serious or complex, it is generally best to put it in writing. Home - NSW Ombudsman Alternatively, you can usethe FeedbackAssist widget(located to the right of the screen). You will be asked to provide details of the damage and when it happened. Also, the Registrar does not handle appeals from decisions by registered community housing providers relating to an individuals eligibility, priority or entitlement to housing. We cannot handle complaints about your employment or employer. writing to: FACS Client Feedback Service, Locked Bag 7150, Liverpool BC, NSW 1871. Level 24, 580 George Street please see our fact sheets in the top right of this webpage. east. For a list of offices and contact numbers go to www.housing. You will need to give as many details as possible about the problem that needs repairing when you call. How will you protect the privacy or confidentiality of my complaint? A contractor will contact you to make an appointment for an inspection and/or repair to take place. DCJ Housing supports the principles of a culturally and linguistically diverse society, and it will not tolerate harassment in the form of racism, homosexual or transgender vilification. See Advocacy and Legal Services below. make payments to accounts. Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC), making a public interest disclosure (whistleblowing), make a complaint about custodial services, Australian Financial Complaints Authority, Office of the Legal Services Commissioner, Email or post this page in social media sites, dishonest, unfair or unreasonable behaviour, Department of Education (including public schools). However Registry staff cannot give you legal advice or recommend what action you should take. What if I am dissatisfied with the handling of my complaint? We are committed to the safety and wellbeing of children and young people and protecting them from risk of harm, abuse and neglect. If the issue is between residents, owners, or the owner corporation, there are four general steps to resolving it: Talk about it Speak to the owners corporation Use Fair Trading's mediation service Go to the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal. When you're ready, make your complaint online. Resources for organisations delivering assistance with housing, supporting children and families and addressing domestic and family violence. We acknowledge the ongoing connection Aboriginal people have to this land and recognise Aboriginal people as the original custodians of this land. You can also write to your local DCJ office. Housing Complaints, Appeals & Feedback: Home In Place a preset menu that will direct your enquiry to the service you need including. These translations should be used as a guide only. We cannot handle complaints about financial services, including: Contact the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA). Enter a postcode, suburb, town, or address to find a local housing office near you. Refer to our FAQ sheet, Complaints about other public sector agencies for information about the role of the NSW Ombudsman, information about the complaint handling process and how to make a complaint online. The NSW Ombudsman oversees the operation of the Public Interest Disclosures Act (PID Act) across the NSW public sector. Family & Community Services on facebook opens in new window, Family & Community Services on twitter opens in new window, Family & Community Services on youtube opens in new window, Family & Community Services on linkedin opens in new window, Changes to your tenancy: tenant factsheet, Privacy and personal information notification. In NSW, government-owned and managed social housing is provided by the Department of Family and Find out how to make a complaint about custodial services. However, we cannot handle complaints about decisions of local councils that involve: We also cannot amend or revoke development consents. You may wish to contact the Assisted Boarding Houses Team to provide comments, enquiries, complaints or feedback. not knowing what support is available. Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) (contact the, Law Enforcement Conduct Commission (contact the. *The NSW Ombudsman generally expects complainants to try to resolve their concerns directly with the agency before they will consider becoming involved. Anonymous complaints will be registered and referred to the relevant area for review. We can look at some maintenance complaints but we rarely intervene in decisions about maintenance because these decisions are largely based on technical or legal considerations. Housing NSW Head Office Locked Bag 4001 ASHFIELD BC NSW 1800 Phone: 1800 422 322 More information DCJ Housing offices are generally open from 9:00am to 5:00pm. Housing and property | Service NSW If you require assistance with registering on Procurement Central, you may contact the Customer Support via below methods. Updated on 22/03/2022. The NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) may also be a way for you to seek to resolve any disputes. We also provide additional support for people with a disability to make a complaint. 4 Parramatta Square, 12 Darcy St, Parramatta, NSW 2150 Map. You will need their permission to do this. The following list of links that will help you find the right place to make a complaint. For your convenience, telephones with a direct link to the Maintenance Line are available in the lobby of all local offices to use during business hours. We can handle complaints about homelessness services run or funded by the government, such as: People with a disability receiving services from NSW government agencies can complain to us about those agencies. You can complain to us about the administrative action or inaction of FACS in providing public housing and subsidised private rental, or the service provided by LAHC contractors. National Relay Service 133 677Telephone Interpreter Service (TIS): 131 450We can arrange an interpreter through TIS or you can contact TIS yourself before speaking to us. This includes tenants, tenant advocates, and people who work with providers. Contact us | NSW Land and Housing Corporation Property maintenance issues and problems | Service NSW Any complaint we receive regarding another government agency will either be forwarded to that agency for their action and response or resolved directly by Service NSW. For more information on theCommunity Services Enquiry, Feedback and Complaints Unit or how to make a complaint, please visit the Child protection complaint handling page. We do this only rarely when there is evidence of very serious and/or systemic problems. An online form is available where the provider is registered under the NRSCH. Strata disputes | NSW Government Property maintenance issues and problems Text size If you live in public housing and you need to request maintenance, or report a problem, you can call the Housing Contact Centre Maintenance Line on 1800 422 322. Information for multicultural families and communities, Deliver services to children and families, Toggle sub navigation menu for Family & Community Services, Update your circumstances on an approved application. Depending on the circumstances, outcomes might include: We also consider whether there is a larger problem that may be affecting other people as well as you. If you disagree with a decision by a community housing provider you may be able to appeal to the HAC or NCAT. 1. DCJ Housing | Service NSW If the agency doesn't respond when you contact them, or you're not happy with their response, the next step is to find the right ombudsman or other external complaints body to complain to. Courts and tribunals are separate from Government. Neighbours | Family & Community Services We will give you reasons for our decisions. However, we may be able to help you if an LAHC contractor maintains the property you are renting or the provider is a Specialist Homelessness Service (SHS). completing an online feedback form at Our customer complaints process explains how we manage feedback. If this is the case, we will contact you to discuss the issue, before taking further action. Call the Maintenance Line with any maintenance requests 24 hours, 7 days, all year round. You should firstly contact the staff member you were dealing with, or the staff member's supervisor. You can seek legal advice about applying to NCAT for an order. MyHousing mobile app | Service NSW Alternatively, you can contact your localCommunity Services Centreto make a complaint. Most complainants who come to our office act reasonably and responsibly in their interactions with us, even when they are experiencing high levels of distress, frustration and anger about their complaint. See our Accessibility page for further information. Family & Community Services on facebook opens in new window, Family & Community Services on twitter opens in new window, Family & Community Services on youtube opens in new window, Family & Community Services on linkedin opens in new window, IPART review of social and affordable housing rent models, Centralised Gas Hot Water Service Reimbursement Scheme Fact Sheet, Education and training initiatives for social housing clients, Priority housing: child protection caseworker factsheet, Rentstart: information for landlords and agents, Why you should not leave the Rent Deduction Scheme, Keeping your home cool in summer factsheet, Priority Housing for Stolen Generations Survivors, Priority Housing for clients who have experienced institutional child sexual abuse, Fire & Rescue NSW: fire safety in high rise buildings, Fire & Rescue NSW: home fire safety checklist, Fire & Rescue NSW: home fire escape plan checklist, Write to us: Locked Bag 4001, Ashfield BC 1800, Instructions about how to give us your feedback. Enquiries and complaints can be made by telephone or in writing. Social housing-related complaint Housing Contact Centre (client feedback option) 1800 422 322 launch (9.00am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday) launch Post: Client Feedback Unit, Locked Bag 7150, Liverpool BC 1871. Contact the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA). Read more about making a public interest disclosure (whistleblowing). You can either write (a letter oremail), telephone, or provide your feedback over the counter. If you need a referral to a lawyer or other legal information and assistance, you can contactLaw Access NSW. Registrar of Community Housing Locked Bag 4001 Ashfield BC 1800 Our email is Our telephone number is 1800 330 940 How we handle complaints and enquiries Phone: (02) 8836 0000 [email protected] First Floor - Suite 4, 47-49 Wingewarra Street, Dubbo NSW 2830 Complaints. Only in the most serious cases will FACS consider applying to the NCAT to evict a tenant. phone the Housing Contact Centre on 1800 422 322, 24 hours a day, seven days a week When reporting antisocial behaviour, it is important to include all relevant information. . Make sure you have a pen ready to write down the job reference number for your maintenance request. Registrar of Community HousingPO Box 2236Burwood North NSW 2134, Information sheet for complainants PDF, 34.67 KB. The grounds for complaint we can consider relate to: You can accessour apology to the Stolen Generations. An online form is available where the provider is registered under the NRSCH. We can handle complaints about community services run or funded by the government. If your neighbour is a tenant of FaCS Housing NSW (sometimes called Housing Commission or Department of Housing), you can make a complaint to FaCS Housing NSW about noise. If your feedback is about an agency which is not part of the NSW Department of Communities andJustice, you should provide your feedback directly to the agency concerned. Alternatively, consult the Funded Contract Management Framework page, Issues and complaints tab, for other ways to make a contracting complaint. You can find the Review of Decisions form and the Appeals and reviewing decisions fact sheet on the website: universities based in other states or countries for example, University of Tasmania. E-mail: We also have advice if you are having a problem with a neighbour. Check complaints we handle to see a list of who can handle your complaint if we cant. Open all What can you give feedback or complain about Antisocial behaviour complaints Other complaints Positive feedback Last updated: 22 September 2020 2-24 Rawson Place Sydney NSW 2000 1800 679 289 (International +61 2 . If you are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander and wish to speak to an Aboriginal operator, just choose the relevant menu option (available Monday to Friday 9am 5pm). Information for multicultural families and communities, Deliver services to children and families, Toggle sub navigation menu for Housing and homelessness. Enquiries and complaints can be made by telephone or in writing. 1800 422 322 Specialist staff provide support and advice and are able to make decisions on the spot about what needs to be done. Information for multicultural families and communities, Deliver services to children and families, Repairs, modifications and maintenance to a property, Toggle sub navigation menu for Repairs, modifications and maintenance to a property. Phone: 1800 422 322 (Housing Contact Centre) 1800 152 152 (Link2home Homelessness) TTY Phone: 133 677 More information Department of Communities and Justice - Housing ( DCJ Housing) provides a range of housing solutions for both the private rental market and Public Housing, Community Housing and Aboriginal Housing. The Registrars role is to ensure that registered community housing providers comply with the National Regulatory Code. You can report any contracting matter or escalate a contracting complaint to the NSW Ombudsman. Making a public interest disclosure (whistleblowing), Information in Easy Read and in other languages, Handling public interest disclosures (whistleblowing), PID responsibilities for public authorities, PIDs and the Government Information (Public Access) Act, Subscribe to the public interest disclosures newsletter, Automated decision-making in the public sector, Administrative Law and automated-decision making, Implementing automated decision-making systems, Managing unreasonable conduct by a complainant. Family & Community Services on facebook opens in new window, Family & Community Services on twitter opens in new window, Family & Community Services on youtube opens in new window, Family & Community Services on linkedin opens in new window, Resolveappfor young people leaving care. If you are complaining about service delivery provided by an LAHC contractor, you should first phone the maintenance line on 1800 422 322 [press 1] before complaining to FACS to see if the contractor can sort out the problem. Housing and homelessness launch. update contact details, including emergency contacts. DCJ Housing will investigate complaints against tenants where there is an alleged breach of the tenancy agreement. Making a complaint is free. If FACS or the AHO has not complied with its obligations to carry out maintenance, NCAT can order it to do so. Although we wont be able to respond to your concerns, anonymous complaints can provide us with useful information that can lead to service improvements. We can help you make a complaint. Search for Find DCJ Housing Offices at: However we can get information from these authorities that may better explain the decision for you. This means you can complain to us about the Registrars administrative conduct, including the way the Registrar has handled your complaint about a community housing provider. For complaints about private health insurance, contact the Commonwealth Ombudsman. You will need to give the event number to Maintenance Line staff when you call to request a repair. For general enquiries, call DCJ Housing Contact Centre on 1800 422 322. The Registrar's office can only investigate complaints about community housing providers that are registered under the NRSCH or the NSW Local Scheme. How to contact DCJ Housing Last published 01 Jun 2020 You can contact us a number of ways: Visit our website at Phone 1800 422 322 Email Visit your local DCJ office Write to us: Locked Bag 4001, Ashfield BC 1800 DCJ Housing website Our website has: 1800 422 322(9.00am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday) Feedback Unit, Locked Bag 7150, Liverpool BC 1871. Its website should have information about complaints or you can ask its staff about how to make a complaint. We'll contact you within 2 weeks to give you an update on your complaint. If this is the case, we will contact you to discuss the issue, before taking further action. We cannot handle complaints about services managed by federal government agencies, including: We can handle most complaints about local councils in NSW. We promote awareness and understanding of the PID Act. We cannot handle complaints about child support. Your rating will help us improve the website. Information about NCATs power to resolve tenancy disputes relating to community housing is available here: NCAT - Social Housing. Specialist staff are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to provide support and advice. The Department of Communities and Justice works with children, adults, families and communities to improve lives and help people realise their potential. If you want us to handle your complaint confidentially within the Department, please let us know. If there is a more appropriate way for you to resolve your complaint we may expect you to take the action we suggest. If you don't get a reply within the time promised by the agency, contact them again to make sure they received your complaint and are going to respond. How to contact DCJ Housing | Family & Community Services If you need a referral to a lawyer or other legal information and assistance, you can contactLaw Access NSW. Registry staff in courts and tribunals can explain appeal procedures. Alternatively you may wish towrite to the relevant Minister. Repairs, modifications and maintenance to a property | Family Information and Privacy Commission website, Managing Complaints and Feedback Policy (PDF, 341kb), set out the principles and objectives in complaints handling which reflect our commitment to managing complaints promptly, fairly and effectively, ensure that complaints and feedback received are being managed in line with these complaints handling principles and objectives, and. For more information, you canvisit the Justice Legal website or theInformation and Privacy Commission website. This function is given to the Registrar by section 10(1)(e) of the Community Housing Providers (Adoption of National Law) Act 2012 (NSW). You can still access up-to-date, reliable information on the existing Department of Justice websites. Visit their website or call them to find out how to complain to them. Urgent help phone numbers Domestic Violence Line 1800 656 463 Link2home Homelessness 1800 152 152 Link2Home Veterans and Ex-Service 1800 326 989 Child Protection Helpline 13 2111 Quick access Apply for housing assistance Apply for Rentstart Bond Loan Update your circumstances on an approved application Expected waiting times eRepair In addition, since mediation is voluntary, the business centre about which you are complaining will need to agree to entering into mediation. Tenants will be referred to Community Justice Centres for assistance when required. Complaints about social housing factsheet -

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