5. Pages - ContractorFlightOperations - Defense Acquisition University Please call to let us know. These computers must be mapped to a high speed black and white printer and a color printer. will be provided IAW AFI 10-206, Operational Reporting. AFI 21-101, Aircraft and Equipment Maintenance Management, dated 16 January 2020 and Supplements must identify and document Major Command (MAJCOM), AFR, and ANG required deviations (applicability, variance, exception and differences in organizational placement of responsibilities/processes) in their supplement and addendums with the abbreviation (DEV) . AFI 21-101 June 22, 2018 AIRCRAFT AND EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT This instruction prescribes basic aircraft and equipment maintenance management policy implementation and procedures used throughout the USAF to perform Mission Generation (MG) functions. (AFRC) and the Air National Guard (ANG). For the purpose of AFI 11-209 and this supplement, ANG is functionally considered a Major Command (MAJCOM). OPR: AF/A4LM Supersedes: AFI21-101, 26 July 2010 Certified by: AF/A4L (Mr Eugene Collins) Pages: 496 (AETC) OPR: AETC/A4 MMP Supersedes: AFI21-101_AETC SUP, 21 October 2010; AETCI21-104, 28 December 2010 Certified by: HQ AETC/A4M (James B. Special Series. OPR: AF/A4LM Supersedes: AFI21-101, 26 July 2010 Certified by: AF/A4L (Mr Eugene Collins) Pages: 496 (AETC) OPR: AETC/A4 MMP Supersedes: AFI21-101_AETC SUP, 21 October 2010; AETCI21-104, 28 December 2010 Certified by: HQ AETC/A4M (James B.). IAW AFI 33-360, units may supplement . scope: This instruction implements AFPD 21-1, Air and Space Maintenance. 6 The use of the name or mark of any specific manufacturer, commercial product, commodity, or service in this publication does not imply endorsement by the Air FORCE . Creates event brief for the presiding official of the annual awards luncheon. Warning Tags. The MXG/CC or designated representative must approve any further CANNs, transfer, and diversion actions from the Hangar Queen aircraft. Return to normal operations will be initiated by the commander directing the original grounding/stand-down. Superseded by AFI 21-105 ANGSUP 26 August 2010. The ANG LSET will determine compliance with the items on the ANG LSET Checklists by interviewing key personnel, analyzing system-generated reports and documentation provided by unit personnel, conducting Task Evaluations on applicable RIL Items, and by conducting general surveillance of unit activities. 4375 Chidlaw Road,Building 262, Suite D132 (JBMDL) This publication has been substantially revised and must be completely reviewed. (Added) Ensure an additional Red Dash entry is made in the aircraft forms when the MCD has been submitted for analysis. The major change in this supplement pertains to the incorporation of the JBMDL/305 AMW FOD Walk/Prevention policy. Section 1. 5 1.5.4. N/A to the ANG. IMIS integrates AFTO 781-series form equivalents and will be used IAW TO 00-20-1 and TO 00-20-2 to document maintenance on aircraft as required. Synchronization will be accomplished via an RF link between the PMA and the server where RF infrastructure is available or through a physical dock/undock process. (See AFI 21-101 , Paragraph ) Maintenance Information Systems (MIS). 10 29 Chapter 2 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 30 General.. 30 Wing Commander (WG/CC) Responsibilities.. 30 (AMC) Wing Commander (WG/CC) Responsibilities.. 30 Wing Vice Commander (WG/CV) Responsibilities.. 32 Maintenance Group Commander (MXG/CC) Responsibilities.. 32 (AMC) [DEV] Maintenance Group Commander (MXG/CC) Responsibilities.. 32 Deputy Maintenance Group Commander (MXG/CD).. 40 (AMC) Deputy Maintenance Group Commander (MXG/CD) will: .. 40 MXG Superintendent Responsibilities.. 41 (AMC) MXG Superintendent Responsibilities.. 41 Wing Weapons Manager (WWM).. 42 Squadron Commander (SQ/CC) Responsibilities.. 46 Maintenance Supervision Responsibilities.. 47 (AMC) Maintenance Supervision Responsibilities.. 47 Flight Supervision.. 50 Production Superintendent (Pro Super).. 53 Section NCOIC/Chief.. 53 Table Military Grades and Non-ART Civil Service Grade 56 Table AFSC Levels and Non-ART Civil Service AFSC Level Equivalents. 6 Unless aircraft TOD prohibits repair; use of general repair TOD, use of general maintenance TOs as outlined in 00-5-1, and repair cycle asset management as outlined in 00-20-3 should be used to pursue local repair. Air Force Instruction 21-101 by Order of The - Af MCM. Maintenance Assistance Requests: Technical/maintenance assistance: advice, assistance, and training pertaining to installation, operation, and maintenance of equipment using currently authorized procedures; authorization for one-time, limited duration or permanent repairs beyond existing technical ORDER (TO) procedures; authorization for limited use of non-listed substitutes to prevent work stoppage. Department, University, Force, Department of the air force air university, Air Force Phrases Examples of Common Air Force Award and Performance Report Phrases AirForceWriter.com Wild Blue Yonder 2010, COMMANDER AIR COMBAT, Commander air combat command air combat command instruction, Air combat command shaw air force base, Command, Army, marine corps, navy, air force, DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE AIR UNIVERSITY, Air Force Phrases, Command supplement 15th wing supplement 23 november 2011 maintenance, BY ORDER OF THE AIR FORCE INSTRUCTION 31 , BY ORDER OF THE SECRETARY AIR FORCE MANUAL , Operations food and water protection program, Commander air combat command air combat command instruction. DATE OF 2. Develops nominee and guest list to invite special guests and track responses. 4 Ensure all records created as a result of processes prescribed in this publication are maintained in accordance with Air FORCE Manual 33-363, Management of Records, and disposed of in accordance with the Air FORCE Records Disposition Schedule located in the Air FORCE Records Information Management System. Training, Department, The commander maxwell afb, Commander, Maxwell, 4 afi31-126 28 february 2017 attachment 1 glossary of references and supporting information 23 attachment 2 sample auc memorandum 27 attachment 3 military working dog (mwd) adoption suitability checklist 28 attachment 4 protocol for video behavioral testing of military working dogs as potential adoption candidates 29, by order of the secretary of the air force air force manual 10-246 27 may 2014 operations food and water protection program compliance with this publication is mandatory, Programs, Operations, Protection, Food, Water, Operations food and water protection program, Occupational and Environmental Health Program, AFMAN 48-153, Health Risk Assessment, and AFMAN 48-154, Occupational and Environmental Health Site Assessment shall be used in conjunction with this manual to assess. It applies to all agencies under the direction of the 305th Air Mobility Wing (AMW), and the 514th Air Mobility Wing (AMW) along with their subordinates. The results of follow-up inspections will be forwarded to the MAJCOM LSET/MSET office by the MXG/CC. Atch 2 AFI21 101 ACCSUP 23 Jun 2020 473 pages.pdf It provides the extended guidance and procedures for safely and effectively maintaining, servicing, and repairing aircraft and support equipment. PDF By Order of The Air Force Instruction 10-701 Secretary of The Air Force <>>> It provides the minimum essential guidance and procedures to safely and effectively maintain, service, and repair weapon systems and support equipment. Once Unit POCs are identified, they will contact the ANG LSEP OPR and ensure applicable LSET Pre-Departure Checklist items are accomplished. Helpful Records, Pubs, and Forms Tips for Those Who Work in Publications. GROUND OPERATIONAL CHECKS FOR AVIONICS, GROUND OPERATIONAL CHECKS FOR AVIONICS, Utility Helicopters Update, Operational, DART, NASA, Flight Management, Command supplement 15th wing supplement 23 november 2011 maintenance, BY ORDER OF THE AIR FORCE INSTRUCTION 31 , BY ORDER OF THE SECRETARY AIR FORCE MANUAL , Operations food and water protection program, SKILLS TEST OR COMPETENCY CHECK REPORT FOR PRIVATE . %PDF-1.5 13-204V1 ANGSUP 7 July 2011, Superseded by AFI 13-204V2 ANGSUP 20 May 2011, Superseded by AF 1. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (When filled in) 1. This supplement describes AFMCs procedures for use in conjunction with . Chapter 1 MANAGEMENT OVERVIEW, SUPPORTING CONCEPTS AND REQUIREMENTS. (See AFI 21-101 , Paragraph ) General Concept of Repair: The basic concept of aircraft repair is to perform repairs at the lowest level of maintenance, to the fullest extent possible, consistent with good management, quality assurance and by using good Operational Risk Management (ORM) concepts outlined in AFI 90-901 and AFPD 90-902. Significant changes include the addition of Maintenance Cyber Discipline requirements, Decentralized Materiel Support, incorporation of four AFIs superseded above and establishes a Wing Avionics Manager Position requirement. ANG LSETs require a room which provides desktop space for 30 personnel, contains adequate power outlets/capacity to run 30 laptop computers, and contains a minimum of 2 Local Area Network (LAN) ports. Maintenance Cyber Discipline training requirements shall be tailored to DoD (See AFI 21-101 , Paragraph ) All TO change requests will be accomplished via the Portable Maintenance Aids (PMA) option for Technical ORDER Change Request (TODCR) to include changes requested to PDF form technical orders. Hanger Queen 1 is managed at the unit level. 5 22 Chapter 14 ADDITIONAL MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS AND PROGRAMS 23 Aircraft Structural Integrity Program (ASIP).. 23 End-of-Runway (EOR) Inspection.. 23 Red Ball Maintenance.. 23 IFF Mode IV Program.. 23 Packaged Maintenance Plan (PMP) personnel .. 23 Attachment 1 GLOSSARY OF REFERENCES AND SUPPORTING INFORMATION 25 Attachment 2 F-22 OUTER MOLD LINE AUDIT 28 Attachment 3 DAILY SAS REPORTING METRICS 30 Attachment 4 SAS CREEP DESCRIPTION 31 Attachment 5 CANOPY TRANSPARENCY COATING TRACKING 33 Attachment 6 SAS MARGIN DEFINITION 34 4 AFI21-101_COMBATAIRFORCESUP_ADDENDUM_A 9 October 2012 Chapter 1 MANAGEMENT PHILOSOPHY AND POLICY Maintenance Concept. AFI21-101_COMBATAIRFORCESUP_ADDENDUM_A 9 October 2012 7 Chapter 3 GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES FOR COMMANDERS AND KEY LEADERS Wing COMMANDER Responsibilities. EN English Deutsch Franais Espaol Portugus Italiano Romn Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa Indonesia Trke Suomi Latvian Lithuanian esk Unknown BY ORDER OF THE SECRETARY OF THE AIR FORCE AIR FORCE INSTRUCTION21-101 AIR MOBILITY COMMAND Supplement 15TH WING Supplement 23 NOVEMBER 2011 Maintenance, Supplement, 2011, Maintenance, November, Command supplement 15th wing supplement 23 november 2011 maintenance, Command, 15th, Wing, DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE Headquarters US Air Force AF QTP24-3-B192 05 May 2017 Washington, D.C. 20330-1030 Passenger Van (9 or more PAX) Lesson Plan . Any Local Supplementing to AFI 21-101 AFMC Supplement, dated 10 November 2020 will be subject to local negotiations. j) If the examiner selects NA, he or she must motivate the decision on the observations page. AFI21-101_ANGSUP_I 14 APRIL 2008 235 (Added) QA will review all OIs every two years for accuracy, intent and necessity. The contractor answers the level 2 Corrective Action Request (CAR) by revising their Procedure's compliance to the job guide. All of AETCI 21-104 (Superseded) has been incorporated as Chapter 15 and aligned with AFI 21-101 . Prometheus Labor Union Websites, HQ AFMC/CA Policy on Civilian Physical Fitness and Wellness Activities, Contact C214 Women's and Fair Practices Coordinator. The Tongue & Quill has provided generations of Airmen a standardized format for Air Force documents such as Official Memorandums, Point Papers, Personal Letters, and many more. Superseded by AFI 13-204V3 ANGSUP 20 May 2011, Superseded by AFI 4 afi21 -101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 SUMMARY OF CHANGES This publication has been substantially revised and must be completely reviewed in its entirety. 3 It applies to all Major Commands (MAJCOMs), including Air FORCE Reserve Command (AFRC), and the Air National Guard (ANG), along with their subordinates. When an aircraft becomes a Category 2 Hangar Queen, assign a SNCO or officer to manage the Hangar Queen. AF Form 1085, Fire Protection Training Report, or automated product, is used by the fire department for documenting each training session. Lists, Personnel, Headquarters, Officials, Force, Personnel headquarters air force, USAF MISHAP REPORT (Fill in all spaces applicable. In the event of a comm-out scenario, personnel will retrieve the latest e-forms from the main server by physically docking/undocking with the server at least two times per day for aircraft committed to the daily flying schedule and at least once daily for aircraft in prolonged maintenance docks/functions. 1 BY ORDER OF THE COMMANDER air combat command AND PACIFIC AIR FORCES AF INSTRUCTION 21-101 combat AIR FORCES Supplement ADDENDUM A 9 OCTOBER 2012 Maintenance CAF: AIRCRAFT AND EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT (F-22) COMPLIANCE WITH THIS PUBLICATION IS MANDATORY ACCESSIBILITY: Publications and forms are available on the e-Publishing website at AFI 21-101, Aircraft & Equip Maintenance, 16 Jan 20 and AFMC Supplement subject instructions as it applies to bargaining unit employees (BUEs) covered by the Represents the compliance rate of all LSET Checklist items categorized as part of one of the Maintenance Group CCOs identified in Chapter 1. Electronic aircraft forms (e-forms): The F-22 operates with e-forms and e-TOs that are utilized on remote PMAs, which must be docked/undocked (synchronized) with a squadron/base level server; this ensures the master aircraft forms and data base are maintained. All personnel documenting maintenance must have access to and be trained/qualified to use IMIS and IMDS. A margin bar indicates newly revised material. A Task Evaluation in which no defects were noted. This MOA implements AFI 21-101 and the AFMC AIR NATIONAL GUARD Supplement 6 MARCH 2008 Flying Operations AERIAL EVENT POLICY AND PROCEDURES . 8 Ensure that all records created as a result of processes prescribed in this publication are maintained in accordance with Air FORCE (AF) AFI21-101_AETCSUP_80 FTWSUP 18 SEPTEMBER 2015 3 Manual (AFMAN) 33-363, Management of Records, and disposed of in accordance with (IAW) AF Records Information Management System (AFRIMS) Records Disposition Schedule (RDS), or any updated statement provided by the AF Records Management office (SAF/CIO A6P). This supplement prescribes policies and procedures governing aerospace equipment maintenance management of F-22 aircraft for air combat command (ACC) and Pacific Air Forces (PACAF). ANGDIR. CNGBM. June 17, 2005. Are you sure you want to delete your template? Obsolete. AF Form 1085, Fire Protection Training Report, or automated product, is used by the fire department for documenting each training session. (Added-ANG) Outstanding Performer. It establishes inventory, status, and utilization reporting for selected aerospace vehicles and equipment. :^6-QJl7+sN^;+sHaG{DTx0FN@>ff:2yB4o0d9+%Ga g&Y"Q3o }QZ'9,LKr4%84)U\d>I[,g'S-ZKTb (ACC) AFI 21-101, Aircraft and Equipment Maintenance Management, 16 Jan 2020, is supplemented as follows: This supplement prescribes policies and procedures governing aerospace equipment maintenance management for Air Combat Command (ACC) and all Munitions Support Squadrons (MUNSS) sites. 8.10.2. pubs: AFMAN33-361; forms: AFTO53, AF673, AFSPC1648) To minimize results, use the navigation buttons below to find the level/organization you are looking for, then use the "Filter" to search at that level. DAFI 33-360 has been superseded by DAFI 90-160 as of 14 April 2022, AFMAN 33-361 has been superseded by DAFMAN 90-161 as of 15 April 2022, Stalled publication/form packages in AFIMPT, SECAF Redesignation of Air Force Space Command to United States Space Force, For AFDPO training registration, click here. Any Local Supplementing to AFI 21-101 AFMC Supplement, dated 10 November 2020 AFI 21-112_ANGSUP1. uses, prevention, detection, remediation, and provide an overview of recent negative MCR. Discipline Training. Creates event brief for the presiding official of the annual awards luncheon. AFI 21-101, Aircraft and Equipment Maintenance Management, 14 April 2008. AFDPO Newsletter Winter Edition 2022. %PDF-1.3 % . During comm-out or RF unavailability conditions, each aircraft will have a dedicated PMA (aircraft e-forms drive) used for each aircraft to ensure adequate control of most current status/maintenance documentation. Requirement to use AETC Form 290, Aircraft Flameout/Stall Debrief Checksheet has been removed. . AIR FORCE - AFI 21-103 - EQUIPMENT INVENTORY, STATUS AND - GlobalSpec This supplement applies to Headquarters Air Force Space Command (AFSPC), its numbered air forces (NAF) and thei r assigned wings and squadrons, AF SPC direct reporting units (DRU), and Air National Guard (ANG) units 119 CACS, 137 SWS, and 153 CACS within . Submit requests for waivers through the chain of command to the appropriate tier waiver approval authority IAW AFI 33-360. Turn your PDF publications into a flip-book with our unique Google optimized e-Paper software. See AFI 33-360, Publication and Forms Management, for a description of the authorities associated with the tier numbers. ANG Hangar Queen Category 1, 2, 3 will be reported in GO81 in Remarks Top line of screen 9018 and in IMDS Screen 333 narrative with HQ2 or HQ3 followed by reason, example: HQ2 Phase, HQ3 ISO, etc.

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